[3.9] Aziire's Deadeye Galvanic Arrow - Maximum Projectile Speed/AoE, God Speed!

Anyone got any thoughts about voltaic vs tempest? I just got my hands on one today and will try it out.

BTW, have you done any thinking about using a kaoms? We would lose the epic aura link though but might be worth it for some HP.
The inpulsa feels nice, just wish I could six link it for the 3 aura setup
skullmatt666 escribió:
The inpulsa feels nice, just wish I could six link it for the 3 aura setup

You have a 6L bow? damn son
No aziire i was talking about the bow , look at my bow and chest, my chest is for my arrow skil (tabula rasa) and bow is for auras, i have herald of ice and wrath in it but is there anything i can do with these 2 other slots empty
What do you think of the conductivty+ Blasphemy combo? Worth a try?
If you want to use blasphemy + conductivity aura curse, I suggest using a Impresence to make the aura cuse reserve no mana. In that way, you can reserve more mana for other auras to boost your damage further.
I got a 6 linked lioneye's glare while levelling, would this bow be good for this build?
One question!:

You have vaal pact, but WHERE any % to attack damage life leech?
I cant see in pasive tree, and items. What im missing?
Editado por útlima vez por kaienowaty en 19 dic. 2019 16:01:46
Hi i just noticed in your passive tree later on you take Point blank, but you already have the ascendancy Far Shot. Dont they both negate each other?


Either bow is really nice. Some people are finding Voltaxic to do more dps. I think if I went with Voltaxic I would pick up an Inpulsa as the chest piece and go with Shock damage. Kaoms could be cool, the 6 Link isn't super necessary. We would have to really struggle to fit in the Auras somewhere else though.


The 6 Link dream will come true one day dw. Still only got 5 Links myself, no luck :c


Get your Herald of Ice > Curse on Hit > Assassins Mark setup asap. It boosts our clear by massive amount. Then try fit Wrath in wherever else you can get it. It will be hard getting 3 blues on The Tempest so maybe consider putting blood rage on the bow and Wrath elsewhere.


Everything is worth a go. I think we kill packs too far away though, so it isn't as useful. It also reserves a bunch of mana where as using Curse on Hit is basically free.


Good suggestion for unique, would definitely solve the mana problem ^^^


Yeah Lioneyes Glare is a beast. You could use it all the way through, or use it to farm up a different bow like The Tempest or Voltaxic. It would definitely be strong though.


We get it through Blood Rage and Blood Drinker on the passive tree.


They multiply together so it offsets the range by quite a bit. Even at the edge of your average screen you will still have a positive dps boost. Compared to just using Point Blank where it starts decreasing almost mid screen.

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