3.7| Stress Free PoE - TRIGGER HAPPY |Clear the Atlas with YOUR Items at YOUR Pace (SSF & Co-op)
Quicksilver27025 escribió:
walkjohn55 escribió:
I did read over another Cyclone Guide before noticing yours, and that author made a point of stressing that you "should" choose a sword with the max (14) weapon range. Have you had a chance to form an opinion on how useful an extra unit or two of Cyclone radius might be for this Build?
There are some things that I would like to personalize into the Build (a Gap Jumper, a Curse, and the Enlighten Gem linked to Pride) and so I will have to find some socket space - and Maim looks the thing that might be rearranged with the least loss of goodness.
Regarding CWDT for Tempest Shield, it struck me that how well it works might end up being inversely proportion to one's positioning skills. So even if it didn't do much for you, it might still work for me ... . It's probably just a case of regardless how interesting theory crafting may be, you really have to try stuff out to see what works for you.
Do you have a sense of how much damage the Trigger skills are delivering? I'm wondering because I am thinking of trying out Increased Area of Effect (which might be a boost if the debuffs are a lot more important than the direct damage). This also plays into something else I am pondering: how helpful might the (very expensive) The Surrender shield be for the Build?
With all the Blocking going on, I think that there are probably some "on Block" triggers that may be quite interesting to acquire on your Shield - and most likely much easier/cheaper to acquire than an expensive Unique.
That shield works good but like you said it is expensive but I had one for a while I looted. I play standard so I have lots of items saved to play around with builds. I respected one of my old builds to this one and working on anther one but trying it out with a few different items. Thousand Teeth Temu, Crown Of The Pale King and going to use The Anvil amulet with it. I will have to up some of the other attributes DEX, INT, some but I am looking forward to see how it will work with this build. That's what I love about POE there are lot's of possibilities.
Hey Quicksilver27025,
Nice to see you over here :). Thanks for the good suggestions! Let us know how you build it.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Yeah, that is not really unexpected with WOD's Builds (see "Why My Builds Are the Way They Are" if you have any interest in why and how it affects design). I find WOD's designs work well for me on Console - not a lot of complicated button play, and very simplified Flask use. Additionally, they tend to be SSF friendly if you have any interest in that.
I'm using Leap Slam to level and plan on keeping it for Maps. Early on I find for me that there is plenty of socket room to fit in it (I'm also using Vaal Warchief for Legion stuff and tough situations). The Build discussion so far has picked out reducing the number of Maim gems as a means to free up some sockets - that may work out, or maybe someone will find something more expendable.
I did read over another Cyclone Guide before noticing yours, and that author made a point of stressing that you "should" choose a sword with the max (14) weapon range. Have you had a chance to form an opinion on how useful an extra unit or two of Cyclone radius might be for this Build?
There are some things that I would like to personalize into the Build (a Gap Jumper, a Curse, and the Enlighten Gem linked to Pride) and so I will have to find some socket space - and Maim looks the thing that might be rearranged with the least loss of goodness.
Regarding CWDT for Tempest Shield, it struck me that how well it works might end up being inversely proportion to one's positioning skills. So even if it didn't do much for you, it might still work for me ... . It's probably just a case of regardless how interesting theory crafting may be, you really have to try stuff out to see what works for you.
Do you have a sense of how much damage the Trigger skills are delivering? I'm wondering because I am thinking of trying out Increased Area of Effect (which might be a boost if the debuffs are a lot more important than the direct damage). This also plays into something else I am pondering: how helpful might the (very expensive) The Surrender shield be for the Build?
With all the Blocking going on, I think that there are probably some "on Block" triggers that may be quite interesting to acquire on your Shield - and most likely much easier/cheaper to acquire than an expensive Unique.
That shield works good but like you said it is expensive but I had one for a while I looted. I play standard so I have lots of items saved to play around with builds. I respected one of my old builds to this one and working on anther one but trying it out with a few different items. Thousand Teeth Temu, Crown Of The Pale King and going to use The Anvil amulet with it. I will have to up some of the other attributes DEX, INT, some but I am looking forward to see how it will work with this build. That's what I love about POE there are lot's of possibilities.
Hey Quicksilver27025,
Nice to see you over here :). Thanks for the good suggestions! Let us know how you build it.
Hey WoD! Thanks man glad to be here!
Congrats on another great build WoD! This one is a strong solid build not that the others are not just this thing just gets in there and wrecks like a wrecking ball lol. I went with the Lioneye's Remorse for the shield to get more life. I got real lucky rolling a Astral Plate chest with 159 life then even more lucky with linking it to 6 links with only 2 fusing orbs lol I try linking with 100 fusing before I use vorici so I was very lucky.
I will let you know how the other character goes once I get to mapping, as of now I am lvl 48.
A tip for players if you are having trouble with mana, you could get Revelry on the passive tree left of Golem's Blood to help with mana or you might find a Viridian jewel with +1 or +2 mana gained for each enemy hit by your attacks till you get where you can to maintain mana.
The timing of the release of this new build could not have been better timed for me!
Again, a Wrecker_of_Days build that works great on console, lays everything out in concise and easy to understand terms, and now that I am getting a little more comfortable with PoE in general (first full season, after playing a little in Sythesis), allows (encourages) customization.
Just rolled into Act 10 this morning with my new Trigger Happy character and really enjoying him. He wrecks stuff!
Really appreciate everyone elses comments and suggestions, as I am constantly adding to my OneNote document with ideas and thoughts on what could be done.
Hoping to finish up the story tonight and potentially start low level mapping.
Going to start looking into Shields tonight for future use and also the potential of clumping the trigger skills together on a 4 link along with a Melee Phys Dmg support gem?
Then try to figure out the correct way to get a curse involved (CWDT, attack gem, Curse on Hit, Curse ?).
The 'to-do, to-learn' list also includes reducing Prides reserved mana amount and checking on Maim usage.
This build, more than the others, has really got me thinking about the game in general and adding to builds.
Quick question on Maim.
I had these gloves drop on my RF character and they seem (to the very untrained eye) to work well here?
Do I read it correctly that they will apply Maim and Intimidate (given I have the correct jewels added) to anyone I hit with my Cyclone?
This would then lead me to be able to drop Maim from the other links?
I did head straight right on the Tree and I am able to report that it worked out well for me (I am using some levelling gear and so starting from scratch might feel different). When I got to the Mana Leech node, I also picked up the two nodes behind it (presumably to be respected out later) which nicely allowed Cyclone as long as I was hitting something. I then headed left and when I got within reach of Resolute Technique, my base hit probability was still showing 95% in-game. So I say, go right (then left) young person.
So far, linking Tempest Shield with CWDT is not triggering much (as WOD mentioned). I played a Glad Cyclone previously, and back then, it triggered all the time. I'm hoping that it will start working at higher area levels (I am definitely getting hit and it seems more like one time damage rather than DOT).
Yeah, that is not really unexpected with WOD's Builds (see "Why My Builds Are the Way They Are" if you have any interest in why and how it affects design). I find WOD's designs work well for me on Console - not a lot of complicated button play, and very simplified Flask use. Additionally, they tend to be SSF friendly if you have any interest in that.
I'm using Leap Slam to level and plan on keeping it for Maps. Early on I find for me that there is plenty of socket room to fit in it (I'm also using Vaal Warchief for Legion stuff and tough situations). The Build discussion so far has picked out reducing the number of Maim gems as a means to free up some sockets - that may work out, or maybe someone will find something more expendable.
Hey daiverok,
Movement Skills that don't have a slow steady screen movement make me nauseous, tired, my eyes and head start throbbing... But you can easily incorporate a movement skill of your choice as walkjohn55 mentioned. (Thanks for the kind post walkjohn55.)
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Congrats on another great build WoD! This one is a strong solid build not that the others are not just this thing just gets in there and wrecks like a wrecking ball lol. I went with the Lioneye's Remorse for the shield to get more life. I got real lucky rolling a Astral Plate chest with 159 life then even more lucky with linking it to 6 links with only 2 fusing orbs lol I try linking with 100 fusing before I use vorici so I was very lucky.
I will let you know how the other character goes once I get to mapping, as of now I am lvl 48.
A tip for players if you are having trouble with mana, you could get Revelry on the passive tree left of Golem's Blood to help with mana or you might find a Viridian jewel with +1 or +2 mana gained for each enemy hit by your attacks till you get where you can to maintain mana.
Thanks for the kind compliments :). I'm glad you like it. I can't believe your luck with the fusings! One league, back when you had to level masters, I didn't level Vorici and spent over 3200 Fusings and didn't get the 6 link.
Thanks again for the kind words and tips. Let us know how the Atlas goes.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast