[3.11] YABB (Yet Another Bow Build) +5/+6 Ice Shot Chaingunner Delve 600+ Updated for 3.11
" It won't do more damage by far, at max chain gloomfang makes up something like 47% of your damage it's that much, but the extra proj helps if you ain't got a dying sun I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D |
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Hi everyone, fisrt thanks for the build it's amazing in clear speed !
Here is my gear for the moment, it's far from finnished ! My question is : what is my next goal ? i was thinking 6L chest before dying sun( i have 3 ex left). And i have a question: what are you using on bosses ? scourges ? because i find my single target super low... clearing is lightning fast ( up to t12 for the moment ) but bosses, especialy metamorphes takes forever ... |
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Build is pretty good after getting voidfletcher on it, helps with single target, but still pretty squishy. Good enough for T14 or below metamorph boss or just don't juice it up too much. I'm still trying to get 6L on both bow & chest.
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I'm trying to work around the problems with a 2 abyssal socket tombfist and barrage instead of scourge arrow.
At the moment, barrage definitely feels a lot better than scourge. Could be my play style, so i'm not very sure on this. I'll probably try to get a 40% barrage damage or barrage fire another arrow fractal thoughts to try it out. Editado por útlima vez por mateki#0270 en 27 dic. 2019 7:50:41
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for all of you asking about single target damage do a secons setup with barrage or change ice shot for barrage :)
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" You need to stop being ridiculous with your theoretical Gloomfang dps. Your whole build is based on the assumption that there will be enough trash to get a 5/6 chain and magically the last one should end up on the boss/metamorph. In reality except when you pop a Legion pylon all mobs on screen are dead after 2 chains max. The clearing of this build is already godlike without Gloomfang so the amulet barely improves it. On single target where the build is clearly lacking it does nothing. I understand you want to get more views for your YouTube channel, but you won't get them with a silly inflated theoretical dps nobody is going to believe and without addressing the numerous complaints and issues of your builds raised before. So far you have ignored most of the comments regarding your build's bossing and survivability issues. You'll get more views with intellectual honesty and improvements. This new amulet is not a bad suggestion, 2 more projectiles in an Ice Shot/barrage support setup is like +28% more dps (going from 7 projectiles to 9). Also to be considered is the Pandemonium someone already mentioned, the 20% cold penetration on bosses is a great dps boost as it doesn't get reduced like an Elemental Weakness curse would (bosses reduce effects of curses, therefore applying elem penetration via curse is useless, as you need it only on bosses). Talking about curses, same issue with the logic of tying Assassin's Mark to a curse on hit via Frostbomb. You will only end up using it on bosses where the curse won't add that much. I'd rather put Assassin's Mark as an autocast for T15/16 trash (blues and yellows) via gloves or rings. Frostbomb without anything supporting it on bosses as that's still a great help (not a curse). You should add Vaal Haste to the build, only takes a single gem slot. Maybe link it with Vaal Grace that you already have and an Increased Duration support. You can also add Precision aura. Link it with your Hatred and Herald of Ice auras with an Enlighten. The Decoy Totem suggestion should have been picked up and studied (and not ignored like you did), we're dying way too much and any idea like this is good to explore. Even a 3s respite is great when you're gatling down the metamorph with IceShot-BarrageSupport. Regarding movement skill as most I was fed up with Blink Arrow's bugs (going off only half of the time even when selecting "always attack without moving"), switched to Smoke Mines, I couldn't recommend it enough. Yes you need to press another button to detonate, but you can essentially do it near simultaneously. Same teleport range as Blink Arrow, a tiny cooldown (less that flame dash), 3 charges, gives you a nice lasting movement speed buff, leaves blinding smoke, can be prepositioned for smart plays (place one behind you before going to explore a corner of the map then TP back to it; preplace where you will want to TP as soon as the metamorph looks at you in a nasty way). Then some other aspects of the build make me think you haven't really done your researched or looked at the mechanics in detail. +Life on Hit ring: unnecessary. Even when clearing a whole screen I don't need it to counterbalance Gloomfang. If you check it in PoB it will also represent a tiny portion of your lifesteal. The life steal it gives is anyway capped by the Max recovery per second from life leech, which you haven't raised by not taking Vaal Pact. Vaal Pact itself doubles your lifesteal and does way more than the ring. For the same reason the last two nodes of the Claw wheel don't add much to the build. All the Leech it's supposed to give doesn't exist: it's capped by the game to a super low level unless you take Vaal Pact. Your PoB clearly indicates these nodes gives you 0 leech. A bit of mana, but you could already fill all your Life/Mana leech needs by Vaal Pact and the small Life/Mana Leech passive just below it. Lioneye's Fall and the Claw wheel: overrated. Between the number of passives necessary to get the socket, and the passives for the Claw wheel, that's 10 points you're using to only give you 19% dps (according to your own PoB, in the Single Target setup). With 10 points of passive you could continue the path above Heart of Oak to take Ballistic Mastery, Aspect of the Eagle, go via attackspeed/critchance to Aspect of the Lynx, then Weapon Artistry. 10 points, 19% dps as well (once again according to your own PoB setup), but on top of this you also get a shitton of attributes, some life, 12% movement speed. If you want pure dps you can also take the 3 points to Farsight. That's +8% dps in 3 points vs your +19% in 10 points. I would also go and take Forces of Nature for some elem penetration on bosses and Revenge of the Hunted for some life+evasion. All in all, plenty of improvements are possible. Looking forward to see you address those issues! |
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I tried fury valve and it's a no for me, or i don't undertand something. Barrage ends up with 1 projectile and it's just useless :/...
But i tried gloofang without lifesteal ring and...nothing happens, i can delete several screens i don't loose any life so the stat is useless like you said. |
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here's my current gear and I get 1 shot on all metamorph bosses juiced and unjuiced. there are a few times where i melt them but this build i believe excels at mapping not bossing
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My take would be that 1 or 2 chain should be more than enough. So after I've gotten the last trial (pls soon) i'll drop the gloomfang and get a redeemer's amulet.
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I dont understand how one that spent 40 ex in that build is not able to rock.
Even cutedogs version is doable with that kind of a budget. Must be error 42 I guess. My gear is lightyears away from being optimized and I am still able to do awakener 4 114% T14 maps incl. meta fights. It takes some time and I die here and then, but with my gear I am confident enough to think that it will be satisfying latest when they fixed the chill and freeze error on metamorphs. Our dmg is not even close to its potential due to that issue. if you nerf 10 gems out of 30, you automatically buff the other 20!
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