[3.11] YABB (Yet Another Bow Build) +5/+6 Ice Shot Chaingunner Delve 600+ Updated for 3.11
I can not for the life of me kill a meta or a map boss at red maps. Can someone tell me the best thing to do/get to make this actually playable this league?
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" Unfortunately having the same issue. At this point I'm opus/demise/gloomfang/taming and single target is god awful. Trying to use Scourge Arrow but it still feels pretty damn bad. Clear is amazing, though. I'm just not sure how to deal with bosses/metas post-yellow maps. I'll always die at least once, and it's only going to get worse once I start spreading more and more influence. :( Barrage does seem decent on a 6L with added cold/hypothermia/cold pen/ele damage on attack/damage on full life, though. The problem of course being 'damage on full life'... With how you have to stand still to really get results from Barrage, it doesn't work out too well. Editado por útlima vez por Milkshakes00#5735 en 25 dic. 2019 21:29:52
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" You can try with Inspiration support instead of DoFL if that helps, gives crit and ele too If you undo Duelist leech and a life node and take Soul Raker, you'll get way more leech and some increased damage. Allowing you to drop the mana flask in favour of Atziri's Promise, boost your damage up I make odd builds and sometimes write guides. My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D Editado por útlima vez por SynixProcessing#1351 en 25 dic. 2019 21:58:19
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Hi, on this moment i have this gear
t15-t16 good clear, and kills mino but not a rly fast, i use ballista+SA bc it's help on meta. They try to kill ballista, but not y. Idk what be best for me on next item, green nightmare or watchers eye or mb Yoke of Suffering. But dps on solotarget dont be rly good on t14-t15 meta( |
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Running this 3.9 Clear is amazing single target is just bad, they've gutted single target too much for the new content, mapping is fast and quick though, t12+ meta is where this starts to struggle with my current gear still 5L though. I had plans to push for 6l and adding green nightmare but from what ive heard from asking around people say even with 6l and the jewel it struggles due to the gutted single target so I just plan to make a different char. Great build regardless, clean and fast mapping.
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Hi, thanks for creating this guide. How do you deal with getting frozen? Is it worth having a flask (life/diamond) with the Heat suffix to deal with it?
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" Yeah. What I loved about Raider the most was ailment invulnerability... TBH, freeze and bleed are two things you should pay attention to the most. Something to remove curses will be usefull later on. |
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" Either boots, flask or kill too quickly to be frozen I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D |
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I am currently farming for Dying Sun, to replace my Sulphur Flask. However, I have antifreeze on the sulphur and I'm not sure where I should put that once I get dying sun.
I'll have to either give up 70% crit on the diamond flask or 30% movespeed on the quicksilver... Neither of which I am happy to part ways with. Thoughts on this predicament? How much does Dying Sun do for us exactly? Surely more than the additional 70% crit chance on the diamond flask, I imagine, but you specify that such a flask is needed for the build to feel right when we don't have the watcher's eye, which I dont. Should I farm the jewel before the flask or is it no problem to reroll my diamond for freeze roll? Thanks Editado por útlima vez por Abogami#6800 en 26 dic. 2019 9:52:02
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" There'a a Betrayal Crafting Mod called "Cannot Be Frozen" although tbh the only sources of freeze that ever get me are Strongboxes, which if you ID first aren't an issue I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D |
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