[3.9] Aziire's Deadeye Galvanic Arrow - Maximum Projectile Speed/AoE, God Speed!

Me again!
Just wondering, what's the purpose of taking Powerful Precision on the 4th ascendancy?
Since our projectile damage is quite low, what's the point of having it hit all enemies in an area when the cone of lightning damage clears it all in one hit anyway?
Isn't Rupture far better for the rare enemies that survive the initial burst, or any bosses? Surely having a 25% chance to bleed an opponent (Practically guaranteed in that first shotgun blast), then immediately gain (against bleeding enemies) 50% crit chance, 80% multi, and +30 life on hit (remember how fast this build attacks?), as well as brainlet mode for no additional moving whilst bleeding damage.
Also, this build totally works on a tabula. I'm at 4.1k life, capped resists, and around 30% dodge. Obviously can't tank stuff like Izaro or Shaper, but that's what this playstyle is for!
Gear is linked below, will likely swap out helmet soon.
Please ignore my gem links, as I am going full potato until I can link the bow.


Gotta be the best implicit for Prismweave since we do take Wrath.
Editado por útlima vez por AbrahamObama#4855 en 19 dic. 2019 23:59:08
I know that this is a deadeye build but have you tried this build with Raider? I think the ascendancies seem to be more on par with ele damage and attack speed and we already have a lot of aoe from all the arrow speed we get from passives, I will see what PoB says before trying anything.
60 fusings and I got it. Just need enlighten lvl 3 now, lvling one in it. Just if i find 2 ex before then. I'm just gonna buy a lvl 3 enlighten

Editado por útlima vez por skullmatt666#6370 en 20 dic. 2019 0:41:40
Anyone else sometimes having a bug where barrage barely deals amy more damage, as if mone of the arrows or cones were hitting?
cbasz escribió:
Anyone else sometimes having a bug where barrage barely deals amy more damage, as if mone of the arrows or cones were hitting?

May be bugged: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/ecsj7u/is_barrage_support_bugged/

Thanks for the comment! I would like to highlight that Impresence amulets are actually pretty OP if you are dealing mainly one type of damage (fire/ice/lightning/chaos) because penetration on aura reserved for free is pretty good, especially in this patch when monsters and bosses have more ele resistance. Penetration is more effective against monsters with higher resistances as there is a larger damage boost from reducing their resistances. To min-max, you can get an anionment Whispers of Doom for dual cursing on a Impresence and reserve Conductivity for free, while also using Assassin's Mark Curse on Hit too.
You say curse on hit and assassin mark's with herald of ice, thats 1 green 2 blue and i have that on my bow, but then i wont have wrath

EDIT: I used 2 blues guaranteed twice and got 1 g 3 b
Editado por útlima vez por FearlessKiller#3193 en 20 dic. 2019 12:00:20
this Path of Building isn't working? =/
Im loving playing this but seems too squishy. Especially on metamorph encounters where i need to stand to dps but if i do i get blown up by the exploding crawlers. Am i doing something wrong? Or am i just undergeared? Also why Withering step? Can we replace it with another blink skill for movement? Why is it preferred over something like Flame Dash for example?
So, I've been running this build for a day or two and so far it's pretty fun, here's my current gear :

If I understand correctly, to understand my DPS i should multiply the dps shown on PoB by 14 times for each attack, right (7 cones + 7 arrows in succession per attack)? Then multiply that by my attack rate to get my DPS? Cause if so, the dps is absolutely insane considering how cheap my gear is (got lucky for the armor, bought that bow for 40c, it gives slightly more dps than the tempest, the rest i bought for a few c each or crafted myself).
I'm not entirely sure how I can upgrade my gear, most upgrades seem to be extremely expensive (an ex or more) for very little dps improvements (hyrri's demise for example is 1 ex for like 5% more dps).

Hyrri's Ire would actually be a decently big dps increase, but it would cut into my defenses and it costs several exalts for a 6l, so that's out of the question for now. I'm standing at 4685 hp, 71% evasion, 75% attack dodge, 63% spell dodge. Metamorphs hit hard but overall I'm not encountering any walls. Still need my 4th ascendancy (will most likely take Rupture since I don't see the point of powerful precision when the cone already destroys all the trash mobs, and that sweet sweet life on hit + no extra damage taken on moving while bleeding is just great, and that's not counting the crit chance and multi bonuses).

For ammy i went with Marylene's as it gives me a bit (12%) more dps than karui ward, and the aoe is still very good (i got proj speed on my quiver, would like to get it on bow too but poe.trade doesn't have many upgrades). Apart from that, I'm thinking of getting more lightning res, maybe hopefully reach the same capped res for cold and lightning, and replace the silver flask with a Wise Oak (still one of the best elemental flasks around). Could get onslaught on kill on an abyss jewel somewhere to compensate. Or just grab Rotgut.
I think Dying Sun is also a potential luxury upgrade, as +2 projectiles is always a nice addition. I disagree on the choice of Prismweave though, we already do plenty of damage, a stygian vise with good stats is a better option for survivability, just slot a decent to good abyss jewel in there (once again, I lucked out and crafted a good one) and you've got just about as much damage as a prismweave would give you but with a LOT more survivability, which this build really needs.

Here's my pob link if anyone is interested : https://pastebin.com/Y6pzs8Wu

Overall, it's a pretty fun build ! I already went with a homebrewed shrapnel shot build back in Legion and managed to reach ~2m dps with modest gear (a couple ex, so this definitely takes me back. I'm just sad that the collateral damage jewels can't drop anymore, because they were beyond ridiculous (50% more damage on the cone? HELLO!?). In any case, I'll be trying to push this build further, and I'll document my progress here if anyone is interested :D

P.S. : I am very sad that PoB doesn't show the aoe size of GA's cone anymore. I wrote an issue on their github, and I hope that'll be fixed, so I can have an easier time balancing my projectile speed stat with the rest (since i suppose it has a cap).
Editado por útlima vez por Chnams#3070 en 20 dic. 2019 16:40:49

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