[3.17] For Slayer / Champion - Ngamahu Cyclone / Consecrated Path / Tectonic Slam

Bymen escribió:
Hi guys,

quick HC Update.

I just ripped to a huge pack of rhoas with proximity shield.
I never really respected this combination, since I thought it shouldn't affect me as melee.

But I was wrong.
Your balls don't hit them if you cyclone out of their shield before the
balls land.

And if they don't die, they hurt! :)


Lesson learnt.

That is so painful! I have never ran into a pack like. Thanks for sharing. I will definitely split them up if I ever run into them.

Curious, I see that you are running Hatred. Are you using a rare amulet and running Enfeeble curse?


Kitaen escribió:
hey, i came up with a slight variation of the build using elemental overload.
i scrapped some of the nodes to the right which felt underwhelming to me

i built this(see below) and the numbers are substantially higher than with RT and no elemental overload

i've copied this into path of building

mind you, the gear required for this is way more expensive since you'll need at least 2 or 3 items with t1 or t2 accuracy rolls to feel a difference

There used to be an EO section (you can look at post #2) but I have since retired it because of the cost of gearing and stat requirements are just too high. The benefit from it doesn't really make it worthwhile. :(


shinyzee escribió:

Yea i suppose you're right, but I really dont see what DPS gear piece I could pick up? It feels like a 6L Is the only thing im lacking right now :(

A 6L will definitely boost your damage greatly. Opal rings too.

And you are missing 2 jewel sockets in the tree. You are losing damage and toughness there.


nds2 escribió:
Hey currently i'm level 78 and im loving this build? I dont know how to post my character yet so i have to ask you. Can u see my character and say what should i improve?

Yesterday i was trying Uber lab and it was pretty easy didn't die a single time but today i get one shoted from argus and izaro? And my second question is how u got so much armour? i currently have 1300 armour only while u got 3000 at this level :(

Gloves need strength version for more armor.

You don't need 2 x life flasks. Replace 1 with a ruby flask for that spiky elemental reflect moment.

Go for Avatar of Fire skill tree. That will raise your damage significantly till you can afford Xoph's Blood.

You can replace Carnage heart with a rare amulet.

I see that you are using Warlord's Reach unique jewel, a rare jewel with life % + physical damage % will be better.


cororo11 escribió:
Guys,give me advice. which way is better to take 6l.Buy 5l bronn's Lithe Cutthroat's Garb and upgraid to 6l,or save chaos and buy 6L?

You can try 6L yourself. Get a 5L and use it. Get anotehr that has 6 socket and you try 6L using that.

However, bear in mind that 6L involve lots of luck. Some people get it within 300. Some spent 3000 and they still don't get it.

Trading directly for a 6L is generally safer.


Ezevade escribió:
Another question from me :)
I currently have around 6k hp running normal skill tree up to level 95, do you recommend i switch to "Abusing New Elemental Wheel - Primeval Force" or keep going with normal skill tree?

Both skill trees have killed shaper so either is fine. Personally I prefer more damage but 6000 life is the lowest I will go. :)


Schwachsinn escribió:
I'm new to the game and just reached 28. You have a gem setup there for earthquake/gem lvling and it needs quite a few int gems, so I started looking through the later gem setup and the passive tree... where do you get all the Intelligence from to run these gems?

Rings, gloves, boots and jewels. You get int from there.


jokerjoker escribió:
running bymen's HC tree with AOF passives. Not good at using POB, would someone tell me whether i should get AOF or not?

lacking health jewel, high life roll gears, the unique amulet and belly since i dont have enough currency for upgrade

anyway i am at 90lv 7k life with enfeeble blasphemy farming racehorse, vault and dunes smoothly.

Is it worth sacrificing a ring slot/boots for dual curse set up? Curse look pretty cool with this build.

HC have more focus on life pool. Running AoF gives you more damage but it is really a tough call over there. I believe @Bymen will probably choose toughness over AoF.


endersblade escribió:
Man, I am suddenly having the absolute worst luck with this character. After so, so many deaths, I finally hit 70. My gear:


I'm waiting to be able to equip the following, both of which I actually crafted myself:


Before I defeated Kitava, I have been completely deathless since about the mid 40s. After Kitava, I can't even clear T1 maps without dying a few times. I tried a Mesa Map at 70 and died so many freaking times to random mobs that I ran out of portals. Really hard to level when you're losing more experience than you're gaining!

My current build:
I've done a decent balance between taking DPS nodes and survival nodes, I think I just broke 4k HP. Obviously will go higher with the newer gear.

I have spent 1100 freaking fusings trying to 6 link my chest, obviously failing, and over 400 trying to get the colors right. I don't have Vorici high enough to try the 2B 1R option so I've been just doing it one Orb at a time. In other words, my gem setup isn't optimal, and I now don't have the Orbs necessary to change the gear I currently have for better survival gems.

My life leech is through the roof. But it does nothing when I get one-shot. Which happens far, far more than I would expect it to. My armor isn't very high, and my evasion is about 69% or so. Running Fire Golem.

With full procs and such, Cyclone's tooltip DPS is about 21k.

I plan on doing my gems a bit differently, just due to different playstyle:

Helm: Leap Slam + faster Attacks + Fortify + Increased Duration

Gloves: Blasphemy + Flammability + Flame Golem + Herald of Fire

Boots: CWDT + Molten Shell + Immortal Call + (Arctic Armor, but I plan on dropping that once I get tanky enough) + (Free Slot currently)

Chest: Increased AOE/Conc Effect + Elemental Focus + Cyclone + Elemental Damage + Faster Attacks + Blood Magic (Can't sustain Cyclone currently on Mana while using Arctic Armor) (Switching Blood Magic out for Melee Phys once I can sustain on Mana alone)

I'll be using a Red Nightmare for Endurance Charges. Only need a few more Exalteds to buy it...

So besides the obvious problems (sub-optimal gems/slots, not currently Res capped, no fortify or endurance charges), is there some other glaring reason WHY I'm dying on T1 maps? I can understand dying on T3+ at this point, but T1s, seriously? It isn't even the BOSSES that are the issue, it's always the trash that kills me!

You can drop Executioner from your skill tree. I see that you did not pick up Point Blank. Take that as it will boost your Molten Burst damage by 50%, which is huge.

You can also pick up Iron Reflexes for more armor.

You are not using the correct flask setup for the build. Check out the flask section. I believe those sudden deaths are likely from Elemental Reflect. You have to pop ruby flask before you engage them.

Granite and Basalt flasks will allow you to handle incoming physical damage.

Flask management is very important in POE.

And like @Rebur said, your resistances don't seem to be capped. You will need them to be cap or you will die to elemental attacks in a flash (especially when you run into elemental reflect).

I would replace the gloves and belt for rare version till you can use those crafted ones you got.

You should have at least 4500 life when you are at level 75.

You don't need Blood Magic on your chest, switch it to Melee Physical Damage and you will see damage gain.

You are also not using Fortify gem in your chest. You will be taking a lot of damage without it. Having fortify linked with Cyclone is a lot safer than linking it to Leap Slam.

Check the gems section on what gem setup to use. Follow the guide and you will do fine. :)


Avoloch escribió:
I'm usually farming lab in this game. So, is iron reflexes a good choice or armor+evasion build is better ?

You can certainly go for Iron Reflexes but without it is fine if your armor is at 3000.


Pancakezx escribió:
Update on my character in Harbinger. Bought 1 of each guardian map today (have never killed guardians before) and managed to go on a run of about 20 chained guardians with 1 or 0 deaths (Minotaur is horrible, did about 6 chimera deathless!)


My current gear set up at the moment. Did attempt Shaper, got to p3 but died at 30% on last portal. Very happy with the character so far, once my gems all hit 20 I'll go back and kill him! Any advice on what to upgrade next?

Opal rings will be your next upgrade. :)

And good catch by @Kitaen on your gems in the axe setup. What he says.


Valant escribió:
Does % increased Physical Damage with Axes jewels benefit this build?

Yes they do.


Rinzlow escribió:
Anyone tried this helmet instead for solo boss?


It turns ignite into shock doing double damage.

Never tried it but seems viable.


berkie89 escribió:
Had a great blast with this build. I dont know how you guys all get this mad amount of currency to afford 6l, xoph's and flasks though.

I have no issues with t13 and 14 map mobs at the moment, only to die at Shaped Atoll's Puruna.

I have about 5200 hp and max resists, but i still get oneshot by his ice nova/bomb every time i get close to him.

Any ideas on how to overcome this ?
I've been thinking on bringing a Aquamarine flask instead of a ruby and maybe swap out my herald and flammability for purity of ice and enfeeble

Consider running Enfeeble when you are focusing on leveling. It helps greatly by raising your effective life pool by at least 30%.
Thanks much for the info!

I stripped a lot of my DPS nodes in favor of more survivability, I took Iron Reflexes, and I'm working toward Point Blank. I'll see about putting Fortify into the chest once I actually 6L and color it properly. I hit 73 and was able to equip my gloves, so my resistances are 76/75/62, and lightning will be capped in 4 levels when I equip the belt. Since I made the changes, I've been able to run up to T5 maps so far without a single death!

I'm not too worried about overcapping my resistances at the moment. I don't run anything beyond white maps, or rares if only I mod them perfectly, because I'm only interested in leveling at the moment and don't care about item drops. I would much rather run through a map that gives less experience and loot but I can survive rather than one that gives more exp and loot and requires me to eat dirt. Don't really care how long it takes, I just really enjoy playing this char!

Does anyone know what the bare minimum INT requirements are for this build?
endersblade escribió:

Does anyone know what the bare minimum INT requirements are for this build?

For all gems to get to Level 20 you need 111 INT, 155 STR and 155 DEX.
is there any tips for someone new to exile and this build? At least leveling wise, im not exactly sure what to go for atm, im having to restart my duelist as is cause I screwed up the tree ( went down physical damage nodes instead of attack speed nodes first haha).
Also is the 2 passives that much better then the physical damage bandit? Sorry Games kinda overwhelming for me just starting out lol.
ColdMiller escribió:
is there any tips for someone new to exile and this build? At least leveling wise, im not exactly sure what to go for atm, im having to restart my duelist as is cause I screwed up the tree ( went down physical damage nodes instead of attack speed nodes first haha).
Also is the 2 passives that much better then the physical damage bandit? Sorry Games kinda overwhelming for me just starting out lol.

If your level is over 30, you can just stick to leveling this character. Just spec into the other side to link up the tree and refund those mis-placed nodes at a later time.

For leveling, you can check out leveling to 55 section. There are some useful tips there. :)

And yes, 2 passives better.
ColdMiller escribió:
is there any tips for someone new to exile and this build? At least leveling wise, im not exactly sure what to go for atm, im having to restart my duelist as is cause I screwed up the tree ( went down physical damage nodes instead of attack speed nodes first haha).
Also is the 2 passives that much better then the physical damage bandit? Sorry Games kinda overwhelming for me just starting out lol.

In almost every situation, I ALWAYS go for the Bandit passives (even pre-3.0) because it gets you further into the tree sooner. Once you're satisfied with your build, you can drop a couple points and take another bandit option.

As for leveling, I think a few people have already made recommendations. There are several good skills to use, like Cleave or Molten Strike. Considering this build is primarily fire damage, Molten Strike would probably be your best bet. Get a 2h weapon as soon as you can and just start mowing down mobs. You get Cyclone at 28 and it just gets easier from there.

I personally recommend attaching Cyclone to Blood Magic for leveling. This build doesn't give us a very large Mana pool, but it DOES give us insane Life Leech. You won't even notice the life spent on Cyclone. Once you get enough Mana Leech or regen, you can drop the Blood Magic and add even more damage to Cyclone.

Far as gear goes, read the first post. Just look for the stats it recommends. You can complete Acts 1-9 just with self-found gear without even crafting anything. Act 10's end boss might cause issues, but at that point you should be well into the better gear.
Alright thank you! That was very helpful, I figured i Could just keep going but i was only level 15 so its easy to roll back through act 1 again. Id rather have my re-spec points in case something new pops up an ahh makes alot of sense on the bandits, I missed the levleing to 55 section.
Thanks for the tips! :).
A buddy mine is gonna start playing to as a dark pact marauder so i guess it works? lol.
Awesome I will have to get started then this build looks like lots of fun.
I guess I had just been confused on which tree to focus on, the one with avatar of fire is good or the primeval one till I get the required UNiques/legendary items? thats probably my main question
Editado por útlima vez por ColdMiller en 19 ago. 2017 2:03:39
Rebur escribió:
endersblade escribió:

Does anyone know what the bare minimum INT requirements are for this build?

For all gems to get to Level 20 you need 111 INT, 155 STR and 155 DEX.

Thanks for the quick reply!

So I swapped Flammability for Enfeeble, and I am having much smoother runs. (that sounds bad lol.) I think you guys fixed me! I'll continue pushing my way forward and up and see how far I can go.

As for Flask juggling, I have mental trauma issues caused by my time in Iraq. I don't have the dexterous movement or rapid thought processes to make constant fast reactions like I once had, and it is extraordinarily complicated for me to be able to do that. That's the reason I try to go with builds that require as little input as possible (also the reason I quit WoW). I start to get frustrated and stressed out when my fingers don't do what I want them to, and the whole point of playing vidya games for me is to destress. Less stress = fewer flashbacks and lower blood pressure = smaller chance of a heart attack! :-)

So I look for something where I can basically just hold down mouse buttons, because I can still do that well. Or something where I only have to hit two potions in rare situations, like healing or clearing bleeds/curses. Usually on the same potions. I'm sure I'll lose a lot of DPS, but I don't expect to ever clear Shaper or anything lol.
kira1414, thank you for taking time to respond to pretty much every comment here. Of course, it seems i once again have another question ;s I've collected enough to buy Dying sun flask and i wanna buy properly rolled one, should i go for reduced charges roll or increased area of effect. Thanks in advance
endersblade escribió:

As for Flask juggling, I have mental trauma issues caused by my time in Iraq. I don't have the dexterous movement or rapid thought processes to make constant fast reactions like I once had, and it is extraordinarily complicated for me to be able to do that. That's the reason I try to go with builds that require as little input as possible (also the reason I quit WoW). I start to get frustrated and stressed out when my fingers don't do what I want them to, and the whole point of playing vidya games for me is to destress. Less stress = fewer flashbacks and lower blood pressure = smaller chance of a heart attack! :-)

So I look for something where I can basically just hold down mouse buttons, because I can still do that well. Or something where I only have to hit two potions in rare situations, like healing or clearing bleeds/curses. Usually on the same potions. I'm sure I'll lose a lot of DPS, but I don't expect to ever clear Shaper or anything lol.

Sorry to hear about that. For flask, there are 3 flasks that I always hit before engaging a pack.

Namely: Quick Silver + Granite + Ruby.

With those 3 flasks up, you can generally tank through without much issue.

Hope that helps.

You might also want to write in to GGG support and ask if it is okay for you to bind certain keys to a macro mouse given your condition. I believe GGG will be more than happy to assist you.


Ezevade escribió:
kira1414, thank you for taking time to respond to pretty much every comment here. Of course, it seems i once again have another question ;s I've collected enough to buy Dying sun flask and i wanna buy properly rolled one, should i go for reduced charges roll or increased area of effect. Thanks in advance

You will go for reduced charges. -10% reduced is the best possible roll. :)

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