[3.24] fezz's Toxic Rain Champion - Step-by-Step PoE Build Guide for Beginners & Casuals

Hey Fezz, do you put any jewels in the small cluster slots? Viridian jewels don't seem to go in them and small clusters don't seem appropriate. I see some other TR builds have unique jewels in those slots, are there any you can recommend or do you just not assign those points?

I'm lvl 97 and about 8m dps now, I also got to around +35% AOE, but I haven't really noticed a difference. I see what you mean about how much currency it will take to go further beyond, not hugely worth. As much as I like the look of vapourizing everything with the 20-50m dps builds I don't think I can bring myself to level another character and learn a whole new build just yet, but I may get bored of just farming more divs and not having much to spend them on except tiny min-maxes.

Starting to figure out some of the different mechanics, I got pretty lucky with putting my very first potent resonator on a fractured jewel, so now obviously I'm a fossil crafting god and I'm speccing into delve along with heist and harvest, I think they're the most noob-friendly mechanics.

Next on my list is lvl100 and figuring out the other endgame bosses - I presume 8m will be enough for all the endgame bosses? (but not ubers?) EoW and SE just dropped invites and away you go, I don't really understand how to get the next 2 but I'll watch a bunch of youtube videos to figure it out.. seem to spend more time alt-tabbed watching videos than I do playing :D

Anyway thanks again for the build and the help.
s00pahFr0g escribió:
I've been using your build to great success this league. I am not a new player, but I have always followed guides and usually got to level 90 and did some mapping each league and that was mostly it. I'm playing a lot more this league and I am really trying to get through the challenges. It's going well. Thank you for a great build. I even attempted the Maven fight once, which I did lose but managed to make it to the final phase and I think I can probably beat it after a couple tries.

I'm trying to do the ultimatum challenges in red maps and I am really struggling. I don't know if this build is not great for ultimatum or more likely I'm just not very good lol do you have any suggestions on improving the build for this content? My main issue seems to be recovery. I get to like round 5-6 and I just don't have the healing to keep myself alive.

Ultimatum can be very random due to the downside mods, yes. You could try to run a second life flask or to change the skill tree to get a bit more life regeneration. But I can't guarantee that this works. This build might simply not be that suitable for Ultimatum (I never played Ultimatum with this build, tbh).
TiwilyDarling escribió:
Hey Fezz! I'm really enjoying leveling with this build so far. I'm currently in act 8 and got a lucky drop:

Is it something I can make use of with this build? I'm sorry if this is silly question, I'm pretty new. Currently rocking Quill Rain.

Hey, if available, you can use a Regal Orb on the magic bow and then use the crafting bench to craft a useful mod on it (e.g. attack speed, chaos damage or (chaos) dot multi - or even resistances, if needed). If you do that, you can skip the act 10 task related to the bow craft (your bow will always be better than the one you could potentially craft due to being a 6-link).

But even without a Regal Orb, the magic bow is already pretty good (addtional gem levels are huge for this build).
Editado por útlima vez por fezz8386#7997 en 3 ene. 2024 5:29:04
Snagglet0es escribió:
Hey Fezz, do you put any jewels in the small cluster slots? Viridian jewels don't seem to go in them and small clusters don't seem appropriate. I see some other TR builds have unique jewels in those slots, are there any you can recommend or do you just not assign those points?

You can put any jewels into the small cluster slots (including Viridian jewels). Therefore, Viridian jewels are the recommended ones.

Snagglet0es escribió:
Next on my list is lvl100 and figuring out the other endgame bosses - I presume 8m will be enough for all the endgame bosses? (but not ubers?)

Yes, 8M DPS is enough for all bosses (even for Ubers, but that requires a lot of skill and I presonally wouldnt try it with that amount of damage)

Snagglet0es escribió:
EoW and SE just dropped invites and away you go, I don't really understand how to get the next 2 but I'll watch a bunch of youtube videos to figure it out.. seem to spend more time alt-tabbed watching videos than I do playing :D

In order to get the 3rd and 4th Voidstones, you have to beat The Uber Elder and The Maven. Check out the respective Wiki articles to get to know how you can encounter them.
Editado por útlima vez por fezz8386#7997 en 3 ene. 2024 5:41:17
Thanks Fezz, I did as you suggested (regaled my magic 6L bow) and it working great thus far.
Another question: I'm done with CWDT Molten Shell setup, I gues I should switch my left click skill to Withering Step now, correct? Unless I did something wrong here, it looks like I shouldn't be be able to cast MS manually, after linking it with CWDT.
TiwilyDarling escribió:
Thanks Fezz, I did as you suggested (regaled my magic 6L bow) and it working great thus far.
Another question: I'm done with CWDT Molten Shell setup, I gues I should switch my left click skill to Withering Step now, correct? Unless I did something wrong here, it looks like I shouldn't be be able to cast MS manually, after linking it with CWDT.

Correct - as long as u are able to spam Withering Step. Otherwise you can put "Move Only' on left click and occasionally use Withering Step.
Hi Fezz, and thank's for your previous help. I've been trying not to bother you too much, but I have a question, which might interest other's too.

I have managed to get some currency and improved my gear, but still don't have afford to make everything as it should be, and I have to make choises between different properties. What interests me the most is the influence from area off effect, and mostly how important it is. Is it possible to see it on Path Of Building, because in my current setup, it don't seem to have any effect. I'm wondering if it have just slight influence or something significant as long as it hits the magic 39%.

I have now 29% and I could consider getting new helmet with needed 10% on it, but then I'd propably loose 16% attack speed and 20% movement speed, which seem to do much compared to other helmets I have tried.

By the way, I got Cherrubim's Malefience armor as drop, with 6-sockets and 5 links. It's got 1128 armor and 1417 evasion, which is much better than my previous, and this have also 76% increased chaos damage, which is a lot. As a drawback, I loose life and resistances. I can have other resistances capped other ways, but life sucks. Still this is way better than my previous Full Dragonscale, at least in mapping, where speed increase is notable. Considereing this was priced only 1c as it was, sounds like pretty good early game item, assuming it actually possible to buy with that price.

So far I have been just testing it, and haven't considered investment to make it 6-link. As 5-linked, I loose strength on my secondary weapon too, but it doesn't bother in maps. With some tweaks in skill tree, I can have 3000 Dps. With 10 div bow, I could reach 4000
Masteropii escribió:
I have managed to get some currency and improved my gear, but still don't have afford to make everything as it should be, and I have to make choises between different properties.

That's pretty much the nature of any ARPG as you most likely will never get the perfect item. Unfortunately, there's not always a correct answer since it really depends on your (current) goals. But I'll try to give you some feedback.

Masteropii escribió:
What interests me the most is the influence from area off effect, and mostly how important it is. Is it possible to see it on Path Of Building, because in my current setup, it don't seem to have any effect ... I have now 29% and I could consider getting new helmet with needed 10% on it, but then I'd propably loose 16% attack speed and 20% movement speed, which seem to do much compared to other helmets I have tried.

The best answer to this question is this video. Simply said: The more AoE you have the better your clear and the higher are the chances that you hit moving targets. That being said, I wouldn't sacrifice any of the mentioned modifiers to get more AoE - because it doesn't matter if you hit the enemies better if you don't deal damage while doing so or you get killed.

Masteropii escribió:
By the way, I got Cherrubim's Malefience armor as drop, with 6-sockets and 5 links. It's got 1128 armor and 1417 evasion, which is much better than my previous, and this have also 76% increased chaos damage, which is a lot. As a drawback, I loose life and resistances. I can have other resistances capped other ways, but life sucks. Still this is way better than my previous Full Dragonscale, at least in mapping, where speed increase is notable. Considereing this was priced only 1c as it was, sounds like pretty good early game item, assuming it actually possible to buy with that price ... So far I have been just testing it, and haven't considered investment to make it 6-link. As 5-linked, I loose strength on my secondary weapon too, but it doesn't bother in maps. With some tweaks in skill tree, I can have 3000 Dps. With 10 div bow, I could reach 4000

First of all, let me give you your "real" damage: 2.8M DPS. Unequipping your 5-link Cherrubim's Malefience would result in a DPS loss of -300k which is ~10%. While this is not a low amount, it won't allow you to make big steps. On the other hand, adding like 30% Chaos Resistance when using another Body Armour would increase your defense significantly. As a result, I would always choose another Body Armour (which provides usefull defenses) over Cherrubim's Malefience.

On top of that: Moderate 6-links with life and some resistances cost like 5-10c at the moment. Don't sleep on that.

Last but not least: I see that you are currently using a 4-link Ballista Totem setup in your body armour with both Multiple Totems Support and Efficacy Support. The main reason this build uses an additional totem setup is to support your primary skill (selfcast TR). The biggest support for your primary skill is Withering Touch Support (provided by your totem). Therefore, I reccommend replacing Efficacy Support with Withering Touch Support for the time being.


Editado por útlima vez por fezz8386#7997 en 5 ene. 2024 11:25:12
Thank's for the answer. That cleared aspects with AOE. I should have said it mor clearly, but I already have an armor, which have more resistanced on it. I payed around 100c from it and it is still my main choise, but I have been interested about the increased damage this new one can provide. The overall feeling is more than plain DPS numbers indicate, propably because it gives a bit more immediate damage rather than only damage over time.

Currently I'm in a sticly stituation again, since I no longer get any income from lower tier maps. They are back to few c, and practically empty from wisps. I can be lucky if I find 1000k from tier6, when around the christmas, it was 2k-6k and 30c average worth + random higher value drops.

Now I have to run tier 12 maps to be able to get anything. While sometimes they are doable, there will be lots of very resilient and fast monsters, which refuce to take damage from DOT, and only way to get them from my back is to face them one by one and continously shoot and let time related buffs do their job. In these situations that increased chaos damage seems to help a lot.

For same reason, I have also sacrifcied my life in front of damage and taken passive skill points from defence to offence, according to recommended end-game setup, while my other gear may not yet to be up to the task. I once had close to 5000, when now I have around 4000. I have done and tried to done some bosses, and while they are doable, I could use more.

I'm indeed using only 4 sockets on my armor, because I haven't yet decided to use any currency on it. If I decide to continue with it for a while, I'll propably use few chromatic orbs to be able to use 5-sockets. Right now, practically only benefit from the ballista's are, they seem to attract monsters from attacking me.

I'm currently thinking should I grind tier 15 and 16 maps without wisps and try to level up my character. They seem to give me as much as juiced lower tier maps and maybe give more something with higher value. I just don't know if it makes my drop situation worse. I still can't understand why everyoone else seems to get huge drops when I get transmutation shards.
Masteropii escribió:
Thank's for the answer. That cleared aspects with AOE. I should have said it mor clearly, but I already have an armor, which have more resistanced on it. I payed around 100c from it and it is still my main choise, but I have been interested about the increased damage this new one can provide. The overall feeling is more than plain DPS numbers indicate, propably because it gives a bit more immediate damage rather than only damage over time.

Based on your comments so far, I really want to encourage you to listen less to your "overall feeling" and instead follow the build guide more closely. Most of your "feelings" are wrong (due to a lack of knowlegde and experience, which is understandable) and there are reasons why the recommended setup is as it is. Unless you have super high bugdet, the recommended setup will be better than your feeling-based-setup in like 99% of cases.

Masteropii escribió:
Currently I'm in a sticly stituation again, since I no longer get any income from lower tier maps. They are back to few c, and practically empty from wisps. I can be lucky if I find 1000k from tier6, when around the christmas, it was 2k-6k and 30c average worth + random higher value drops.

This ongoing trouble with making currency really makes me think that you are doing something wrong OR you are exaggerating a lot. Since you can't share your screen and show me how you play maps, how your Atlas is set-up and whatnot, here's what you should do (assuming you can complete T14 Maps):

1. Read this and set-up your Atlas accordingly
3. Run T14+ maps
3. Assign the Searing Echarch Influence to your map (via Map Device)
4. Click the Exarch Altars that spawn occasionally (pick priority = 'Eldritch Minions Gain' > Map Boss Gains / never pick 'Player Gains')
8. Don't care about dying
9. Don't do Wisps
10. Don't do Essences

A map should take you like 3 minutes or so. Run 100 maps. Then check your loot. Bulk sell your accumulated loot for Divine or Chaos Orbs. Then upgrade your gear.

Masteropii escribió:
For same reason, I have also sacrifcied my life in front of damage and taken passive skill points from defence to offence, according to recommended end-game setup, while my other gear may not yet to be up to the task. I once had close to 5000, when now I have around 4000. I have done and tried to done some bosses, and while they are doable, I could use more.

See above. Stick to the guide. These changes aren't as good as you "feel".

Masteropii escribió:
I'm indeed using only 4 sockets on my armor, because I haven't yet decided to use any currency on it. If I decide to continue with it for a while, I'll propably use few chromatic orbs to be able to use 5-sockets.

See above. Stick to the guide. With your current setup, your totems are pretty much useless.

Masteropii escribió:
Right now, practically only benefit from the ballista's are, they seem to attract monsters from attacking me.

Yes, because your setup is wrong. Switch Efficacy Support with Withering Touch and they become useful. Even better: Get a 6-link for 5-10c and use the full recommended setup.

Masteropii escribió:
I'm currently thinking should I grind tier 15 and 16 maps without wisps and try to level up my character. They seem to give me as much as juiced lower tier maps and maybe give more something with higher value. I just don't know if it makes my drop situation worse. I still can't understand why everyoone else seems to get huge drops when I get transmutation shards.

They either grind a lot OR they do the league mechanic (Wisps) in combination with magic find setups (but that's not an option for you at the moment, especially not with this build).
Editado por útlima vez por fezz8386#7997 en 6 ene. 2024 12:10:45

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