[3.9] Rangercosta's 4-Totem + Mirage Archer Toxic Rain (Deathless Uber Elder) - low/medium budget
Can anybody tell me how to configure PoB to show correct DPS?
Its my first chaos and my first DoT Build ... It only says 1300dot dps which sounds very low ... |
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" In case you have already hit maps you only have: 54% fire, 45% cold and 22 % lightining resistance. You have to keep those capped at 75% or at best at 115%. Replace rings, belt, amulett, shoes and gloves they dont have life on it! Thats the only way to increase life! And they are bad at resistance. You dont increase life just by taking lifenodes from passive tree, you have to get life on you gear. for example 50% increased life when you only have 50 Life on gear is like getting 25 life extra. For 1c each item you can get tripple resis + 50-60 life on each. Editado por útlima vez por j0hnnyclaymore#4329 en 17 jun. 2019 5:11:53
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Hey guys,
first of all: Thx for the realy nice guide. I was very interested in this build. I have played it in Legion now with 3 different Ascandancy classes because I was never a friend of the Pathfinder. I used the same gear on every class. You can check my character "LookAtMeExistenceIsPain": Slayer
The benefits why I even considered this class were the %more dmg when killed, the +% more dmg vs unique enemies and the 20% culling strike. I also played with the leech nodes to get the 20% IAS. Still I would not reccomand the Slayer bc of a huge lack of survivability because evasion rating is not the best option. Maybe when you skill Iron reflexes
Huge attack Speed, Many frenzy charges and 300% onslaught effect with daressos defiance but also lack of survivability. also needs time when you die in bossfights to get the frenzy charges back.
Nice bonus to damage over time (the best of all 3 classes, nice sustain because of 2% of max life and max mana on kill and also no mana for movement skills and reduced dmg for spending 200 mana (you spend that all the time in bossfights thatnks to your 4.5 attacks per second)
The gear can be pretty expensive. With the gear of my character I'm atm at 50k DoT-DPS. Shaper killed and just died to him because I left Zana's bubble to early. You can melt threw legion encounters but you have to keep moving because they can hit you pretty hard because I'm using evade. Edit: Overall this build can - if you got no currency problems - go pretty nuts with I guess 65k - 75k DoT-DPS and 5,00 Attacks per Second (and thats just the DoT-DPS from your main hand so with totems you can melt bosses pretty fast). Thank you for the awesome guide, Costa. It is very nice to play and I enjoy it very much :) Greetings Editado por útlima vez por Desaroth#2931 en 18 jun. 2019 6:09:10
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" How much was Quiver, Head and Weapon? Can you give some recommendation for me to improve damage? |
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" Prices of my Gear: Bow
Bought the Bow only these 2 mods ( +2 to Bow Gems & +1 to socketed Gems) for 1.5 Exa (lucky, worth 3 exa), Multicraft = 2 exa
The Quiver was priced for 1 exa around 1 week ago
Helmet - 1 Exa Recommandations:
Craft attack Speed or Inc. Damage over Time / Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over Time on your bow. I focus on DoT-Damage. The DoT-Damge is not increased with physical damage or anything. The only 3 things u want is First: Increase your Level of chaos damage dealing gems. Second: Damage over time (On jewels, skill tree etc.). Third: Attack speed - the more attack speed you have the faster / more Pods lay on the ground and deal dmg. Fourth: Increased Area of Effect / Additional Arrows: Both work differently: Every additional Arrow will generate an additional Pod. Increasd Area of Effect will increase the Pod's Damage radius. Fifth: Projectile Damage is converted to Damage Ovter Time so grab if its close in skill tree. Also try to get jewels with +% Increased maximum Life. Try to get as much life as possible. You're an evasion char get get pretty much damage when you get hit. Use Vaal Grace and link it to increwsed duration. This should end in having +34% additional chance to evade attacks & spells for around 20 seconds because your are boosting skill effect duration. Also Blood rage will be up for around 30 seconds (when using Trickster).
Additional improvement on a "cheap" way: Buy an Shrieking Essence of Dread (20 c atm, +2 to socketed Bow Gems) and slam it on your Bow. Increasing the level of chaos skills gives you so much more damage that it's nice to have in any way. If you are lucky you will get also an attack speed suffix. If your get insane luck your bow will get +1 to socketed gems which will result in your toxic rain and mirage archer support having +3 level. For the beginning the +2 bow gems will be fine and you can see an dmg increase. Edit: If your accuracy (hit Chance) is good enough you can also use a Stygian Vise belt with an abyss jewel that gives you +x% chance to blind enemys on hit. Blinded enemys have -50% hit chance on you andy you have 2 Hit sources: First one are the arrows dropping on the ground and the second hit are the pod's exploding. Both count as hit and can blind ppl very fast I think. Additional you want +flat life on that jewel. Greetings Editado por útlima vez por Desaroth#2931 en 18 jun. 2019 8:45:57
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" you have an interesting trickster setup. i always play this build as trickster because i find it to be much better on all counts. i just can't keep playing it this league cause im getting tired of the build anyway it levels so smooth especially because of trickster sustain. i tend to do things differently though. different tree setup and different ascendancy choices. i definitely think its best to roll ghost dance and escape artist. i don't need the mana stuff cause i always go for EB on trickster now. this allows you to have basically infinite "mana" even with a quill rain you can spam non stop for like 20 seconds straight. now you can also reserve all of your mana which is a big deal. i personally like to use Malovelence, blood and sand (in sand stance), and aspect of the spider. this league i skipped out on acrobatics and i like it. steelskin more than makes up for it, and hardly anything can come close to hitting you. i have 2x curse so i just stack slows 60% from TR, 40% from temp chains, 30% from aspect of spider. it plays very defensive and the damage gets real bonkers even on a quill rain. about 3m shaper dps all totaled. with a good crafted bow you'd at least double and almost triple that dps number. |
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" So DoT Damage or Non-Ailment CDoT is better then increased physical damage? I read the gem of toxic rain and it says that it converts phys damage to chaos so I though --> yeah lets go full physical damage... Sorry for my stupid questions, but Im still learning after 4 seasons :-D |
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" Toxic Rain has multiple parts / sources of dmg: 1. The hit on impact from the raining arrow, which deals your phys weapon dmg (and converts a part to chaos dmg). These hit's can poison if you have any chance to poison enemies. 2. Chaos dmg over time from the pods while they lay on the ground (doesnt hit, just degen. This is not increased by the chaos damage convert of Toxic Rain (you can use path of building and check your DoT-Damage with and without that craft, it won't be affected by it). 3. The pods explode for area dmg. This explosion is a hit and can also poison enemies if you have chance to poison. From Poe-Wiki:"Spore explosions and arrows count as "kill with this weapon" but damage-over-time component does not. " This indicates, that you can have as much phys on your bow as you want, but in the end the damage-over-time is not effected by it. Edit: Stats you want to lock for on your bow:
1. +2 Level to socketed Bow Gems & +1 Level to Socketed Gems - This increases the level of Toxic Rain and the FLAT damage over time dealed by it. You only grab +x PERCANTAGE to damage over time on your tree so increasing the flat damage from toxic rain by increasing it's level is the best damage-increase you can get 2.Non-Ailment Chaos Damage Over Time Multiplier 3. Increased Damage Over Time 4. Inc. Attack Speed and/or Inc. Attack Speed while an Rare or unique Enemie is nearby (your dmg for mapclear is high enough so this mod is going nuts vs shaper/elder. Also more attack speed -> more Pods on the ground) 5. Increased Damage Usefull to have stats / usefull items to look out to: 1. Gloves: Look for Gloves with max life and Attack speed and with an craftable prefix: Craft +#% Inc. Damage while any Flask effect 2. Helmet: If you are using a rare helmet and got the Impressence amulet from red tier elder you get no mana reservation costs for your despair curse. Link Despair+Blashphemy+Inc. AoE+Empower and craft that helmet with +1 to socketed AoE-Gems. Gives u a free running 21 despair aura. Greetings Editado por útlima vez por Desaroth#2931 en 19 jun. 2019 6:26:27
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" calculating TRs full damage is a bit of a pain with path of building, but you can do it. so once you have all your settings correct, look at your self cast TR in POB. it should say your average damage, attacks per second, blah blah, and "DoT DPS" what you need to do is multiply your atk spd, your DoT DPS, your pod duration, and how many pods you believe are hitting a target. boom now to get your mirage archer dps, you do the same thing but modify the numbers to mirage archer specs (-11% dot dps, -60% atk spd) do the same thing with your totems, but with your totems you multiply it by how many totems you can have. this will calculate its total DPS with the max amount of pods on the ground (which will only happen after the pod duration, so like 2 seconds or w/e). so there is a bit of a ramp up, but its very high damage potential. just to give you an example, my current trickster version in legion still rockin a quill rain, you can check out the gear/tree from my profile, has in total SELF-CAST DoT DPS: 24,956 Atk Spd: 6.21 Duration: 1.98 Est Pods Doing Damage: 5 (i scale aoe big time, 5 pods doing dmg all at once is not unrealistic if you saw my aoe....) SUBTOTAL DPS: 1,534,269.92 MIRAGE ARCHER DoT DPS: 22,210.84 Atk Spd: 2.48 Duration: 1.98 Est Pods Doing Damage: 5 SUBTOTAL DPS: 545,320.54 TOTEMS DoT DPS: 4883.3 Atk Spd: 5.16 Duration: 2.13 Est Pods Doing Damage: 5 Number of Totems: 4 SUBTOTAL DPS: 1,073,427.47 GRAND TOTAL DPS: 3,153,017.93 if i get a crafted bow like the one i have on standard (from synthesis)...the grand total damage would go up to approx 6,317,864.27 shaper DPS. at that point, actually, totems are way less useful. you'd be better off using a lvl 21 CA setup in maloney's mechanism instead of a 4th totem from quiver. |
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" I've upgraded the character a bit. mind take a look? Another question - how am i suppose to sustain mana? Flasks only? Editado por útlima vez por GutiElMago#1451 en 19 jun. 2019 14:14:21
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