[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

Yes it is, but as an end goal try get something like this:

I have a question too. Im going to switch for cluster jewel version and at the moment im looking for good and not so much expensive Megelomaniac jewel. What are some good passives to look? Cold to the core and? Wish for death is nice but too expensive. Would Titanic Swings work with ice storm?
Editado por útlima vez por Koscigrob#5628 en 27 feb. 2022 8:36:39
Koscigrob escribió:
Yes it is, but as an end goal try get something like this:

I have a question too. Im going to switch for cluster jewel version and at the moment im looking for good and not so much expensive Megelomaniac jewel. What are some good passives to look? Cold to the core and? Wish for death is nice but too expensive. Would Titanic Swings work with ice storm?

well i use these atm, but they can be changed in due time

also i have culling strike on switch in same weapon

Editado por útlima vez por Eag1e#1770 en 27 feb. 2022 8:58:00
evilrulz37 escribió:
DogeGirl escribió:
Thank you so much Koscigrob for replying.

Spect of Spider reserved 25% mana so I dont think I can squeeze it in, maybe I can use Aura that reserve 10-15% mana only. ALso, I dont think Frost Shield is an aura.

So when GR does not block Life Regen and Zealoth change life regen to ES, it "cheat the system" and when u stay still, it still gain ES regen right ???

Also, why does he take Whisper of DOom node ? that part also confused me a litte bit. I checked his POB and he is using Elemental Weakness, Enfeeble and Frosbite as his auto trigger curse when he got hit. So what does that node do to those 3 curses ??? Does it apply a 4th curse to the enemy or what ??? And on the Elemental Weakness gem it say "Curse gains Doom when you cast the Spell yourself", so when it procs by CWDT, does my character gain Doom ??? And what does Doom does ?
In the guide he use Culling Strike but in his POB he uses Elemental Weakness. Why tho ?

And the last question is the Curse of Elemental Weakness does -45% elemental resist and does it stack with frostbite that does - 45 cold resist to make it into -90% Cold Resist. Is that the reason he uses both of those curses ?

Sorry Im new so there are too many noob question.

Thank you.

Remember the Aspect of Spider aura is also affected by the increases in Mana Reservation Efficiency, with all the nodes taken as in the guide, there is more than enough mana to fit Discipline, Clarity, Aspect of Spider and Purity of Elements.

Whispers of Doom give you +1 curse. By default you can only apply 1 curse, Occultist ascendency gives +1 curse, and Whispers gives +1 for a total of 3 (Ele Weakness, Enfeeble, Frostbite).You can ignore the Doom portion of the gem as that only applies to self-cast curses, which we are not doing.

Thank you so much for replying. Can you please check my profile to see what i need to work on my equip ? I have like 13700 ES and 2915 Intel right now but Im using Herald of Ice instead of Aspect of Spider.
after many fights, this is how it is done, boys and girls.

Nice, im kicking myself in the ass for not league starting this. I decided to go with a different build that was kinda strong but kept getting one shot randomly. After getting frustrated and punching and breaking things i decided to come back to this build once again and im now ok and i might not need therapy anymore. This build literally makes everything easy if your ok with not taking down bosses in 2 seconds.
Koscigrob escribió:
StepT escribió:

Can you please elaborate more on the helmet and the ring?
I did all the other changes and almost doubled my DPS, but I'm not 100% sure of what to do next.

First of all, which ring do you think I need to replace?
About the helmet, changing mine with a +40 int one shows a dps loss on PoB. Is it normal?


Your best in slot helmet is like the one in the guide, please look at it and try to think why - that will help you in future, what to upgrade next. Im also going to explain why. The most expensive mods on items for this build are +%int, for now you can skip that mod on the helmet, but its your endgame goal. Your tree, all your items and overall concept of the build is focused on stacking inteligence. For now pob can show you that your uniq helmet is better because you dont have many +%int on other items. Also it wouldn't be better vs helemt +50int +8%int. The more inteligence you have the more dmg you are doing. Mods like %spell dmagae, %cold damage, %damage, %elemental damage are adding to your dps but not as much as +int and %int/%attributs together.

You said you have only 2 ex so i wasnt listing all +%int items for you to upgrade, but i will do it now. For endgame finished build you should have:
Helemt +50 int, +6-10% int, +es,+res
Body armor +50int, +9-12%int, es, res, +%increased attributes
Rings +50int, +6%int, es, res
Belt +50int, +13-15%int, es, res
Gloves +50int, es, res, aspect of the spider

Please look at the guide section abput items, there is all and more than what i have written.

Final note, stacking attributes is now in meta so those items are expensive. Upgrade one at a time when you can afford it. For now you can also buy pure talent jewel for your tree and switch diamond flask for some more usefull (we dont need more critical chance). Also when you are buing new items, especially uniq, try to buy them with the highest rolls. Whispering ice and cyclopean coil are easy to buy with max rolls. You can think those are tiny % and dont matter, but they do.

Thanks for the detailed reply.

I think that my main issue is that I'm struggling to find such items.

Take this search for example: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/PPXBePGIL

At the moment I'm writing there are no belts, even offline, that have the increased % intelligence, and same applies for rings.

Generally, I can't find sources of +#% int and that's why I don't have better gear.

What advices do you have on that?
StepT escribió:
What advices do you have on that?

Look for %int on implicit and not explicit, you will find plenty of them.
Well, this shows why you guys create build guides and I just follow them.

To be fair I thought it was a "pseudo" search and didn't realize it was explicit only, but this will surely make things easier so thank you both!
Sometimes I come here with crazy ideas about this build... and this time will not be different.
I have been testing a new kind of setup, to improve the damage and smooth gameplay.
And i found a nice one.
What was bothering me with the meta setup?
- The fact of Arcane surge not be up 100% of time on boss fights;
- The fact that elemental overload not be up 100% of the time on boss fights;

All two points above, shows that we can have more damage to make endgame content easer and eventually do it with lower budget gear.

And let me be clear: dont buy that the guys on top DPS of POE.ninja have all that DPS, Awakened Controlled Destroction linked on staff is BAD.. you never proc Elemental Overload, and you miss alot of damage using it! The site dont do the right calcs!

What I changed?
- Moved Arcane Surge to Vortex link and lowered the to level 11 (every 3 uses of vortex the arcane surge procs) so if keep vortex shortcut pressed all the time i'm able to keep arcana surge buff 100% uptime.

The current meta of Icestorm links is:
- Intensity + Inspiration + Conc. Effect + Awknd Ele. Focus + Awknd Cold Pen.

Then i get a free socket on Icestorm link removing the Arcane Surge, what can we squeeze there?
- Well i tried a bunch of things, Elemental Penetration, Energy Leech, Awkned Spell Echo, Faster Casting and others.

So i found a crazy combinaton that seems to do more damage, and i alerdy tested it seriously doing constant Sirus kills and marking the times.

The combination is:
For self cast staff:
- Intensity + Inspiration + Conc. Effect + Awknd Ele. Focus + Trinity + Cold To Fire.

For mapping staff:
Cyclone + Awknd Cast While Channeling + Inspiration + Anomalous Hypothermia + Divergent Elemental Proliferation + Cold To Fire

And replaced the Enfeeble curse for Divergent Flammability.

On bosses, the Trinity and arcane surge buff are up 100% of the time, and things just melt.

It works very well. And despite someone could be thinking i'm crazy, maybe I am :D

What Endgame content i made with this setup:

- 30 waves simulacrum (Deathless)
- Cemetery T16 Farm (Triple Beyond + Full Delirium) - Insane Loot
- All new Bosses farm
- All maven invitations
- Uber Elder + Maven (For fast The feared farm!)

I'm farming the Maven Invitation: The feared +80% for profit, endlesly, and doing it most of time with no deaths, coz i kill the bosses before the others respawn. So the setup work, very well by all means!

I hope I could help :D

Editado por útlima vez por whiterockxx#6367 en 1 mar. 2022 10:07:34

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