[2.4] How to smash Heads. Extremely detailed guide about the Facebreaker gloves and builds!
" You can still wear one, but it's bonueses won't count including life, res, etc. Tabula Rasa is handy in this case, since the gems you wear in your chest will get xp anyway (afaik) " It makes up for the lack of defense from not being able to use a chest armor. And it has a pretty decent block chance and gives pretty much life ;) If you find similar or even better rares, you're of course well-off with that too, but that can be pretty costly. " + x - x Physical Damage. And of course the usual handy stats like life, res, maybe IIR, life/mana leech (if you don't have that already)... flat physical damage will boost your dps drastically, so you definitely want that on your jewellry :D IGN: ArrowInYourForsakenKnee Editado por útlima vez por Helbelinc#1720 en 16 abr. 2014 11:19:41
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No idea whats wrong with your cast when damage taken. It should trigger molten shell and decoy totem at the same time. Are you sure that you havn't leveled one of them beyond the "usable" by the trigger gem level ? Your life - for level 63 it is ok. You'll get more when you level up and take more life nodes also when you have high life on your jewelry and chest and when you have lioneye's remorse. The only nerf that the build got was the direct nerf to the Facebreaker gloves, from 800%-1000% unnarmed physical damage to 600%-800%. But it's not that bad ( you can reach around 37k DPS with 800% facebreakers ) and there are plenty of the old facebreakers that you can buy ( if you are in standart/hardcore ) I want to say ( again ) that this build will never be as crazy as something that uses crit and mirrored items. That's both good and bad. You can get the maximum out of this build very fast and without alot of currency but once you get there you can't upgrade it .. never. The good thing is that you can beat everything that PoE can throw at you ( except uber Atziri i suppose.. ). But you'll never have 10k life and you won't have 300k DPS. On the other hand to have a truly crazy character realisticly you'll need around 350-400 exalts. @lostnomad1 Well exactly what Helbelinc said ^^ "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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Hello Korgoth, first and foremost, i'd like to thank you for the amazing guide. It's been fun watching mobs explode evertime my character performs a shoryuken.
I have a few questions regarding maximizing my damage output. currently, my tooltip DPS is sitting at 20k at level 66 with hatred running and i was wondering about the low (relatively speaking, of course) dps. If i could hazard a guess, this is due to the lack of a 6L to utilize a faster attack gem and no 20/20 gems, am i right? My accessories don't have life, but I opted to focus first on my resists. a high dual-res, life, and damage accessory can be pretty expensive and I'm not exactly rich in POE standards (buying the Abyssus for 10C put a dent on my orb stash but it was so worth it). I'm pretty much res-capped except for cold which is at 76% with my current gear. (To be honest, my lighting res is through the roof, sitting at a crazy 160+%) my only concern is that I don't have LL on my gear which necessitates the need for the unique shield. Given the situation, do you think it would be worth dropping my amulet for a Carnage Heart when i get my Lioneye's Remorse in order to leech? If i do equip the amulet, i will lose 2k dps but gain a solid amount of armor for mitigation, a huge boost to life, and at the same time, keep my life leech fluid. based on my experience, with the somewhat low phys damage i'm currently doing, i can't cap my leech (my leech ends before my next attack hits.). It might seem strange that i'm asking if i can still boost my dps but at the same time considering taking a dps hit but i want to balance damage output and survivability especially for bosses. after all, crazy-high dps won't mean squat when you're dead. Editado por útlima vez por anton2k4#7394 en 19 abr. 2014 12:33:45
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Yes your guess is right and the fact that you don't have a 6L chest really is the biggest reason for your relatively low dps.
About the life leech. I've found that it is not 100% necessairy to cap your leech even a small amount ( which can be obtained with the passive tree ) combined with life regeneration and the ocasional life flask is enough to keep you alive 95% of the time. THe thing is that more life leech won't really change that ... you'll still survive the same situations and you'll still be in the same danger in the other 5% of the time. If i were you i would've put a Lioneye's Remorse shield, get 1% life leech from the passive skill tree and find an amulet with good physical damage roll ( something around 10-20 ) The carnage heart.... i really don't like it for this build .. the life leech part i've already explained, also the - % max life is not very nice thing to have, also as you already know - no phys damage. On the other hand the resists are nice. In the end it's all about what kind of currency you have and how lucky you are to buy the right item for a good price. But as far as i can tell you definetly know what you are doing so verything should come in its place eventualy! "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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Hello fellow Facebreakers!
Story of my facebreaker:
I have been playing this build for quite some time now (level 68) and I am really enjoying it!
Started out with a nice (non-legacy) facebreaker
Almost instantly bought Meginard's Girdle
and read this Whole thread. And then Abyssus the legendary helmet dropped for me! :D
But that made me want the best! Abyssus was alright but that "~40% increased physical damage taken" is not nice! So I bought the ultimate helmet of this build:
Legacy and all :) Now I have decent gear (in my opinion) and a well functioning Facebreaker character. Gear:
And last one is my old chest piece (from before I bought the BoR) carrying lots of gems for leveling purposes :) Potions:
I have:
70% block chance 3.5k hp 6k armor deal ~12k dps 2% mana&life steal Passive skill tree like the OP updated. So in general I think I fit the criterias for this build to function. Right now my biggest weakness (in my opinion) is the lack of fire and lightning resist which will come with better rings/amulet and maybe a better shield. But right now it's a big pain xD Other than that I think my facebreaker is well functioning. Have you spotted any mistakes? Please do tell me xD If anyone have suggestions for how to improve the build even more etc., do not hesitate to reply or pm me. Thank you for reading/replying <3 and Thanks to the creator of this build guide <3 IGN: SillyFighter Editado por útlima vez por Dunnie#1607 en 19 abr. 2014 21:26:35
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Well the biggest weakness as i see it is your jewelry. Absolutely no life and a total of 16-27 physical damage where you can get a total of 41-56! And that's a huge difference.
Since you have a legacy BoR i'd suggest to stick to it until you have a good 6L chest ... and that.. might take awhile :D And of course it would be nice to get a Lioneye's remorse. With it you'll be able to respec some passive skill points from block to something else ( i.e. resists ) "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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oh my god. I'm back to this thread again, i turned the 2h flicker (based from your other guide) into a facebreaker...totally not regretting it. I have one already at standard, and it's still pretty neat again in ambush. Already broke 35 k with frenzy, and doing fine w/o any leech jewelry and just rely on bloodrage. My regen + chaos res picks up the slack for degen, and the ming's ring (surprisingly useful and powerful for this build) helps aid on 50% degen maps.
stats: 33.8 k dps w/5 frenzy charges on bloodrage (hopefully 35K on perf new facebreakers and 40+k dps with mana leech rings) 4983 health 10k armor Max res with purity I would highly recommed getting vaal cyclone + duration + lgoh, it's simply amazing |
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" First of all, thank you for the very fast reply Korgoth! You are simply amazing... Good 6L chest might take a while? Yeah I think so! You say my biggest weakness is the lack of damage/hp on my jewelry.. I think that is very true. And yesterday I did a very good deal on a new amulet:
No HP on that amulet but some decent damage+resists. But I still lack better jewelry. You say more damage on the rings would make a huge difference. I am not so sure about that... Right now I kill most Whites with 1 InfernalBlow-Multistrike, and sometimes Blues too. Yellow with ~3 InfernalBlow-Multistrikes and Brown with maybe 3-5... Those numbers are not 100% accurate but I think they show the big picture. So its not like I need more damage...(in my opinion) Some utility would help though.. Stuff like Movement speed and more Mana-Leech would be quality-of-life-improvements. For the shield you mention: Lioneye's Remorse. Well I have a pretty decent shield right now, but as you say: A Lioneye's Remorse would allow me to remove some passive points from block chance. My current armor shield:
But Lioneye's Remorse would also help me with a big portion of HP. I think a Lioneye's Remorse is my next big purchase. (I just bought the spellblock shield)
Legacy and all (only 100% of block BUT I am capped on 75% spell block) Maybe a new 80% non-legacy also would have capped me? I don't know... But I am happy for my shield because a Legacy item will keep its value much better than a reworked item. As always: Thanks for reading/replying, and have a wonderful day! IGN: SillyFighter Editado por útlima vez por Dunnie#1607 en 20 abr. 2014 10:23:16
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Well about the damage in my opinion with this build "enough" damage is around 30k. Of course i'm talking about level 78 maps etc. but you are right that with alot less you can and you still do good enough.
For the Legacy shield... well ... what can i say ... the price of the Legacy items will always go up and never down so it's a good investment if nothing else! When you have the cash you might want to get a legacy facebreakers too - it will significantly improve your damage . "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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I took this build as base and modified it a little to my needs.
I'm running Abyssus, 6 Link, Legacy Aurora, Rainbowstride and Stone of Lazhwar (4% Spellblock). Before i got the spellblock my damage exceeded 53k DPS. I Sacrificed like 11k of it but the survivability caused by the stone is just totally worth it. The Aurora and Spellblock adds a lot to that build, making you pretty much invincible to trashmobs and rares even in 78 Maps or Dominus (you should still avoid his Fist Attack though) There is just one big flaw i'm experiencing - you cant use Shield Charge or Leap Slam to evade those hard hitting attacks and Lighning Warp is no option. There are times that i wasnt able to get out of the range of an attack and it took me volley. In the end you come to the conclusion, that the increased damage taken from the abyssus might be the reason you died. I dont even know anymore if armor is the right choice to go since Block/Spellblock/Evasion works really great aswell. Well, if i get the chance i'll try a BoR/Evasion/Max Block version though i'm even trying something very similar right now. PN: Haegar_der_Schreckliche Editado por útlima vez por DerPizzadieb#4870 en 21 abr. 2014 6:48:22
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