[3.24] fezz's Toxic Rain Champion - Step-by-Step PoE Build Guide for Beginners & Casuals
" Hey, I have more questions, us noobs keep you busy eh? :D So PoB doesn't tell me what my area of effect is, and when I assign the bow mastery node it doesn't change my dps or anything. Is it a case of having to get the holy trinity of 1) the node, 2) helmet mod, 3) glove mod, and then your damage goes up a lot? I've followed your instructions for setting PoB up properly and see I'm doing way more deeeeps than I thought! Is there a theroetical limit for the build when min-maxed? In your PoB picture it says 5 million Also in that picture you have small cluster jewels slotted in, they're not mentioned in the guide, was that just theorycrafting? |
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I think I have figured out most of the problems with mana. There are several different things. I was able to replicate the mana issue also in hideout, while it was much more common when some stronger oponent was nearby. I don't know why it was like that, since I checked that there was non mention about stealing or reducing flask charges. It seemed to be related to force-field bubbles or rings. The main problem, however, was my mana-flask, which was divine mana flask and not eternal. Back in a time, I didn't have enough currency to make completely new one and I had that one dropped with high quality. While it should have been enough from just mathematical point of view, the problen was timing between charges and the usage. Charges seem to be coming once per 3 seconds, while I used to consume it too often in a tight spot, keeping the bottle empty. Time to time mana run out, and there wasn't yet new charges in the bottle. It hapenend nore frequently when I threw lots of curses and ballista's.
I made eternal flask with same setup, and it worked much better. There was small moment without mana time to time, but it didn't bother anymore. Final solution was to program my mouse repeat mana and life comand in 5s period. Now I no longer have to touch the mana and on the life button, only in fast panic situation, which hardly never happen. I still get random comments, 'My spirit is consumed', but there are no noticable shortages. I have also noticed a thing, which might be obvious for experienced players, but has been confucing to me, and maybe others. It appears that visual arraow rain animation intensity varies depending on the monster and pplayer properties. Therefore, for example slight decrease in attack speed can give impression from much lower strenght, even if actual DPS would be higher. Together with mana shortages, this might have made the problem feel worse than it was. Then the other issue, about very low produstivity. It was real and lasted entire mapping perioid, but has now, especially today, changed dramatically. By saying I didn't get nothing, it was very close to that. Normal or blue monsters hardly never dropped anything which showed throug loot filter. From yellow monsters, I got mostly rare and unique equipment with bad stats. Other than RGB or six-socket items were worth nothing. I got one or two chromatic orbs and about 5 jewellers orb per map by average and sometimes something better like vaal orb, but hardly never chaos and not a single divines. I typically got max 500-1000 wisps per run. I have used maybe 300 jeweller's orb and 100 chromatic orbs on my stuff, and few days ago, I was totally out of practically everything. Now when I started the trade, I checked the value of the stuff I had. Most of it was at scarabs, about 50-70c. I have used some of them, but without getting practically anything in return, not even close to 3-8c, which they seem to be worth. I have also some value in divination cards and essenses, but hard to say how much. Typically they are valued 1C, but they don't sell with that price. I had about 500 chrystalized life-force per each. Typically I got something like 20 per bush, but many times nothing. I typically used some chisels on the map, made them rare and maybe put some fragment on the mapping device. Sometimes I used vaal orbs. I can safely say that my average total income was less than 2C per map. Mainly today, that income have come up at least order of magnitude. I have frequently got more than 20C per map, and few times items which I have sold over 30C. I hope this trend continues, but would be quite interesting to know why. Obviously there is some mechanisms, which dictates the map productivity. I have now run maps from tier 2 to 10, and got good income from all of them. Before, I got something only from higher tiers. There's many thigns which have changed same time, so it's hard to say which on is the critical factor, or is it all of them. -I started to sell things, I have never done it before -I managed to get maps and bonuses for all <=tier 5 maps. Before, there were gaps -I have got quite many atlas tree points since I got ne whigher tier maps -I have updated my gear, first bow and then maloney's mechanism, and got my most important gems 20% quality and max level. The strenght have gone up a lot and maloney's mechanism enable much faster play-style and clearing speed. |
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"Flask effect is not removed when Unreserved Mana is Filled"
I can't seem to roll this??? Jokes, I got it eventually Editado por útlima vez por ammo29#1372 en 25 dic. 2023 17:04:37
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Firstly, I'd like to thank you for the guide as it's really incredible. Used it for three leagues as a new player and now I've been able to scale my damage really well. However, I've gotten all 4 voidstones and started to juice some maps this league and this build has trouble staying alive/killing things. I have like 7m dps, grace etc. Not sure what I'm doing wrong or maybe this build is just not capable of doing juiced maps.
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" 7M is aleady quite good, but for very juiced maps (like 80% Deli) it is simply not enough. There, you want to have like 20M+, 30M+. 40M+ DPS which - unfortunately - is nothing this build is capable of. So the go-to-strategy would be to farm the currency you need to setup a juiced mapper and then switch to that very build. At the end of the days, TR Champion is more of a league starter than an actual juiced mapper. Editado por útlima vez por fezz8386#7997 en 28 dic. 2023 4:07:21
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" You can see your total Area of Effect in PoB in the "Calcs" tab. There, you have to select TR as the active skill and then you have to look out for "Skill type-specific Stats" where you can find AoE at the next-to-last mod. I am not that into the maths of AoE, but the breakpoint of 39% is considered to be the best amount possible since it provides the most efficient way of overlapping TR pods. This video dives a bit deeper into the theory behind that. In terms of damage sceiling, I would say 7-8M is reasonable. Everything above comes with costs that are not reasonable because damage gained versus currency invested are off (especially compared to other builds). But with 8M, you can pretty much do any "normal" conent in the game. If you want to tackle super juiced maps or Uber bosses, I recommend switching to a build that has more like a sceiling of 20-50M DPS. Editado por útlima vez por fezz8386#7997 en 28 dic. 2023 11:14:43
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On Act 10, it says to use a regal orb to upgrade the thicket bow to rare except i don't have one |
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" Then you were quite unlucky. But you can buy them from Lani in the Oriath Docks. |
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I've been using your build to great success this league. I am not a new player, but I have always followed guides and usually got to level 90 and did some mapping each league and that was mostly it. I'm playing a lot more this league and I am really trying to get through the challenges. It's going well. Thank you for a great build. I even attempted the Maven fight once, which I did lose but managed to make it to the final phase and I think I can probably beat it after a couple tries.
I'm trying to do the ultimatum challenges in red maps and I am really struggling. I don't know if this build is not great for ultimatum or more likely I'm just not very good lol do you have any suggestions on improving the build for this content? My main issue seems to be recovery. I get to like round 5-6 and I just don't have the healing to keep myself alive. |
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Hey Fezz! I'm really enjoying leveling with this build so far. I'm currently in act 8 and got a lucky drop:
Is it something I can make use of with this build? I'm sorry if this is silly question, I'm pretty new. Currently rocking Quill Rain. Editado por útlima vez por TiwilyDarling#2939 en 2 ene. 2024 14:08:21
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