3.7| Stress Free PoE - TRIGGER HAPPY |Clear the Atlas with YOUR Items at YOUR Pace (SSF & Co-op)
" Great info, I would say there are many that don't know of this. Oh and to add you can press A if on xbox like me and bring up the skill stats as well! |
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I've been reading your build guides for a while now. I'm old and slow so the less buttonology the better. I've been wanting to try out cyclone so finding your excellent guide was the perfect excuse for me to do it. I respecced a char in standard since I have a lot of gear stashed there. I went from level 86 to 91.6 as smoothly as I ever have. I stayed with all the block nodes but made some changes. I took nodes to give me a 100% chance to cause bleeding and am using a dragoon sword that I crafted. My pob: https://pastebin.com/007Kca5G I like having a movement skill so I have a 2 button build and I drop the ancestral warchief as needed. Its saved me a couple times. I have done t16's with ease. No guardians or shaper yet. Even though I made a few changes its still your build that was the inspiration. You've made me a believer in block builds. Thank you for introducing me to what is now one of my favorite builds to play. |
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Thanks for the updates for 3.8, for sure. I will probably keep on rolling with the "spin to win" cyclone skill for now, but may end up leveling up a few melee skill gems just to try out perforate/bladestorm when they're more competitive.
It's cool having choices on how I continue to work on burning up stack after stack of fusing orbs for a 6-link chest. |
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So I just wanted to also give my praise to this build. I am not as adept at all the dodge mechanics needed to play a good glass canon style build and never seem to be able to make a good amount of currency to run an uber build so this build really fit the bill.
I did make some modifications to the build to make it more offensive in nature. The first was to drop brutality so that I could use So my main links are now Cyclone, Fortify, Pulverize, Melee Physical, Infused Channeling, and Rage. I tested elemental damage but Rage actually wins out in DPS. Second I changed from Pride to Hatred for more DPS which makes my reserve skills: Hatred, Flesh and Stone, Blood and Sand, and War Banner. This leaves me with 36 unreserved mana. I use a ring with -7 mana cost on a ring and my gloves have mana leech to keep from running out. I also run The Surrender linked with Maim, Pulverize, and Melee Physical. When I get to bosses I usually pop Blood stance and Berserk along with Ancestral Warchief to really increase the DPS. Finally I did not take the swords nodes on the right side of the tree as we can still max our block with out them and this allows me to take 2 more frnzy nodes for a total of 5 and the other half of the sword nodes on the left side. I have only died a couple times when I am being lazy or not paying attention. I did try to run the Hall of Grandmasters which was funny because i got to a point where my DPS was not penetrating the energy fast enough for one of the bosses and they could not get past my block so we were at an impasse. All in all I really love the build and want to thank W_O_D for the time you put into making this build and maintaining it. |
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" I'll probably try to leg it out with Cyclone, but we shall see. On that note, does Crimson Dance work with Cyclone if the Chance to Bleed support is dropped? I'm presuming that Crimson Dance is there for Bosses. Did you have a chance to see if you can "feel" the difference it makes. I'm also wondering if a 25% Bleed Chance on the main skill is enough to maintain 8 stacks (the Triggers will help too I guess). Same for Berserk - did you get a chance to see if you can "feel the difference" on Bosses? How much did it bother you to give up Steadfast? I'm wondering because I might stick with the 3.7 Build (if I stay with Cyclone), but perhaps I could dump Steadfast in the spirit of 3.8 - 5 points is a lot. Vaal Pact has never really worked for me (with Slayer Leech that is). Between snuffling for Loot and bouts of panicked fleeing, I really like to have Life Regen. I suggest including the stock warning in the Guide regarding not taking Vaal Pact until you are done with the Lab. I'm pretty sure that I will be starting Blight with SloMo Zombies and so it may be a bit until I take a look at trying out an alternate Build. Small Technical suggestion: Consider taking the high side of the circle when going to Gladiator's Perseverance. Once you get "established", the Life Leech buffs on the low side may not be doing much for you. Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath
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"That is a really good suggestion. But what does that do with the skill? It's good to turn it on just in case, but what's it for with Cyclone? When the 3.7 patch notes came out, they used Leap Slam as an example. Leap Slam makes sense. If you don't want the skill to focus on an enemy location and always go the max distance, then obviously the option to turn on Max Range makes sense. Makes it more of a movement skill than a "proc'er". But with Cyclone, the only range increases are AoE which is dependant on the amount of time you channel. Do you know what element of the skill I'm missing that this skill needs a Max Range Option? "Awesome. Many don't know about this either I would guess. Good suggestion. Just keep in mind Newbies, that all the extra details Quicksilver112 guided us to is only the damage our character brings to the skill. The Tooltip doesn't include all information the impacts the skill. But it's a great base to go on when switching weapons and comparing most mods. "Hey wactober2355, You have an impressive list of characters there! Great job! Your character is good looking too! I love the weapon! The level 21 Cyclone is a nice addition as well! Lots of impressiveness on the whole thing! I like the changes you made, great job. Thank you very much for your kind post. It's very encouraging. I too love this build. Please keep Cyclone through 3.8 if you like it. Thanks again for taking the time to be so thoughtful. "Ya for sure. I think Bladestorm will be much stronger than Cyclone this league though. GGG has halved the amount of physical damage Cyclone deals. It'll still be awesome though, just not the strongest skill in the game...it'll be equal. I'll likely have the gem section laid out in a way that options make sense. So feel free to critic the section once it releases for 3.8. I once spent 3200 fusings to get a 6 link. I didn't get it. I have friends who get it in 6 tries. I hate them. ;) "Hey Zer0nu11, Your build looks sweet! I like your changes and your setup is fantastic. A 23% Cyclone, no big deal. Good job. Maybe I'll use your tree for 3.8... I appreciate the thoughtful and kind post. You're very kind! When people modify a build it's just as much theirs though; we all get ideas from somewhere else. So great job making an Atlas Destroyer :). The build is 100% all you. (Hall of Grandmasters is such a funny map. That's a funny stalemate you ran into. I normally ignore the map. Great job getting as far as you did!) "No, that's a good observation. Crimson Dance would not work well if Cyclone is without Chance to Bleed. The thing is, Cyclone would suck at Bleed with either my 3.7 tree or the 3.8 tree I'm thinking of. Cyclone's damage is in Attack per Second. Bleed is based on Hit damage. Cyclone's bleed with Crimson Dance is less than half of Bladestorm's. With the setup I posted for 3.8, I couldn't tell the difference in damage without Crimson Dance. But once I added it, it was huge. As I started dwelling on it more, I realized how many enemies really do stand still in combat. So if Bleed was to be considered, Crimson Dance was a "must" (but of course, my preference). The reason this build turned to bleed a bit is that, simply for DPS purposes, Chance to Bleed is always at the top of the list for DPS Supports (with an accurate Configuration in PoB). It isn't literally at the top of the list, but that's because PoB doesn't have an option that lets you say how many bleeds are on an enemy (like charges, poison, and rage have). So when you do the math on your own, it's the support that gives the most damage out of the whole 6-link. Well, if you had 8 bleeds on an enemy... Steadfast. Loosing either of the Fortify clusters was a hard choice to make. But I started thinking about the build as a whole and went with the notion that we're only taking damage 20% of the time (with hits). Other builds may be more dependant on Fortify as they take damage from everything, but we don't. So, Fortify normally reduces hit damage by 20%. Increasing the effect with both of those clusters raises the effectiveness of Fortify TO 30% which is HUGE. The Cluster on the West gave some damage and upped Fortify to 26%, while the Southern cluster gave WAY more damage and upped Fortify to 24%. So I chose the Southern cluster as I was getting WAY more damage at the cost of a 2% damage reduction on hits. And loosing the 6% of the Western cluster gave us tons of damage with Crimson Dance along with doubling our life leech to 1700. So as a package, considering how often we take damage from hits, I thought that the new setup was best. Obviously that's debatable :). Good call on the ascendancy warning for leech. taking the high road for Gladiator's Perseverance gives the same amount of life leech per second as the low road because of the increase in damage. Awesome suggestion. I'll likely add it after I take a closer look. Awesome post! Thanks! https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Editado por útlima vez por Wrecker_of_Days#7691 en 28 ago. 2019 21:38:21
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" I keep range off cause it lets me stay still and spin with cyclone if I want. I have no idea what else it does having it on like you ask. |
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" I just checked - the spin in place setting is indeed "off". Just test it out in your hideout. If you are stopped, you can spin in place. Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath
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"So to be clear, the Max Range setting turned off helps to spin in place with Cyclone? https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" Yes sir! |
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