[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

Hi everyone,

Playing this build for the second time and having a lot of fun with it.
Thx OP for the build and guide.

Now it's time for me to craft my own chest but frankly don't know exactly what to do.
Maybe High level players could help with vaal regalia crafting for this build and it would be a nice add to an already very detailed guide.

I've managed to buy a iLvl 86 shaped vaal regalia and started to craft this :

What should I do know ?
Regal, Sell, restart until I hit %Int ?

Thx for the help !
MrNonamer escribió:
Kelvynn escribió:

I've been experimenting with the cluster jewels and got my ES leech cap to 46%.

How do you calculate the cap? I see by Pob that your ES gain is 1k per hit.

Also I see that unallocating the passive Etherial Feast does not change this number. So this is useless?

The number is shown in the Misc stats for Icestorm (C -> select Icestorm -> Misc -> Maximum Total Recovery per Second from Energy Shield). And it definitely changes if you refund Ethereal Feast, Light Eater or any of the cluster jewel nodes that give more of it (Thaumophage, Conservation of Energy). Looks like PoB doesn't calculate it correctly. You can see in the video how quickly I leech back any damage. I don't have Watcher's Eye yet, it's all pure leech.
RayForsten escribió:
I see you already play this build pretty well in 3.10 :)
How playable is it in an SSF HC game?
I understand that, from the protection we have only the ES Leech, but how realistic is it to withstand attacks under the isestorm?

Two problems with that: SSF and HC :)

My gear sucks by the regular league standards, but in SSF it would be really hard to find even these items. I don't know how hard it is to farm The Polymath cards. I've only seen it drop a few times in several leagues, but I haven't tried to farm it. Astramentis itself dropped 2 times for me in the last year or so. And the same goes for catching the beast that lets you kill Fenumus. Brute Force Solution is not a common drop either.

HC is super rippy in this league. You can get 1-shot by some gray stuff that's almost impossible to see in the gray mist. I've died a whole lot early on until I learned to just anticipate it and play in a way that I almost never eat those invisible 1-shot bombs anymore. But it still happens once in a while. Losing all the gear you've farmed for this build would be too much. I don't think anybody in SSF HC right now plays any builds that use any uncommon gear.
KyuubiNoKurama escribió:
Right tiers? You can complete map on any tier IIRC, so just slap those stones and do 14+ :D

The prices on those 14+ maps though... I can afford them now, after a week in the league, and not even all of them. And then there are people not responding to trade tells. Trade system is so bad in PoE!
Kelvynn escribió:

Two problems with that: SSF and HC :)

Oh, thanks for the detailed answer! :)
I write with the help of a translator, so sorry, if something is wrong.

"Your question has only one problem. This is your question."
Right? : D

I did a few different builds in this league, everyone didn’t live very well compared to previous leagues :(
But! The spirit of adventure is doing its job :)

Thanks again.
Beyond Mind. Is Sleep To Be Found
10k ES and 2.1k Int with Watcher's eye made the easiest UE fight I ever had. I am tempted to try Sirus at AL8 now... AL7 was ok last time, although the last phase looked a bit overloaded with his skills
Editado por útlima vez por MrNonamer#0396 en 25 mar. 2020 12:40:29
KyuubiNoKurama escribió:

Right tiers? You can complete map on any tier IIRC, so just slap those stones and do 14+ :D

No, that's been changed in exchange for immediate progress once you spawn a conqueror. You need to do the watchstone tier that you spawned the conqueror at. That is, if it spawned with 3 watchstones, then you need to keep 3 stones in.

Or maybe I misread you, and you are saying, you can just keep all four watchstones in. Yes, you can, but again, you then have to keep all four in.

I'm not sure what the difference is between the last league and this one. Last league I had to buy only one map, and managed to complete 146/154 via map sustain and Zana. This league it's been noticeably worse. It must be the maps dropped from the metamorphs that made the difference.
Editado por útlima vez por Graiaule#7461 en 25 mar. 2020 13:43:55
Graiaule escribió:
KyuubiNoKurama escribió:

Right tiers? You can complete map on any tier IIRC, so just slap those stones and do 14+ :D

No, that's been changed in exchange for immediate progress once you spawn a conqueror. You need to do the watchstone tier that you spawned the conqueror at. That is, if it spawned with 3 watchstones, then you need to keep 3 stones in.

Or maybe I misread you, and you are saying, you can just keep all four watchstones in. Yes, you can, but again, you then have to keep all four in.

I'm not sure what the difference is between the last league and this one. Last league I had to buy only one map, and managed to complete 146/154 via map sustain and Zana. This league it's been noticeably worse. It must be the maps dropped from the metamorphs that made the difference.

They also nuked the extra bonus you got from getting Awakening bonus objectives. Map completion, from between metamorphs and the bonus, has been way worse, but not nearly as bad as a few leagues ago.
What is the best way to craft a %Int regalia and a %Int helmet these days? Those conqueror exalted orbs are crazy expensive. Is it worth using them, or is it cheaper to just alt spam, regal, multi-craft?
Kelvynn escribió:
What is the best way to craft a %Int regalia and a %Int helmet these days? Those conqueror exalted orbs are crazy expensive. Is it worth using them, or is it cheaper to just alt spam, regal, multi-craft?

1. Helm crafting

See https://poedb.tw/us/mod.php?cn=Helmet&an=int_armour . Under The Hunter, you see that the % increased int suffix is the only thing available for ilvl < 80. So you can get a 50 int 250-300ES helm with 8% or 10% increased int, guaranteed. Generally, I find it's best to just wait for one of these helms to pop up on trade. Important note: make sure all 3 prefixes are blocked before you craft with the Hunter orb.

If you want to try ilvl 80+, feel free. It's a 40% chance to hit the % int affix. FYI, in 3.9 I burnt 4 hunter orbs trying to roll for that (that cost some good helms too.) Lillian gave me his ilvl 79 helm for me to craft 10% int on it. Then I did win the 5th time on my final helm.

2. Chest crafting

See https://poedb.tw/us/mod.php?cn=Body+Armour&an=int_armour . Under The Crusader, you see you have a weight of 500 for 8% int, 500 for 12% int, 500 for 11% ES recovery, and 500 for 4% ES on kill. So, you have a 50% chance to hit any kind of % int. The best thing to do IMO is to look for a chest with prefixes blockable, 50 int, ilvl 75-79, and two free suffixes. Then you can craft 6% incr attr regardless on it, and hope to hit the 8-12% int (50% chance.)

Alternatively, you can just craft the old way and end up with a 12% int 6% attr chest.

There's a new crafting website, but I have to wonder about its numbers. Either we've all been very lucky, or the numbers are off a bit. Check out http://www.craftofexile.com/?b=47&m=alteration&i=|2|&lv=84&ob=both&v=d&a=e&l=a&lg=2&req={%221966%22:{%22l%22:75,%22g%22:1},%221967%22:{%22l%22:84,%22g%22:1},%222121%22:{%22l%22:83,%22g%22:1}}&bld={}&ggt=|2|&ccp={} -- this says it takes ~4500 alts to have a 63% chance to roll T1 incr ES/max ES and 12% int. In my five tries at doing that, I've done it in under 2k alts each.
Editado por útlima vez por Graiaule#7461 en 25 mar. 2020 16:21:12

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