[2.4] How to smash Heads. Extremely detailed guide about the Facebreaker gloves and builds!
Well mate .. i've tested it before i wrote my previous post just to be sure ( like i always do ) and yes it needs a weapon.
Even the description says it "Attacks a target with physical and fire damage, causing balls of molten magma to launch forth from your WEAPON as you swing. These will explode, causing AoE attack damage to enemies where they land." No specific melee weapon is required but a melee weapon is required And again ... i've tested it before writing :) Btw Molten shell was never usable with unarmed attacks so nope .. no changes ... it was always the way it is now. And to leave no doubt .. a screenshot:
![]() P.S. The 3 posts ( which are 100% incorrect ) were too much to be honest ;) "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Editado por útlima vez por KorgothBG#4084 en 4 jun. 2014 14:21:09
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Then, they have changed it, because the release date, I most certainly used a pair of facebreakers + Molten Strike to level from 16 to 28.
I used Molten Strike, the molten strike in this chest actually. Coupled with these facebreakers Until I was high enough level to equip That weapon. Which I only did, because I absolutely hate not having a legitimate movement skill with facebreakers. My apologies. It is some sort of undocumented change then. If I were at home I could link to the actual SS I took of balls of flame leaping forth from my hand. Hence, why in my original post I mentioned " Because I really did use my Molten Strike with Facebreakers the day that the skill was released. AS to why there are three posts? NO FREAKING CLUE. I posted once, and then edited the post. I'll chalking it up to trying to post from my phone. |
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Perhaps it was a mistake from GGG and soon after the release they've changed the skill to it's current state ( without mentioning it .. since .. it was a mistake ) It's possible because to be honest i've tried the Molten Strike a few days after it's release so maybe i've missed it's first "version".
That's .. sad actually ... i would really love to see another unarmed attack to freshen up the Facebreakers :/ Oh well maybe one day ... someone from GGG ( can't remember who ) said that the Facebreakers are one of his favorite items. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Editado por útlima vez por KorgothBG#4084 en 4 jun. 2014 15:53:27
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I'd really like to see some movement to go with FB. I have a 66 FBer in standard, left over from Domination, and I hate traveling via Lightning Warp.
Honestly? I'd love to see them change up Shield Charge to be usable with FB. Or, a Shield Slam type ability to go with it. Thematically, I'd love to have a character that wailed on people with a shield. It's from my WoW past. I played a Paladin from 2.1 through 4.0, and then main changed to a Death Knight, but I always had a Warrior twisting in the wind as an Alt, purely because I LOVED smashing things in the face with a shield. If I were able to put together the cash, I'd most definitely try and design a unique shield that would count as a weapon, could be used in the main hand, and could be equipped with another shield. A Dual Shield wielding, smash you in the face, tower of power. With it counting as a weapon, (or... a shield that counted as a two handed weapon...) it would allow you to use attack skills with it, without being crazy. |
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" My thoughts exactly. I've talked about this so many times... but GGG doesn't seem to like the idea :/ "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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Thx for your build ! I'm currently playing a 76 facebreaker dominating blow in Ambush League.
12K DPS Amazing build, very cheap and insanely strong. Gear
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pls help me i can't do maps... i die rly fast. i have problem with my gear ? http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgQAAdwCcQSzBS0M9xRNGS4ZhRoyGmwb-h0UJKol3ycvJ-0oxTGeMgk1kjbpPC1Bh0d-SshMNU3jT31RYFnzXhNfP2BLYSFlTWaeZ5tsRm5pbqpwfXJscql07XgNeu982YBWhNmE74jxkFWZK5stoLSiAKQZplepbqmVq8Wsqqyvr2y18rc-vYG-ir6nwA_AGsOGxLjE9sWKxq7STdSP1fji6uNq45_kUeeR6dXvDvAf8wbzvvPd-ej60vuq_gr-jw== tkz |
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With the limited info provided by you i can't say exactly why ...
What are your defensive and offensive stats?( btw try to get rings and amulet with more physical damage because yours are terrible :/ ) In which maps you die fast ? Under what circumstances you die fast? Does the map boss kills you? Does the regular monsters kill you ? Maps with which map mods ? DO you have capped resists ? If my calculations are correct you don't .... how do you expect to live in that case? I've specificly said that you need to have capped resists 100% of the time! Your level 11 cast when damage taken DOES NOT SUPPORT you high level EC + Molten Shell and decoy totem! Please read carefuly the CWDT section.. and the description of the CWDT gem -_-! Where are your auras?! Where is your at least 1% life leech!?! Where is your mana leech to support your non BM infernal blow!?!? Have you even read my guide mate...?! "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Editado por útlima vez por KorgothBG#4084 en 8 jun. 2014 7:50:21
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Was just about to write something along those lines, becuase when followed, this build is bullet proof. Or maybe arrow proof. ;)
Currently lvl 80, and I can more or less go afk in maps... atleast answer the phone and play casually with one hand. (Only thing lacking is the MF, but getting rings, anmmu and boots with some of that, could help. But since you run so quickly through the maps, it kind of compensates...) I also think the BoR version of the build is better. Hade some close calls when using Abyssus. That ~40 perc extra damage hurts.
Muh build n gear
I run Haste and Hatred auras. |
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Started out a facebreaker build. Got pretty far when I wandered into this guide and found I'd mostly followed it. My build ended up taking pretty much all the nodes this one does. Thanks to the OP for putting this guide together! It really is quite excellent.
One thing I've not seen mentioned, and I find really useful with the Abyssus version of the build, is a slightly unintuitive chest piece: Daresso's Defiance. My overall gear is included below.
My Gear and Passive Tree
Also, for the record, here is my passive tree at level 90: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgQAAdwEswUtDPcUTRkuGYUaMho4Gj4abBv6HRQkqiXfJy8n7SjFKS4xnjIJNZI26TwtPfxE50d-SshMNU3jT31RYFRJWGNZ814TXz9gS2EhZU1mnmebajtsRm5pbqpwfXJscql07XgNeu98uHzZgFaE2YTviPGMz5BVmSugtKIApBmmV6eEqBipbqmVq8Wsqqyvr2y18rc-vJ-9gb6KvqfAD8Aaw4bE9sWKxq7G2NE20k3Uj9Xt4urjauOf5FHnkenV7w7wH_Gs8i_zBvO-8932SPrS-6r-Cv6P
Offensive and Defensive Stats
I run Hatred and Determination currently. I get 28,640.9 Tooltip DPS with a 5 Link of Infernal Blow - Multistrike - Melee Physical Damage - Faster Attacks - Melee Splash. I tend to swap in my Added Fire (removing Melee Splash) when I'm about to go run up and fight a boss. Added Fire instead of Melee Splash bumps my DPS up to 38,297.9 DPS. I suspect a 6L will bring me in around 35,000 DPS when I get one.
Defensively, I've got 22,403 Armor. I also have 2308 Evasion (21% against Level 90 enemies, which is functionally around 25% for most map enemies), and a 6% dodge from Daresso's. I have a 72% Block / 9% Spell Block with Lioneye's Remorse, and which I swap to my Saffell's for spell-using bosses, I have 57% block. In addition, I have 79% Elemental Resists (+4% max from tree) that go up to 83% when Saffell's is in use. My life pool is at 5373 hit points. Now that the numbers are out of the way, here is why I find Daresso's hugely helpful in this build. Defensively, the build relies heavily on block. You're blocking 72% of incoming attacks, which means that 28% of attacks get through. Those you have to resist with your elemental resists and your armor. But what if you could drive those hits down even further? A lot of your gear is spoken for (gloves, head, belt, shield), so you have limited options for additional damage mitigation, with the biggest being your chestpiece. Daresso's is a hybrid Armor/Evasion piece that can get you around 900 Evasion at the high end. It also provides 6% Dodge (separate from Evasion) and 3% Life Leech. It also does interesting things with your endurance charges, which will bound on and off a lot with this chest piece, but can give you a solid 3k DPS boost via Onslaught at times. So, we know that we're mitigating all attack damage 72% of the time. But if you add in 25% Evasion (you are taking some Evasion/Armor mixed nodes as a part of this build anyway, which gets you up there) and 6% Dodge, that 28% number starts going down. Now you have (1 - ( (1 - .25) * (1 - .06) * (1 - .72) )) = 80.26% chance of taking no damage. If you manage to get your block up to 75%, the numbers change to 82.37% chance of taking no damage. The biggest problem with using Daresso's is that you need some serious resists from your boots, rings, and amulet. I actually managed it with what I got in the tree, my boots, and my rings, which freed me up to make my amulet a little more utilitarian. I've found myself able to solo most things in the game (haven't tried Atziri yet) with this particular setup, and thought people might enjoy giving Daresso's a whirl with this build. My Builds:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1739942 - Flee the Fire! Fireball / Flameblast Sire of Shards Chieftain https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1572176 - Chill and Breathe: An Arctic Breath Totem Build |
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