3.7| Stress Free PoE - TRIGGER HAPPY |Clear the Atlas with YOUR Items at YOUR Pace (SSF & Co-op)
For those that play Standard:
Obviously, 3.8's changes aren't out yet. If this build is unphased by any coming 3.8 changes, I'll be replacing Brutality with Close Combat Support. It deals the same damage as Brutality but doesn't exclude elemental damage. Almost all the damage nodes we have on the tree are generic Attack or Damage nodes; they aren't specific to physical. So the switch makes sense. The trigger skills will likely get Close Combat as well for the same reason. Unfortunately, the "proximity" of Close Combat means nothing to us as there aren't really any details that explain it. BUT since we don't focus on AoE with this build, it's likely the safest build to apply Close Combat without needing "tools" to approve the change. Anyway, now you know. (If you moved away from the Chance to Bleed nodes on your trigger skills, I'd replace Bloodlust with Close Combat and keep Brutality. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" Regarding Blocking, I do not really notice the actual Blocks - the Juggernaut variation has about the same Block Chance as the SloMo Build. It's just another layer of protection rather than a core defence. I find the Gladiator Build really has a solid feel to it - nothing really bothers you, until something kills you. But I wanted several hundred more life (so less stuff kills me) without having to give up my current Shield. I actually paid 2ex for a Dragoon Sword (3 more melee reach, plus chance to Bleed, but with a high Dex requirement) but never got around to topping off my Dex to test it. Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath
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Regarding Close Combat, it is a gem that I tried out a bit in Legion. According to the wiki
The "up to x% more damage" stat on Close Combat support (and the matching stat on the Slayer's Impact notable) apply the full damage bonus to targets up to a distance of 15 units from you, then linearly scales down the bonus to 0 at a distance of 40 units. and according to POB my Trigger Happy Gladiator had a Cyclone radius of 14. It's old data of course given that you are switching up the damage dealer, but for Cyclone at least, Close Combat seems pretty good (but if you start extending your melee range, things could shift). I ultimately stuck with Impale (same colour as Close Combat), but I expect that I would be further ahead to drop Melee Physical instead but that gets into swapping my chest armours between Characters. Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath
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"Thanks for the info. Do you find that Cyclone does enough damage per hit that stacking 5 impales is more damage than a different support gem? https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" It did seem so at higher difficulties (I kept switching back and forth to see if there was a noticeable difference and in the Red Maps it finally seemed so). But ... I have also taken 3 Impale nodes on the Tree and I run Dread Banner and so that could affect the comparison. And my testing was done on my Juggernaut which could invalidate it for the Gladiator (but I think that they are quite similar regarding Offence). I see Impale as a deliberate move to lower damage against trash and raise it against Bosses (which is why I tested it in the first place). Gladiator Block is great, but spending extra time around Bosses never seems to work out for me ... Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath
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"For sure. Those are cool changes. I like the changes that you make. I appreciate the response. I've been thinking about Impale as I plan for 3.8. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Update from the casual corner: I'm now in the mid 80's running the build without any significant changes, and blowing through the atlas. Easily the best part of the build is that you can totally stop paying attention to the screen and just hold down your cyclone button and stuff just keeps on working.
So, let's say (as a metaphor) that your wife is like, "Uh my gawd, look at this cute set of bowls I just found on Pinterest," you can act like you care while still clearing maps. ...this might be my favorite build ever. Thanks again! |
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"Hahahaha. Too good! Too good! I've been trying to reply for a bit now and I just keep on laughing. Apathy is important in marriage you know? Otherwise, you start thinking bowls are cute too... ;). Gotta fight osmosis! I appreciate the humour, that was funny. I'm glad you like the build! It's a really safe one for sure. I love just standing there as I deal with something off-screen and I'm totally fine when I come back. Are you interested in a couple of the changes I've been thinking about for 3.8? Just improvements, nothing major. Thank you for such a great compliment. I really appreciate it. (Ya, I'll post my possible changes after lunch here. I like feedback.) https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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I would like your opinion for those that are still peaking at this guide.
On page 9 of the guide's thread (Aug 9) I mentioned that was going to likely switch the main skill of the guide from Cyclone. (Thank you Quicksilver27025 for your help.) It was for two reasons, not just the one I mentioned previously. The first reason was so that I don't have the same main skill as my guides. But the more important reason is that I get too nauseous with Cyclone. I play on console and no matter how many controllers I've tried, when I attempt to stay in one place while channelling Cyclone, I just bounce all over. I find it very hard to stay in one place. And with that issue for me, I run into the same issue that the old version (prior to 3.7) gave me: Unpredictable screen movement. I get that Cyclone (even with the changes 3.8 brings to it) is a great fit for this build. So as I switch the main skill, I'll likely be adding the option to pick your own skill and then suggest Bladestorm, Perforate, or Cyclone. Here's the PoB for the changes I've been playing with for a month considering (I know, I know, all of 3.8's changes haven't been announced yet): 5/6L - Bladestorm/Perforate/Cyclone - Fortify - Rage - Chance to Bleed (it gives more damage than you think) - Melee Physical - Brutality (I haven't decided yet if it's worth excluding elemental damage...) (Cyclone should have Infused Channelling and Close combat instead of Melee Physical and Chance to Bleed). 4L - Riposte - Chance to Bleed (it gives more damage than you think) - Melee Physical - Brutality 4L - Reckoning - Chance to Bleed (it gives more damage than you think) - Melee Physical - Brutality 4L - Vengeance - Chance to Bleed (it gives more damage than you think) - Melee Physical - Brutality 3L - Blood and Sand - Flesh and Stone - Pride 2L+1 - Tempest Shield - Culling Strike, Berserk On the Passive Tree I've taken away the 5 nodes leading to Steadfast and the two nodes leading to our only mana leech. I've then selected Vaal Pact and the mana/life leech node under it along with Crimson Dance. So with 3.7's Cyclone, with a default weapon in PoB, this setup gives Cyclone over 310000 DPS. (Close Combat does work in POB.) With 3.7's Bladestorm (Blood Stance), with the same weapon, you get (101042 main attack +(bleed 6097*8))+(storm damage 50417*3)= 301000DPS. In 3.8, Cyclone's physical damage will drop substantially to the realm of other skills. If you play on playing this build with Cyclone for 3.8, awesome. It'll still be great. I'll likely be writing the guide with Bladestorm as the unofficial main skill, but giving the option for whatever physical skill. Our life leech will increase to close to 1700 (with the weapon I used for DPS) and our life will be 175% (down from 180%). So, the idea prior to the 3.8 patch notes looks like a lot, but it's actually pretty minor. 7 Nodes changed on the tree and I switched 7 gems, all red...but the gameplay is almost the same. ANYWAY, let me know what you think. I've tried the ideas out in my video playlist the last few session. I'd love to know your thoughts or suggestions! IF you have suggestions, keep in mind my restrictions and wanting only one or two active buttons. If you read all of this, thanks for your time :). EDIT: The pastebin for those that care: https://pastebin.com/MZ2qgVbx. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Editado por útlima vez por Wrecker_of_Days#7691 en 27 ago. 2019 17:56:06
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Regarding Cycloning on the spot, I cannot recall if this has been discussed already or not, but make sure that Max Range is turned on for the Skill (in the push Right Analog Stick Skill pop-up).
Edit/Correction: Turn it off to Cyclone on the spot Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath Editado por útlima vez por walkjohn55#8649 en 29 ago. 2019 9:04:34
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