[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

exelcocos escribió:
xMetaMorph escribió:
exelcocos escribió:
So what Aura do you turn off when you get Aspect of the Spider? There's not enough mana to use all 4 Aura's, unless I'm missing something?

If you are like me, you missed the Mastery-Nodes on the Tree... Reservation Efficiency and whatnot

But the only reservation mastery is just the Discipline one, so what else am I missing?

not sure if this is the right thing to do, but i recently switched out clarity as I have enough mana(regen). maybe that's the one to disable?
exelcocos escribió:
xMetaMorph escribió:
exelcocos escribió:
So what Aura do you turn off when you get Aspect of the Spider? There's not enough mana to use all 4 Aura's, unless I'm missing something?

If you are like me, you missed the Mastery-Nodes on the Tree... Reservation Efficiency and whatnot

But the only reservation mastery is just the Discipline one, so what else am I missing?

The mana reservation cluster on the left side of the tree.
Hungriger_Hu escribió:

not sure if this is the right thing to do, but i recently switched out clarity as I have enough mana(regen). maybe that's the one to disable?

That doesn't do anything, Purity of Elements is 50% and Discipline with the discount is still 28%, Aspect is 25%, so it's still impossible.

Soske escribió:

The mana reservation cluster on the left side of the tree.

I'm just following the PoB, and the only 1 used by the PoB is just the Discipline reservation, that's why I'm asking how to even have enough mana reserve for all 4 auras.
A pleb, don't mind me.
Editado por útlima vez por exelcocos#4743 en 26 abr. 2022 20:28:53
Hungriger_Hua écrit:

Je ne sais pas si c'est la bonne chose à faire, mais j'ai récemment changé la clarté car j'ai assez de mana (regen). c'est peut-être celui qu'il faut désactiver ?

Cela ne fait rien, la pureté des éléments est de 50 % et la discipline avec la remise est toujours de 28 %, l'aspect est de 25 %, donc c'est toujours impossible.

Soskea écrit:

Le cluster de réservation de mana sur le côté gauche de l'arborescence.

Je ne fais que suivre le PoB, et le seul utilisé par le PoB est juste la réserve de discipline, c'est pourquoi je demande comment avoir même assez de réserve de mana pour les 4 auras.

there are 2 rights where you can decrease the mana reservation 1- in the sovereignty node (mastery 15% increase in efficiency of mana reservation) 2- in the shield mastery node (discipline at 25% mana reservation efficiency increase 3- you can anoint with tranquility or charisma your amulet or your boots if your boots are THE RUSH You can also have on your jewels (implicit) 2% increase in the efficiency of the mana reservation and finally you can also use a jewel ^^conqueror's efficiency ^^. there are still many other ways to do it ... but with that you should be able to manage. You can use your 4 auras.

I use google translate so sorry for my bad english.

il y a 2 en droits ou tu peux faire diminuer la reservation se mana 1- dans le neud de la souveraineté ( maitrise 15% d augmentation d efficacité de la reservation de mana ) 2- dans le noeud maitrise du bouclier( discipline a 25% d augmentation d efficacité de la réservation de mana . 3- tu peux oindre avec tranquilité ou charisme ton amulette ou tes bottes si tes bottes sont LA RUÉE. Tu peux aussi avoir sur tes joyaux (en implicite) 2% d augmentation de l efficacité de la reservation de mana et pour finir tu peux aussi employer un joyau ^^efficacité du conquérant ^^. il y a encore bien d autres facon de faire ... mais avec ca tu devrais pouvoir te debrouiller. Tu pourras employer tes 4 auras.

J emploi google traduction alors désolé pour mon mauvais anglais.
stampede boots = the rush
ZiggZag escribió:
stampede boots = the rush

Merci good sir, I'll try it later.
A pleb, don't mind me.
exelcocos escribió:
Hungriger_Hu escribió:

not sure if this is the right thing to do, but i recently switched out clarity as I have enough mana(regen). maybe that's the one to disable?

That doesn't do anything, Purity of Elements is 50% and Discipline with the discount is still 28%, Aspect is 25%, so it's still impossible.

Soske escribió:

The mana reservation cluster on the left side of the tree.

I'm just following the PoB, and the only 1 used by the PoB is just the Discipline reservation, that's why I'm asking how to even have enough mana reserve for all 4 auras.

The PoB DOES take the reservation cluster on the left. You're following the cluster one, right? Since the classic version is useless and should be deleted from the guide.
exelcocos escribió:
So what Aura do you turn off when you get Aspect of the Spider? There's not enough mana to use all 4 Aura's, unless I'm missing something?

if you are following the cluster tree, there are is a resevation passives on left side of the tree.

if you are lost, you can check my tree... is the same as the core setup.

I run 5 auras, but for this you need helm enchant and a enlighten 4.

to have 4 auras, just need the reservation passives on left side of the tree and the discipline one.

follow the character profile link:


follow the character poe ninja:


I hope it help.
Soske escribió:

The PoB DOES take the reservation cluster on the left. You're following the cluster one, right? Since the classic version is useless and should be deleted from the guide.

The classic version is used when you start the league with this build...

Usually i do... I change to this buils arund lvl 40, buying the staff and the unics that provide int and then start to spin... then around lvl 90, buy the large clusters / random int split personality and change the tree on day 2 or 3 of the league, but until there alerdy farmed a good wealth to buy the itens as soon as they appear on market and keep improving the build.
HI guys,

Loved the build but I have a question regarding cluster mods.
You see I don't really understand elemental penetration works.

So does having 2 blanketed snow helps or not ? Like penetration goes 10 + 10 or another way because there's also frostbite that matters.


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