Block incin and stuff *Discontinued due to Incinerate nerfs*
" Why do you kill the cycloner first? Pretty much all videos I've seen kill the ranged one first, and the cycloner last, sometimes second. Who do you kill second? I might just be messing it up due to positioning but it sucks having to waste so many portals trying to get it right. Is there a big difference in using a coil instead of an ES based rare? I have a Lightning coil that I could use. just need to link it up and spend a few hundred chromes to get the colors right. |
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Thanks so much for this guide!
I wanted a tanky char for learning the atziri fight and killed her now several times. This spec is so forgiving, I can make so much mistakes and see what bosses do instead of oneshot them or get oneshot. There are obviously better specs for mapping, like totems where you are looting while they kill stuff for you, but it still feels great as I dont have to worry about getting oneshot from devourers and stuff like that. For the guys asking for advice on the trio fight, here's what I've learned so far: First dont stress yourself, my first fight took way too long since I didnt know when to dps and when to run. If you dont get cocky you could survive this forever as you always have minions for flask charges. I drop a decoy totem (the enrager loves it) and kill the ranged one in the middle. Then I go for the enrager. He really loves the totem, so i drop it and dps him. When the whirler comes I use whirling blades and continue somewhere else or kill titty bitches for flask charges. At last I kill the whirler. He does mainly to things: whirling (dont stand in the debuff cloud) or swinging his sword corrupting your blood, so use a staunching flask. I try to get him in a good position, pop vaal haste and use staunching flask when he corrupts. Run away when he starts spinning again. As long as you dont stand in the debuff clouds and cleanse the corrupted blood you shoudn't die, so take your time to learn what they do. Thats what I enjoy most, I can see what bosses do. Like the orchard boss, before I just oneshottet him with my srs summoner from a safe distance, now I see what he does. "Breakfast makes perfect"
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" i never watched a guide video. he just seems to hurt the most and the other ones seem to be easier to kill for me. it has a lot to do with position. don't stand in the degen shit and use your bleed flasks wisely. as far as lightning coil, yeah it helps a lot. i have a 6 link ES chest that i use for some things but light coil for atziri and hard phys maps. as for DPS, im at about 13k with LMP. ES chest= Editado por útlima vez por Cydcor#1684 en 25 ago. 2015 20:50:39
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" Thanks for that. I'm going to get a few more levels to flesh out my tree (85 atm) and try out the Lightning Coil approach. then I'll just brute force the trio fight. I have 12 sets on hand, might as well just do it until I get it right. I just GCPd my Incinerate gem, it seems to help a lot, opens up more positioning since it has more range. |
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well i attempted uber last night. deathless to the vaals at start, but damn the trio was hard, used all my portals on them but i think i know the mistakes i made, ended up getting the last boss down to 5% hp too, was so close :( ah well not bad for a first run of uber :D
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Finally got around to doing Uber Atziri, first try I 1 shot Vaals, died 3 times to trio, then died the rest leaving Atziri at 5%. Not bad for my first ever attempt and I blame it mostly on where I killed each of the trio members and what flasks I was using.
I immediately bought another set and tried again. This time I only died once to trio (to a careless rain of arrows I didn't notice) and once to atziri (got stuck in a corner). All in all, felt very easy, just took time. Below is my strategy: Gear: Talents: Lvl 95 and using same as author of build. Jewels: Defenses/Auras: Purity of Lightning Arctic Armour Anger 5060 HP 2352 Shield 75/75/79/75 Resists 69% Block 75% Spell Block Vaals Strategy: Pretty self explanatory. Worked on one until dead then worked on the other, used Faster Projectiles the entire time and dodging the obvious stuff. Kept lightning flasks up pretty much entire fight to be safe. Trio Strategy: The first time I tried this I ran out of life flasks cause I was only using two. I added a third and it was much easier. I might add a 4th next time because I didn't really use my fire flask. Killed the range chick first, making sure to whirling blade as much as possible. Shoot, move, shoot, move. Very slow but she has the ability to basically 1 shot you still if she catches you still just right. I chose to make sure I killed her in the very center of the room so the black smoke stayed contained to the middle. Next I killed the fire guy. When he's not in his fire form I could afford to stand still and tank him for a second or two, when he's in his fire form, just keep doing circles around the room trying to stay away from the cycloner and his corrupting blood. Once you kill the range chick the rest of the fight it pretty easy unless you get unlucky. My typical route was whirling blade to a corner, get my 3 stacks of incinerate up and let the bosses walk into me. Once they got close I would whirling blade to the opposite corner. Again, in this fight I used Faster Casting instead of LMP the entire fight due to the extra range. Jumping from corner to corner I could keep all the adds pretty contained and would die in the cross fire. If I ever got low on charges I would take a second to focus on the adds to recharge and stay away from the bosses completely. Uber Atziri Strategy: When I failed the first time, it was all during the split phase and running out of healing pots because of her nasty spear chuck. The fight is just light normal Atziri and as long as you don't stand in stuff, I found ele flasks didn't really help. On this fight I probably could have switched to LMP on add phase but I was worried I wouldn't do enough dps. 1-2 adds did get through on 1-2 of the adds phases due to back luck. With faster casting, it's very easy to over-shoot the split phase bosses and hit the ones behind your target, be careful of the reflect. Always note which side it's on. That's about it. I'm no pro, probably more noob than most of you but I just wanted to show you guys that this build is very much Uber capable. I also must note I wasn't the first to kill Uber with this build. Dan did it on tempest and was the first to do Uber on that league, using a build very similar to this one. I just wanted to show that it's pretty easy using the exact build thats proposed. Update: 3rd run 1 shot both Vaals and Trio but died a couple times to Atziri split phase. If anybody has tips on how to not take so much damage during this phase, would be much appreciated. Editado por útlima vez por Ceuro#0737 en 27 ago. 2015 6:05:38
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Hi all,
I theorycrafted some build basing it on this one with few ideas from other ones. Theoretically it should have higher dps and some nice life regen in addition to life per hit mechanic. But I think I am messing up some calculation dps part... I would be really happy to get some thoughts and advices on my modifications.
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" I think you should use ruby flask against atziri, you can try to burst the spear clone using vaal haste (you can charge more than one and keep them in your inventory) and vaal lightning trap (place it a little bit outside of the clone so you don't hit the mirror one). Sorry for my english |
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Well i just got rid of my last ignite jewel ;)
" Still found no useful Gloves//Boots combo and trying to Chance Headhunter atm " Stats HP 4906 ES 1666 Resi 75/75/75/3 DPS 17,300 (Want to get a lvl 21 Anger and try out a Iron Will) Block 67 with TS(2% from gloves and 3% from Passiv missing) Spellblock 72% btw i think the one Defiance node 3% is absolutly not worth it its 4 points to get there that gives not much i think 3-4 points to an additional Jewel are worth more :p Edit: Just thinking could u run 4 auras with this build ? for example Anger , Herald of Ice , Arctic Armor , Purity of Elements with +1 boots lvl 4 enlighten and 2x 4% nodes ? mfg Majin Editado por útlima vez por Majin111#2164 en 28 ago. 2015 5:54:19
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" Getting just two 4% nodes for droping mana reservation is not enough for using these auras: You would need either level 7 enlightment (wow) ..or 20% reduced mana ....or alpha, one jewel with 2% reservation drop, these 2 nodes and elnlightment on level 4: Editado por útlima vez por Alex_Lied#4288 en 28 ago. 2015 8:35:43
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