BANANATHROW lvl100x2 proven;uber atziri capable ... (crit ele spectral mass dps and mf capable)
" 1) Very. The extra crit comes in very useful trying to cap. 2) Drop Purity and Haste/Grace most likely - assuming your gear matches to compensate. 3) That or run clarity/mana regen, get Acuities. IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014 8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015 |
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hello want to ask I get RGGGBB shawrone do I inaf regene without life leech gem if i run blod rage 20/20 and 4/2 coe ty for answers
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" No. IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014 8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015 |
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" he does or he will suffer from reflect that dagger has way to little pdps to counter ele reflect. only if he only oloes and the mobs have to little hp to actually kill you with reflect he would surive consistently without ll gem. Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default Massive dmg spectral throw guide: Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave) Editado por útlima vez por Flubby#5422 en 28 jul. 2014 13:22:24
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He asked if he has enough regen without life leech, I said no :P
I was struggling to read it too hehe xD IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014 8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015 |
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" inaf = enough. RIP english language. Saw flubby's post on reddit about nerfs, maybe we should talk about it here too. I personnally think they should start by fixing Pain Attunement so it only boosts spell damage instead of all damage. That, coupled with snapshot nerf and the little tweaks to auras they seem to be implementing in the screenshots should be a good start. I personnaly don't like nerfs, especially when they directly target my shit lol. I would prefer if they added more OP end game items like mjolner, stuff that doesn't benefit from low life though (i understand mjolner does, but it works fine without as well). I think GGG know they will lose players if they overnerf low life, so the safe way would be to implement new strong builds with new mechanics. Basically buff other builds instead of nerfing all low life builds. If they nerf daggers/weapon crit too much, watch low life crit arc builds and mjolner builds dominate next leagues. #1 spirit shield - #1 ES/all res diamond ring - 6T1 ES/WED/tri-res rustic sash mirror service IGN ddddddddddddddddddddime Editado por útlima vez por stzbttln#2928 en 28 jul. 2014 21:56:24
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I got the Crown of Eyes from a friend for free, so I used few regret and change my CI shadow tree. With Anger(15) Wrath(20) Haste, I am getting 8900 dps with CoE and PA on tree. But when I remove my shield which got 46% spell damage I only lose 900 dps. Is crown of eyes gives only 900 dps per 46% spell damage ? I think that's not a huge dps. Also I had picked two 16% spell damage in start of shadow to see the dps difference, but they only increase 350 dps per 16% spell damage nodes taken .
My gears
Is my dps is ok according to my gears and tree ? Is physical damage on dagger really improve huge tooltip dps ? If I need mirrored or 50ex+ dagger to cross or even reach 25k dps then I will sell my CoE asap. |
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It really depends how they tackle auras in the next expension. I guess we can agree they won't reduce the %amount of wrath (talking about wrath since it's the aura from the teaser screenshot) without either reducing the flat damage by a lot and/or changing how many auras you can use in general. Until we know how that turns out we can't predict the future of this build. Thing is, with the amount of dps you can reach with this build and similiar approaches (auras+aps+crit+low life) even a 50% dps nerf wouldn't turn it into garbage. In fact it would still be superior than most. Tbh I don't need my 160k+ gmp at all. 80k gmp is absurd already. Heck, back when the build was made 45k lmp ruled and could carry 6 players through 78's. You can reach that with a 5L lorica and semi budget gear today. To really break it the nerfhammer has to hit multiple parts of it. - Flat aura damage, aura scaling via empower/aura effect/inner force, amount of auras - CoE interaction especially PA - Blood rage and especially enhance - Crit and multi in general - Surgeons flasks. Honestly this is one of the biggest upsides of crit builds. Flask management is nonexistent which leads to permanent +13 max res etc, which is impossible to balance content around, if some builds can have that and other just don't. - Daggers and nodes in general - Spectral and the freedom to use your weapon type of choice - Acuitys obv, besides beeing responsible for most of my ingame wealth by now, the item is just boring and stupid from a design and balance perspective. If several/most of those points get nerfed I can see the reign of spectral end. If not, yeah not so much. @Serious_Guy Sorry lvl 74 just isn't serious for this build.. Your dagger isn't good, you want higher attack speed and base crit. Anger lvl 15, probably very low hit chance, nearly no crit multi/spell dmg due to low amount of skill points/no 6L for crit multi, blood rage needs qual and enhance. Get at least maligaros or facebreakers for gloves (yes I'm serious). Damage and the scaling comes naturally, with levels and better gear, especially jewelry.Just hang on. IGN: Iski
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Tbh... I just want to know what the "G" support on Clarity on the teaser is.
It hints at an aura rework which is imho greatly needed - I would love to have a better idea of what is being changed. IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014 8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015 |
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Hello Sir,
I'm progressing towards this build for HC, and I can't seem to find an up-to-date passive tree, I was wondering if you could help a fella out and check out my current progress, and suggest a good passive tree for me to survive till 100 :)?
Thank you so much in advance sir! Best Regards Matt |
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