[3.11] Tesla Cyclone | Destroy the Game | All Content | Super Fast! | Spin 2 Win |

Same1 escribió:
You will have enough points with all 4 labs to get Duelist/Slayer and all the way to the end of Ranger.
I would prioritize Slayer over Ranger end for the leech/survivability. You can still just spend 4 extra skill points to go from Art of the Gladiator to the rest of the tree. Then respec the moment you have done Uber Lab.
I apologize, I misread something in the first page of the topic ^^
Same1 escribió:
Uber Elder is down to Tesla Cyclone in 3.3!
VashsEden has the screenshot and I will look into recording a kill tomorrow (not great with the recording stuff...). Also, I don't really enjoy the fight because of how Cyclone works... So I might just go back to my Elder Underground Sea farm and continue the grind to 100.

Long story short:
https://pastebin.com/5RS2caMe this is my PoB for the second kill. Learn the mechanics, get lucky on rotations on the two big boys. Pick up loot and wave your e-peen around saying you slapped uber elder with a Cyclone build.

Long story anything but short...:
I would LOVE to say that when you run this build and get the items listed in the guide you can just kill everything in the game including Uber Elder. It just doesn't work that way.

It's a shitty fight for Cyclone as a skill. You will be laying down the big dick DPS spinning like a boss, flasks flasking and shit and all of a sudden *INSERT RANDOM ONE SHOT MECHANIC HERE* so you start spamming that Leap Slam to get out of the way but PoE goes "Well fuck you guy, you pressed Cyclone so we are spinning untill that action is done". It just means you are going to die every now and then and you will yell at your character for spinning like a moron when that *INSERT RANDOM ONE SHOT MECHANIC HERE* landed.

Because of the limitations of Cyclone and how the mechanics of the uber fight work I decided that stacking Attack Dodge and Spell Dodge were the way to go. I ended up with 42% spell dodge. It just saves your ass every now and then when you are stuck in a Cyclone animation and that first shaper ball comes in or something else silly. Combine that with a healthy amount of life (~6k) and a Purity of Ice to get Cold res up to 79% you stand a nice chance.

I ran Vitality aswell so that those moments in the fight where you simply cannot DPS you still regen a nice amount of life per second. If there are any questions about the kill or my item choices just ask and I will try my best to answer.

Yeah man! Grats on the Uber Elder. https://imgur.com/gYz48o2 Here's the image. Yeah, If you dig back toward the first like 5 pages of the forum, that's when I killed uber Elder. I address the same concerns with Cyclone and it being a more skill based fight due to how cyclone works in general vs the mechanics of Uber Elder itself. It will not be for the Meek of heart. Shaper and guardians and red elder on the other hand are EASY PEASSSSSSY. Red Elder especially. The fight is over in like 30 seconds (counting ALL the null portals and phases).

Grats again and I guess I'm just going to have to do it on streams. XD
krvs89 escribió:
Sorry for not reading through all the pages in case it's answered already..
But would you lose out on a lot if going with the skills points instead of Alira?

The all resists for starters is super valueable with the crit mult. I prefer it over 2 passives.
jasonkiran escribió:
Grats! on the amazing progression on the gear. Just a quick note, Ancestral Protector on the Vaal DS link up will dramatically boost your boss dps. (uber elder, shaper, guardians).

Rat's Nest = more damage. Devoto = quality of life. Totally up to you.

umm, well, I didnt invest into the double curse daresso's last league, I wouldn't be able to give you a real number due to the changes from last league to this league. You can get anywhere from like 369k - 414k ish for full dmg if I remember correctly. I was much less worried about the tooltip than the performance on Uber Elder toward the end.

If you have end game bossing in mind, I actually recommending making room for the Grace Aura. I would even drop the increased duration on IC (or enfeeble) for it. (level 8 vorici). You can also just put back on the 1 abyssal socket bubonic boots and plug it in there.

I would also rec switching bleed removal to hp flask. freeze to diamond. to my preference personally.

next couple of levels, hit up the shadow start.

If you are REALLY interested. You can get a shaper's ring with Assassin's Mark on hit and an elder ring with 20+ life gain on hit. Then instead of Blasphemy + assassin's mark, switch to Blasphemy + Vitality. Get a Watcher's Eye Jewel with 20+ Life gain on hit Vit and + evade or dodge with Grace. Drop thief's torment by this point. Your mana leech will carry you.

Then you can switch your HH (uber elder / big boss fight advice) for an elder belt with + life recovery rate, %max hp, hp. It ups your life leech cap and gives you nice hp.

thanks for the Recommendations, I have gone ahead and Inserted Grace into the build, Purchased both shaper/elder rings + A WATCHERS EYE , i am just confused as to where u say to switch to blasphemy + Vitality... I don't see how Blasphemy works with Vit unless i'm missing something?

Sorry, I was super tired when I replied. Just Vitality XD
Thezibaim escribió:

I'm lost : I killed Izaro in normal, got access to Ascendancy Class, used the 2 points (+40 Dex and 1 Passive point) but cannot allocate points from the Ranger starting point. Missed something ?

You didn't miss anything. you only get 2 points for each lab. Cruel lab will get you there and toward the next path.
Vashseden escribió:
Thezibaim escribió:
You didn't miss anything. you only get 2 points for each lab. Cruel lab will get you there and toward the next path.
It's all right, someone already answered me but thanks anyway ^^
I've got another question : can I use the Goddess Scorned ? It's a one-handed weapon but it uses both hand slots, so technically is it a two-handed weapon ?
Thezibaim escribió:
I've got another question : can I use the Goddess Scorned ? It's a one-handed weapon but it uses both hand slots, so technically is it a two-handed weapon ?

60 Fusings. I dunno what I did to please RNGesus this league, but PRAAAAAAISE HIIIMMMMMM!

MasterWilhelm escribió:
60 Fusings. I dunno what I did to please RNGesus this league, but PRAAAAAAISE HIIIMMMMMM!


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