[3.24] fezz's Toxic Rain Champion - Step-by-Step PoE Build Guide for Beginners & Casuals
" I use Filterblade Strict. (Archnemesis trade-league.) In my stash about one tab is full with unidentified (suboptimal-implicit) Rustic Sashes. Something has to be done with them.. I managed to sell 1. I have 6-link bow and 6-link body armour. Shoul I modify the filter so that hide all non-6-link bows? Hide all non-6-link body armours? (I have never managed to craft a 6-link item. And I guess my chances are near zero.) |
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" Well, there is a reason why the guide recommends using specific loot filters ;) For example: The recommended SSF loot filter hides all bases which the Toxic Rain Champion build doesnt need - including Rustic Stash belts which are only needed for vendor recipes in Act 2 to get a better weapon (which is why they are hidden at level ~25+). While this might be bad for experienced players who can easily differ good and bad items, it can burden unexperienced players since it will just fill their inventory (faster). In terms of the bow: The only relevant bow base for Toxic Rain Champion is 'Thicket Bow'. That's why the recommended loot filters hide all but this base. Wether or not you should hide all non-6-link bows depends on several things so it's not that easy to answer this with a straight 'Yes'. But if I were you and I'd already have a good bow and if I wouldn't plan on crafting my own bow, I would hide them, yes. Editado por útlima vez por fezz8386#7997 en 18 mar. 2022 3:58:54
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Hi, I'd like to say thank you for your guide. It's extremely detailed and helpful, I'm using your build right now. However, I have a question about choosing armors (body armor, helm, gloves, and shoes).
Among the armors that give pure evasion, those that give pure armour, and the armors that give both armor and invasion, which type of armors should I choose? |
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" As long as you don't go for your late endgame items, you pick pure armour bases items since you use Determination (which scales with armour). For your late endgame items you go for Armour and Evasion Hybrid bases since you use Determination (which scales with armour) and Grace (which scales with evasion). |
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" Thank you, my friend :) |
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Thank you so much for this build guide. I haven't played PoE for quite a number of years due to so many builds requiring a massive amount of currency and the skill tree being much more unforgiving than most other games to respec. At this point I'm sure you can see why I immediately went with your build haha. One thing that I've wondered about is why you're not using the ashes unique amulet, I've been running it myself, everything else besides a single potion is following the guide exactly (I believe). The only issue that I've run into is lack of survivability. I imagine you can find my character from here to see what it's running (I'm a forum noob so not entirely sure haha). I just feel like roughly 85% physical damage reduction + 86% evasion rating + 100% spell suppression + 75% all res (48% chaos) should feel tankier with just over 5k health. It's completely fine until I run into specific things, and then my hp goes down so fast I almost have no chance to react, or in other instances I get straight up one shot by a not dodged melee attack. I was wondering if you had any advice on this, though I suspect it's mostly because of being unfamiliar with many boss mechanics.
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" Hey, great to hear that you are enjoiyng the build. In terms of your current setup, I can see that you focus way more on damage than on survivability (although it's not bad by no means), but you have several ways to improve your survivabiliy and overall setup: In general, I really recommend reading the endgame part of the guide (again) because most of the stuff listed below is already mentioned there. Nevertheless here are some short takeaways I could get from looking at your current setup: Flasks: - You currently don't have an instant life flask, which is mandatory. - You currently have 3 mana flasks, but you only need 1. Get a Quicksilver Flask and a Granite Flask instead. Jewels: - None of your jewels currently has '#% icnreased maximum life' Body Armour: - You don't have the 'Get #% of Maximum Life as Extra Energy Shield' craft on it (if you get it, don't use Blood Rage anymore!) Helmet: - You have a pretty low '+# to Maximum Life' roll right now Gloves: - Possible improvement: Chaos DoT modifier. Boots: - No '+# to Maximum Life' modifier Amulet: - While Ashes of the Stars can be a good leveling item, it falls off in the late game and having a rare jewel with strength, life and +1 chaos skills and/or chaos DoT is way more beneficial (if you do so, keep in mind, that your current mana reservation won't be enough, so you have to get the mana efficiency mod on the helmet - like stated in the guide) Rings: - One ring has a very low '+# to Maximum Life' roll, the other one doesn't have it at all - If you care about survivability Vermillion rings are the base to go for As already stated above, you really should check out the endgame part of the guide. If you follow the instructions, your build will become way more tanky and will feel way better. Editado por útlima vez por fezz8386#7997 en 20 mar. 2022 10:58:15
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" I really appreciate the advice, thanks so much. ^^ |
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I am already in maps after two days, that's already a good sign for me. Ok, I had a Tabula and could skip some content but still feels good.
Going through your guide, I see that you propose to farm div cards for a 6-linnked bow. There is the option for a short bow and an imperial bow. I understood that attack speed is the only thing we care on a bow as we need to craft the rest. Is this correct? If yes, then the short bow would be better than the imperial?`, right? What makes the thicket bow better than the short bow? Looking at the attack speed they are the same. Thanks |
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" I'll just keep it short here: Ticket Bow (1.5 base attack speed / 22-67 base phys damage) > Short Bow (1.5 base attack speed / 6-16 base phys damage ) > Imperial Bow > (1.45 base attack speed / 29-16 base phys damage) - for this specific build. The difference between the Thicket Bow and the Short Bow is very marginal, but due to the fact that you will most likely invest several ex into your late endgame bow, you want to have the best base. Editado por útlima vez por fezz8386#7997 en 20 mar. 2022 18:56:31
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