[3.7] 1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer - 16M+ Shaper DPS Fullbuffed / 158%-220% Movspeed Speedy Boy

aGnosticc escribió:
Thx for the link.
With my champ i get like 500k dps, pretty much the same increase the ascendency node gives you. Feels like 12 ex for that isnt really worth it, better pump the rest of your gear with that amount of currency, should serve you better.

That beeing said, its very hard to get 500 k dps so if theres nothing better to upgrade, and weapon upgrads for like a 500 pdps foil are way more expensive than 12 ex, its a good chunk of damage.

Shecutor escribió:
Helo i am runing this build but now i am litle confused its so many version of tree and ascendancy i have some issue with survaility can you help me ?
1 st i canot run vaal pact with blood rage i feel so squishy with vaal pac bether run wo and duno why.
my gear

i know life its to update but anyway feel squishy even on t 10 map .
Dps its fine wo any problems can you check my profile and tree and help me to feel more tanky ?

I personally use a perfect form, for more life and free AA + phase acro, plus iam a champion. Imo you really dont need any damage with this build. Try to look for the tanky champion tree, thats pretty much what i followed.

I got like ~5.9k life, AA, 25k armor (without lions roar), 30 % spell dodge and some 15% attack dodge from boots. I pretty much feel almost invicible tbh and i did Uber Elder deathless and just facetank every guardian.

hehe yeah, at that point, you must ask your self whats your goal with all that, because at that point you tpobably already can clear all the content there is easy :D So what then? if you want to just get best dps, just because, then sure, you can start to invest :P
hey can you tell me what I should replace on my build, I love this build so much just wanna make sure see what I should replace thank you!

Shecutor escribió:
Helo i am runing this build but now i am litle confused its so many version of tree and ascendancy i have some issue with survaility can you help me ?
1 st i canot run vaal pact with blood rage i feel so squishy with vaal pac bether run wo and duno why.
my gear

i know life its to update but anyway feel squishy even on t 10 map .
Dps its fine wo any problems can you check my profile and tree and help me to feel more tanky ?

If i learned anything during my years in path its that you can always die. And i enjoy running 8 stat guardian maps more than anything. At no point u are invicible in those maps :D.

I just feel bronns is such a trash chest. If you want tank -> Belly/perfect form, if you want some of both -> loreweave. Hell even carcass jack is better than bronns.

That all is only true if you do high maps, for lower ones id go with the movespeed from bronns i guess.
Editado por útlima vez por aGnosticc en 19 jun. 2019 3:24:23
Hello there,

Posted earlier for my thanks ( was an awesome message btw :) ) also asked a few things yet forgot to put my POB. Please see below- copied from poe ninja sorry.

Only shows a million dps on poe.ninja - shows wrong? 440k tool tip tho. took a different route- no brutality to take advantage of these extra as damages pretty much anywhere I can slot in. Still gotta add roars flask and atziris. Started as champion till 93 and just changed to slayer better mapping tbh.
Any suggestions to ramp up the dps that I might have missed out? Probably gonna lvl a few more to inc life slightly ( fyı took 5-6 seconds to kill minotour - right before respec into slayer) havent tried the rest probably this weekend.
Would love to get your insight. still have a few exalts to spend around waiting for extra impla jewel to drop in price :)

Thank you again for the effort and great build my friend. Absolutely well done.

I read through about the soul tether &insanity jewel, so does this change simply mean more survivability and less damage than the previous one?
I'm currently doing the old slayer version of this build. About how much does your damage decrease?
Szynima escribió:
PoB Links have all been updated. Hope I didn't mess up somewhere.


-All skilltrees now move back up to the Acrobatics Area again to grab Glorious Vanity - You can still use your own position for this, I just wanna give the less-risky variant here
-Removed Endless Hunger + Brutal Fervour
-Specced into Bane of Legends + Overwhelm

-Added Soul Tether
-Added Placeholder Jewel for Glorious Vanity (Doryani Version)
-Changed the Foils in all Builds to reflect actual craftable ones that the majority of endgame-players use

-Finally fixed the route at the Start of the Skilltree, where we went with 2 strength nodes instead of 1 strength + 1 int node - sorry for that, couldn't find the power to change just 2 points on 24 skilltrees

Video as to why we use Soul Tether and Glorious Vanity now

I'm guessing i should probably sell this now and go for one with less crit to make better use of overwhelm if i'm to reroll right?

Also any tips on my gear will be helpful (My profile is open), my amulet is garbage but i can get rid of it now due to insane luck on my Altar of Corruption
Hello there,

So I watched the Most recent video and i really like the spot you put the jewel but:

I'm still running a Bronn's Lithe got no Belly 6linked and i'm not sure about losing the 30% dodge chance. I get 400 more ES, 9% phys reduction while losing 30% Dodge. Is it worth it? Should I stack more health and get rid of some damage nodes with your current jewel setup?
I'm at 5.1k health and 1.4k energy shield.
huyakf1997 escribió:
So how better can this build be when compared to 2H RT build ? I'm following 2H RT build and willing to respect into this build for more damage. The build i'm following is good enough in term of defense ( i dont die much ) but the damage on UE is not good enough even with some decent gears ( not that it doesn't have enough damage but i feel like i need more cause i like the feeling of melting bosses in seconds :D ). UE is down anyway but still i need more damage. The defense is the biggest thing i'm worried about because this build doesnt have slayer's over leech. So how's that affect the build defense. Does this build feel tanky enough ? I'm asking not because i didn't read the guide about the defensive layers but i don't believe in numbers, especially dodge. What i'm asking is the real experience when mapping and bosses. Hope you guys can give me some review :D Thanks in advance

I've recently swapped over to the Soul Tether DPS Version and I'm not dying anymore to T16 corrupted maps with a lot of stuff on it. If you think about that the Tanky version has 2k more eHp or more with even more armour, that should tell you a bit about it :p

SH1FT1 escribió:

Do you think I should stick with Iron Reflexes for now or swap it out?

You can go with it until you got full armour gear, but I'd exchange it later on to get more life + the soul tether setup

Profatum escribió:
Running "old" version with bronn's lithe, and having serious problems with survivability, especially on t15-16 maps with rippy mods, thinking about switching to soul tether, but having a question tho, isn't champion better than slayer when using soul tether? Since we get full life leech anyways, but champion provides much more survivability?
And you dropped iron reflexes in soul tether version is it really worth it?

DPS actually went down for champion with the new setup, cause we have to travel back up to the right side and we lost intimidate, while Slayer just got 2 ascendancys for free that didn't add much damage beforehand and went overboard with the other points we could use them. Which meant we got more damage multipliers, higher crit and more critmulti for both mapping and bossing.

Malira escribió:
Does the "60% increased Attack Physical Damage while using Pride" watcher's eye translate into enough damage to be worth the cost for us? Is the impale watchers eye better?

If it is not that expensive it might be worth using, but it can never even get close to the damage boost the impale version gives us, since that is basically a 40% more damage to impale modifier.

kaelsy escribió:
Szynima escribió:

Without the cannot roll they were still achievable tho :p changed it now!

Could you make a step-by-step craft guide for inexperienced crafters? I do not understand how do you get
%phys (prefix)
flat phys (prefix)
multimod (suffix 1)
attack speed (suffix 2)
crit chance (suffix 3)
crit multi (suffix 4)

reading is hard :p
If question is serious, metacrafting or chaos spam and be insanely lucky. So it in fact is obtainable, you just refuse to think about the non multimod variant of crafting.

Fuzzballx escribió:
Just dropped 4 exalts tonight...3 in a stack from a betrayal.

So i'm now super torn, 6 link BoB or Bronn's? Totally unsure. Want to kill Shapers and UberElder and farm legions obviously.

Heading for soul tether version

I've done uber elder with the dps bronns version and it was just fine with 400k ingame tooltip, now with soul tether + Belly I sit on 334k, so that shouldn't change much in the fight.

krut0n escribió:
How are you running Blood and Sand, Flesh and Stone, Dread Banner, and Haste with Mana reservation, does that helm enchant allow you to fit them all in? I can run everything but Haste. Thanks for the build and guide.

We're not using Haste itself. Please read the FAQ next time :<

HeidePoE escribió:
what do you think about using [chance to blind on kill] or [chance to gain unholy might on melee kill] abyss jewels with stygian vise?

Defensively chance to blind on hit. Offensively #% increased Attack Speed if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recently

killapino escribió:
hey can you tell me what I should replace on my build, I love this build so much just wanna make sure see what I should replace thank you!


Heya, your life is quite low, I'd try to aim for some more lifenodes instead of going Honed Edge and the few leech nodes you took there. What also might help you is a belly to get above 5k life and get more ES that way from the Glorious Vanity setup. Also Rat's nest is not really necessary since it gives no defense and we don't need that much critchance. I'd also exchange your amulet with a more DPS oriented version, same goes for both rings and try to grab -# to Total Mana cost of skills on either both rings or 1 ring and 1 amulet.

HainLemur escribió:
Hello there,

Posted earlier for my thanks ( was an awesome message btw :) ) also asked a few things yet forgot to put my POB. Please see below- copied from poe ninja sorry.

Only shows a million dps on poe.ninja - shows wrong? 440k tool tip tho. took a different route- no brutality to take advantage of these extra as damages pretty much anywhere I can slot in. Still gotta add roars flask and atziris. Started as champion till 93 and just changed to slayer better mapping tbh.
Any suggestions to ramp up the dps that I might have missed out? Probably gonna lvl a few more to inc life slightly ( fyı took 5-6 seconds to kill minotour - right before respec into slayer) havent tried the rest probably this weekend.
Would love to get your insight. still have a few exalts to spend around waiting for extra impla jewel to drop in price :)

Thank you again for the effort and great build my friend. Absolutely well done.

Heya, yea DPS wise both your weapons are upgradable. Both have elemental rolls + gain # of physical damage mods, which do nothing for us since we use brutality + impale (only scales off of phys). You overall have way too many of those rolls. With impale they don't help you at all. Jewels are both also heavily exchangable for life and phys/crit multi versions.

Tankinesswise you're missing Granite and Basalt flask, which add a ton of defense for you. Also the CwDT and Immortal Call setup is too low, proccing prbly too often and not being available if you actually need it.

That should help you a fair bit.

IwaseTakuya escribió:
I read through about the soul tether &insanity jewel, so does this change simply mean more survivability and less damage than the previous one?
I'm currently doing the old slayer version of this build. About how much does your damage decrease?

Believe it or not, the slayer version actually gained 7% damage with this change and in maps a lot more since we have the 100% increased critmulti with 10 targets nearby.

Ellraiser escribió:

I'm guessing i should probably sell this now and go for one with less crit to make better use of overwhelm if i'm to reroll right?

Also any tips on my gear will be helpful (My profile is open), my amulet is garbage but i can get rid of it now due to insane luck on my Altar of Corruption

Your gear looks pretty good to me honestly. Only things I'd upgrade now were both rings + amulet for heavier DPS variants, grab Watchers Eye with the additional impale stacks mods and grab the enchants.

As for the weapon, yea we can kinda exchange those with critmulti instead of critchance versions. But that's up to everyone, I'm also a bit sad about this one and don't really change them now cause there went quite some currency into it. But yea, what can you do. for max damage we gotta swap.

suedlichdesgensis escribió:
Hello there,

So I watched the Most recent video and i really like the spot you put the jewel but:

I'm still running a Bronn's Lithe got no Belly 6linked and i'm not sure about losing the 30% dodge chance. I get 400 more ES, 9% phys reduction while losing 30% Dodge. Is it worth it? Should I stack more health and get rid of some damage nodes with your current jewel setup?
I'm at 5.1k health and 1.4k energy shield.

The setup is definitely worth it, but I can't deny its quite a bit stronger with more Life. I'd just go the safe way and run either Belly or a Rare chest with maim, -# to total mana cost of skills and attacks have #% to critical strike chance mods. DPS shouldn't really be a problem.

If I'm already at it, I suggest taking Lion's Roar instead of the Sulphur Flask and a Basalt Flask instead of the Blood of the Karui. You could also exchange assassins mark for punishment, since we dont really need more crit with the new variant (we're hittin 60% critchance which translates to ~95% critchance with diamond flask up.
Streamlink: https://www.twitch.tv/szynima
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwoAYZn8wbwAwE1260cMdw

My Builds
1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2514647
Editado por útlima vez por Szynima en 19 jun. 2019 5:13:06
I'm using soul tether atm, and to be honest i never felt so fragile in my life. I have 5.6k hp and 1.8k es, but in reality every yellow mob with 1 attack mod can kill in 2 shots or in 1 if i forget to activate armour flask (i guess it's because i dropped iron reflexes, but idk). Any suggestions please? Also my dps sometimes feels kinda weak, but it's not my main issue, i think i have to fix my non-stop deaths before going to weapons.
And also curious what do we do about stuns, we had immunity to them with brutal fervour, but with soul tether we drop this.
Szynima escribió:

kaelsy escribió:
Szynima escribió:

Without the cannot roll they were still achievable tho :p changed it now!

Could you make a step-by-step craft guide for inexperienced crafters? I do not understand how do you get
%phys (prefix)
flat phys (prefix)
multimod (suffix 1)
attack speed (suffix 2)
crit chance (suffix 3)
crit multi (suffix 4)

reading is hard :p
If question is serious, metacrafting or chaos spam and be insanely lucky. So it in fact is obtainable, you just refuse to think about the non multimod variant of crafting.

I see. Then just remove the multicraft mod on it from PoB, so that it's clear for people, that the foil with those exact stats is not craftable for ~6ex, but is a 100ex+ moist fantasy more likely.
Editado por útlima vez por kaelsy en 19 jun. 2019 6:09:09

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