Block incin and stuff *Discontinued due to Incinerate nerfs*
Hey, I'm 82 and I'm having so much fun with this build. This is my gear:
Looking forward to 5L my Lightning Coil and get a Rathpith (althought they are like 7-8 ex atm). |
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" Yeah, when I made the build, the most expensive unique of the lot was coil for around 1 ex. Then they upped the rarity of every single one of the uniques I use GGG hates fun Lowest level Hardcore Atziri Kill ~ Level 65 ~
Level 100 Tempest HC with self-made and most played build of POE 2.0 ~ (✿◠‿◠) |
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" You trade shadow area for the remaining block some life and arsonist Its alright, preference I'd say, the biggest thing is that u lose on shadow's projectile speed and all the dmg Lowest level Hardcore Atziri Kill ~ Level 65 ~ Level 100 Tempest HC with self-made and most played build of POE 2.0 ~ (✿◠‿◠) Editado por útlima vez por yotmato#4991 en 6 oct. 2015 3:25:55
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At this point im really confused this is my tree atm at 70lvl
Where should i go next? at the block to templar ? at the shadow dmg side? at 2 blocks duelist ? what about the life circle above the shadow the Melding, is it better than the circle on the templar side below the block circle? Editado por útlima vez por DjNanos#2615 en 6 oct. 2015 7:53:45
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" Hey! You are missing command of steel block cluster, near the duelist nodes, you are also missing the Melding HP/ES cluster, is too efficient for us, you should take it, then i'd recommend you go to the shadow area, pick the life, cast speed and the projectile damage/speed. Thats a fair amount of points, so if after that you still have doubts, ask me again. Good luck Lowest level Hardcore Atziri Kill ~ Level 65 ~
Level 100 Tempest HC with self-made and most played build of POE 2.0 ~ (✿◠‿◠) |
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Added new section, why stack evasion on top of all the block? A lot of people ask me why Grace over Anger, heres why
Stacking block and evasion is one of the most ridiculous overpowered mechanics in the game, its not mainstream knowledge, its an obscure mechanic with little documentation about it, because reasons below: WHY DO I USE GRACE INSTEAD OF ANGER? Anger would give me some nice juicy tooltip DPS, but I don't give a fuck, why? I have 7000 evasion with Grace and 68% block. 7000 evasion gives me roughly 38% chance to evade according to my character sheet in-game, this number is calculated with the average expected accuracy that a white monster has, which means it can be higher or lower. The actual chance to be hit by a monster is given by the following formula: Chance to hit = Attacker's Accuracy / ( Attacker's Accuracy + ((Defender's Evasion / 4) ^ 0.8) ) Using this, we can find out the average accuracy that a monster has, which is roughly, somewhere between 500 and 600. Because my build uses Tempest shield - 20/20 Curse on Hit - 20/20 Enfeeble, that reduces monster accuracy by 47 * 1.1 = 51,7%, which means a monster with 600 accuracy would have around 310 instead. Having 7000 evasion, this reduces the average monster chance to hit to 44%, instead of 62% without Enfeeble. Lets remember the order in which the game calculates if a mob hits you or not, this is very important: 1. Dodge chance is rolled 2. Evasion is rolled 3. Block is rolled Now lets see what happens when we engage in combat, remember we have 7000 evasion and 68% block: 1. When you engage a monster or group of monsters, the game assigns a random entropy number to your character, from 0 to 99. For examples sake, lets say you roll 72 entropy. 2. We are fighting a group of 4 monsters, one of them is an Accurate blue monster. Blue monster has a 75% chance to hit, white monster A has a 59% chance to hit, white monster B has a 64% chance to hit, white monster C has a 61% chance to hit, 3. The blue mob lands an attack, 75 + 72 = 147, because the value exceeds 100, he scores a hit, 100 is substracted from your entropy, and is now sitting at 47. Block is rolled next, and we block it, thus no damage is taken, HOWEVER, our entropy is sitting at 47, instead of 72, in addition to that, every mob in the vicinity is enfeebled, suddenly our chance to avoid damage is dramatically increased. 4. White monster A new chance to hit with enfeeble is 41%, 47 + 41 = 88, because the value doesn't exceed 100, we evade the attack, no damage is taken and block is not rolled 5. White monster B new chance to hit with enfeeble is around 46%, 88 + 46 = 134, scores a hit, new entropy value is 34, the monster had a 15% chance to crit, and he lands a crit, the game rolls again, with a 46% of the crit actually happening, this is independant of entropy. We have a 68% chance to block the critical strike that went through our evasion, at this point its pure RNG, most likely we will block it since 68% is pretty high chance. 6. White monster C chance to hit is 43%, 34 + 43 = 77, attack is evaded, no block is rolled. If you wanna make this even more absurd, add Blind to the mix, Blind reduces chance to hit by 50%, so the enfeebled white monster B chance to hit would be 1 - ( 0.5 * ( 1 - 0.54 ) ) = 77% chance to evade, which means 23% chance to hit instead of 46%. So yeah, fuck Anger, subpar aura for this build. If you can stand still casting vs any number and size of mobs, be it 4 beyond bosses on screen + Abaxoth or whatever, my effective DPS will be much higher than your shitty ultra-DPS character. Lowest level Hardcore Atziri Kill ~ Level 65 ~
Level 100 Tempest HC with self-made and most played build of POE 2.0 ~ (✿◠‿◠) |
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Your Level 100 character uses different skill tree than this guide. Is it something you are experimenting with or is it a better one? Thanks, |
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Found my first 6 link ever, white, all blue sockets.
3 chroms and one alch orb later:
With good a 2ring 1amu set from Elreon my 6l Incinerate costs like 3 mana now. Leveling really is retardedly broken with this setup. With fire pen and firecurse on a boos, they burn down so fast it's not even fun. Feels evil somehow... Editado por útlima vez por Sverigevader#6783 en 7 oct. 2015 6:33:09
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" It was a very old one from beta, updated, thanks for pointing it out Lowest level Hardcore Atziri Kill ~ Level 65 ~
Level 100 Tempest HC with self-made and most played build of POE 2.0 ~ (✿◠‿◠) |
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" grats! Lowest level Hardcore Atziri Kill ~ Level 65 ~
Level 100 Tempest HC with self-made and most played build of POE 2.0 ~ (✿◠‿◠) |
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