[2.4] How to smash Heads. Extremely detailed guide about the Facebreaker gloves and builds!
Hey man, can you update facebreaker for maruder for 1.2 passive tree? I did this:
https://poebuilder.com/builds/stream28-facebrekaer-na-1-2 What do you think about it ? |
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Oh the new tree is up! I'll check it right away and post a 110 trees here . I won't add them to the guide tho until 1.2 is actually out :)
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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" A lot of changes in shield block nodes and life nodes ;) the chaos res from top of the tree is merged from one of the life nodes... some new %x life reg per sec... i wonder if my tree is gonna be different from yours or not :) @edit keep in mind that in 1.2 they increase +life and +mana per level, and i don't think they updated it on poebuilder.com yet... but more hp = more imba powah tank build. Editado por útlima vez por bloszka#3746 en 14 ago. 2014 6:59:58
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ok here it is
Well one thing that is different in my tree is this Iron Wall > Spiritual Guardian You get the same block chance ( with a 2% block chance from the Sanctuary circle ) but you also get 75% shield defenses ( the spiritual guardian doesn't give any ) and all that for the same amount of passive points. The drawback is that if you go for the Iron Wall you'll lose 20 int but still its worth it imo. Everything else is more or less the same. I see that due to the less life nodes we'll have to take attack speed/life regen/physical damage or armour in the high levels ( instead of stacking more life ) and that something that im happy to see. Overall i'm pretty happy with the new tree regarding this build. Block is kind of easier to cap now, too bad that there the spell block node is gone ... but it's not a big deal. I've noticed that getting + max resists is kind of impossible now and you can get only +1% to all resists ( theoretically) oh btw barbarism looks like a nice passive i'd recommend it ^^ That will slightly nerf Lightning coil .. but again.. it's not a big deal. The extra armour that we can get now will make up for that. I might be missing something .. i hate that the passive icons are all messed up -_- i'll further study the passive tree .. but i see it it should look like what i've proposed :) EDIT: now that diamond skin doesn't give + max resists .. it might not be needed "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Editado por útlima vez por KorgothBG#4084 en 14 ago. 2014 7:22:22
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with the new tree my life will be 5932 ( it's 5060 now)
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Editado por útlima vez por KorgothBG#4084 en 14 ago. 2014 10:32:30
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Isn't shadow better for this kinda build now?
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Better because of .. ? What .. a few physical damage nodes ?
On the other hand ... inability to reach Resolute Technique, a lot less life nodes, no life regen nodes, a lot less block chance nodes. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Editado por útlima vez por KorgothBG#4084 en 14 ago. 2014 13:12:27
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No shaper or mana flows? Will you have enough mana regen and mana pool to sustain continuous attacking?
Master of the arena is buffed. Now grants 1% life regen. Nice. Golem's blood nerfed. I guess this is why. Does anyone know what: 'ignore all movement penalties from armour' means on leather and steel passive? Does it mean the -5% movement speed on lioneye's shield is ignored? Maybe it's worth continuing right from sentinel down to profane chemistry. 60% increased life recovery from flasks and 15% max life! Not bad imo. Makes the flasks so much better. Expecially the seething ones. You also have command of steel along the way if needed. The 6% attack speed duelist starter node might be worth getting too. Don't think you can get this much from 1 point easily. The new tree looks unfinished. Where are all the small 6% res nodes? Where are the old 15% single res nodes? I can't see any. Editado por útlima vez por kompaniet#2874 en 14 ago. 2014 15:17:37
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Yes no shaper and mana flows . The tree is more or less "general" just like the suggested tree in the guide ... for running with mana the same advices remain as before ( Mana flows and shaper ) you see i can't make a tree for every sort of combo and situation ... well .. i can but i have to make 1253125 trees :) You know ... tree for mana + abyssus, tree for mana + bor, tree for BM + abyssus, tree for BM + bor, now multiply that by the different possible classes ( duelist, marauder, templar, scion ) now multiply that number by the number of the different skill that you want to use ( frenzy, IB/DB, cyclone ) and you get 48 trees .... 48!
Instead i'm doing what i've always did ... one or two "general" trees and explanation about the different versions. Its cool that the Master of the arena is buffed ^^ I can't agree that golem's blood is nerfed. Less regen that's true, but now it grants life too. The no movement penalty means that ... let me start from the beginning. Body Armours and Shields have inherent Movement Speed penalties. In general, all STR and STR/INT Body Armours come with an '8% reduced Movement Speed' penalty and all other Body Armours have a '4% reduced Movement Speed' penalty. So that passive neutralizes that penalty. Unfortunately as far as i know the penalty from the Lioneye mod is not affected. Yes the attack speed is nice. It's not a bad decision to grab it. Yes the new tree has lot less resist nodes... but i think that it's intended. Capping resists is very easy right now and probably GGG wants to make that task a bit more difficult in 1.2 "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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Fair enough korgothbg. I just thought shaper and mana flows were pretty much mandatory.
I completely missed that golem's blood has a life bonus now. The new tree looks interesting but all resistance nodes have been nerfed from the looks of it. For example those two 10% res when using a shield are now 5% next to sanctuary. |
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