[3.24] fezz's Toxic Rain Champion - Step-by-Step PoE Build Guide for Beginners & Casuals
Hey fezz! Your guide is great and made me progress the most I have ever done in PoE in a few attempts of trying to get into it.
But.. I feel like after buying multiple endgame items you suggest I feel weaker than I did with 1 chaos items I bought preparing for maps, what did I do wrong? |
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Hey fezz, it's great of you to answer all our nooby questions on here :P
I was wondering if you could check my build and advise on where I go next? I'm starting to struggle a bit for damage (and sometimes dying) on T14-15 maps. T11-12 feel not too bad, I can even juice them up with wisps a bit. I'm working on trying to get 3rd wildwood ascend, getting some more levels to fill out the cluster jewel section, and getting gems at least 20/20 if not 21/20, but is there anything else obvious I should work towards? |
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Snaglet0es, I hope you don't mind since I took a liberty to spy your gear a little, since you are nice 3 levels ahead of me. Looking your stats, that confirms my suspicions that my gear is behind my level. You have almost 3x more DPS than I have and much better defences.
However, this raises some questions for me, since I have now been running tier 11 corrupted maps with full wisps without problems and I feel I could do much higher if I just had the maps. I have few tier 15, but I'm not that ambitious. What interests me, have you already fight the Infinite Hunger in eater of the world challence, since that one really screwed me up few levels ago. I got a new invitation, but don't feel I could fight it anytime soon. If you have done it, how long ago it was and did you have any problems maintining life and mana. Mine were draining up like crazy. |
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" I really don't get the mana issue thing. As explained before, you can mathematically spam your mana flask and you would almost never run out of mana - even in your hideout, without killing or hitting any enemies whatsoever. PS: The free amount of 64 mana is absolutely fine and expected. " There's no connection between your jewels and your gems (unless it's attribute-related, but given that you overleveld them, indicates that that isn't an issue). You can't make the quality trade with skill gems (anymore), so your plan wont work out. Even if, your plan would be bad ;) Removing your very best defensive layer in order to get one of your most less important upgrades is just not worth it. " That totally depends on you. I, for example, have set goals which change. If I want to level up, I play safe, if I dont care about dying and only care about making currency, I play whatever and my defensive layers are my 6 portals :). It's a choice - at least if you don't play HC. " Normally, maps can be cleared without Ballistas. It's pretty much hit and run (literally!) until a yellow/blue pack comes along which might need 2 or 3 more hits with TR. " I feel like you overreact. There's no way you get "nothing" out of low tier maps if you spam them. One important thing is, that you will only get GREAT loot (such as Divine Orbs) very rarely (depending on your clear speed), but your currncy wealth doesn't build up only due to these GREAT loot but all the small things (Essences, Contracts, Fragments, Scarabs, Oils etc.) which you can sell to increase your wealth in order to buy new items. " This comes with experience. The learning curve is pretty high and even players with 10k+ into the game learn soemthing new every now and then. " The reason is most liekly that you did not set-up your PoB properly. You are currently doing ~1.1M DPS. If you want to know how to set-up PoB properly, check out the Q&A section. " Sometimes - and especially in PoE - offense is the best defense. On top of that, you undererstimate how much additonal gem level scale your damage. For example, a bow like this would increase your damage from 1.1M to 1.5M which is +36% which is HUGE. -------------------- PS: For me, it fells like you a) overthink quite a bit or b) make your own assumptions which are most of the time wrong. So my advice is to stick very very close to the guide in order to not mistakes AND try to grind more (I'M pretty sure you could have completed like 20+ maps while writing your comment :D). Time is currency! Editado por útlima vez por fezz8386#7997 en 22 dic. 2023 17:44:34
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" It's hard to tell without knowing what your gear was before and it obviosly depend on which content you run. For the most part, I don't see any critical mistakes in your setup. You just have to grind and upgrade your gear more and complete the milestones. PS: Since you have a Curse on Hit ring, you don't need the Despair gem anymore. PS2: What's up with your Vicious Proejctiles Support in your gloves? Editado por útlima vez por fezz8386#7997 en 22 dic. 2023 18:03:48
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" Your gear looks decent already and you already have the biggest investment done, namely your bow. So now it's time to minmax all other areas, like - as you already mentioned - gem level and gem quality. I would say the very next easy/cheap-ish investment woudl be a Malevolence 21/0 and a Determination 21/0. All in all, this looks very good. Keep grinding ;) |
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It's hard to tell without knowing what your gear was before and it obviosly depend on which content you run. For the most part, I don't see any critical mistakes in your setup. You just have to grind and upgrade your gear more and complete the milestones.
PS: Since you have a Curse on Hit ring, you don't need the Despair gem anymore. PS2: What's up with your Vicious Proejctiles Support in your gloves?[/quote] Thanks for the reply fezz! First of all, I changed a few things around, this was what I had before I decided to ask for help, no other changes, except necklace which was just a basic life+res one compared to this one that also has chaos dot%: As for the PS: Yup, I know. I just forgot to take it out because I stopped playing for the day after doing a few maps. And 2, because I had the unique Maloney's Mechanism, i put Vicious Projectils in there so I could swap it out for greater multiple projectiles if I ever needed to, but my dps was great so I never ended up doing it. I kept it there same reason as despair, your endgame setup recommends to use lifetap, but I have not had a single issue with mana so I skipped it completely. Again, thank you for the reply. |
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@Fezz Thanks man, glad I'm not missing anything important - your guide is really comprehensive thanks so much. I'll be honest I watch streamers just absolutely vaporising everthing on screen instantly and I'm like, well why am I not doing that :P
I just had "one" more nooby question! I've ended up all with all AOE gems in my gloves, and there is a bench craft +1 to level of socketed AOE gems plus +#% area of effect, is that worth it over having +armor/evasion? If I knew how to use POB I'm sure I could probably calculate the improvement, but I find it stupidly hard to use. @Masteropii - I just did the eater of worlds thing tonight, looked up a youtube tutorial and just went for it, died once. The hardest part is standing on all the circles for long enough before the big laser gets close. The video I looked at said it does mostly lightning damage and recommended a topaz flask, maybe that'll help. In terms of maps - look up 'wandering path atlas build' - basically you get 100% chance for a monster to drop a connected map - I'm still missing a few but I'm swimming in maps now. Hope it helps. |
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" I don't see anything that would explain the feeling of getting significantly weaker, to be honest. Editado por útlima vez por fezz8386#7997 en 22 dic. 2023 23:48:11
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" As long as you don't get over 39% Increased AoE overall, you can use that craft, yes. Editado por útlima vez por fezz8386#7997 en 22 dic. 2023 23:49:43
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