3.17 TOXIC RAIN CHAMPION - Fast, Tanky, Deadly! - League-Start to End-Game
" you are seriously lacking in gem levels and dot multi. 2 things I would suggest to do: 1. get an Lv4 empower and an awakened void manipulation. Those would bring your gem lvl up with reasonable investment. 2. get a two T1 dot multi amulet, it is pretty cheap if you can craft it yourself. you can find the way to craft it in this post. |
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"Well, if I'm not allowed to complain about the flasks... :D The Iolite ring is the clear outlier on your gear, it's only providing 2 useful affixes plus the craft. I'm really not fond of the amulet with the frenzy on kill, either. Works fine in maps, but on bosses, you'll run out of charges quick unless they have minions to top you up. My personal solution would be switching to a Maloney's quiver, putting frenzy / arrow nova / culling strike in that, & switching amulets. For the elemental weakness map bit, my personal fav is running Viridi's veil plus one magic ring. Gives you immunity to all curses, not just elemental weakness, so you don't need to stack resists past 75. You've gone up the right top side of the tree to pick up Ghost Dance and beyond, but you don't have the energy shield to take advantage of it. 564 ES recovery is really nice, but you only have 122 to fill. Ghost Dance is usually paired with a chest that has the % of life as extra ES craft. I'd either pull that portion of the tree and sink it into medium clusters, or upgrade from your QOTF chest to a rare that boosts your ES. Or both, you can squeeze in both! Lastly, don't neglect enchants on helm / boots / gloves and catalysts on your rings. Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on. |
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Thanks for this guide.
I've just respect my character from GenCry/BF to Toxic Rain (cost me lots of respect orb :D ) , but I must say that it was worth it. DPS is laking a bit due to my gem level, I'm clearing T14 maps at a slow pace , but it get the job done. The Devouring Diadem helmet solve my mana issue, and allow me to run the 3 auras without requiring any enlighten gem. As I really don't have much currencies (I clearly can't afford a +3 bow yet), I just trade for some gear to get me started. I already have a onyx amulet with hunter influence I need to craft , I already have a iolite ring , that I also need to craft. Well got some work to do :) Thanks for sharing this guide. |
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" Hi, first of all thanks for taking the time to look at my char. I think there is a problem with the pob I uploaded as it seems to show the wrong things for you. I actually do have the empower 4 and the awakened void manip on my char. My toxic rain in the bow is a lev 30 atm. " Thanks for taking the time to look at my char. The ghostdance is definately something I have missed by just copying other poeples pob. The amulet is very nice for mapping and I was able to buy it for 1EX so I thought, why not? If I have another +1 mod on it it would take my toxic rain to 31 which (to my little knowledge) would be a breakpoint for a higher mana cost. Maloney sounds interesting. I know about viridi's veil I was just not too happy with the idea of losing even more elemental/chaos resistances on the ring(s). I do not neglect the enchantments but I really, really hate the lab :). Editado por útlima vez por VigorDracul#2148 en 15 nov. 2021 6:11:27
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Crafted myself a belt. Bought the prefixes, was multimodded, for 20 ex. Scoured suffixes. Locked prefixes. Reforge cold more common. Fail. Relock prefixes. Get t2 res. Go for 50/50 T4 Aisling. Fail. Reforge cold more common like 5 more times from the same guy. Hit t2 res with hunter flask effect movement speed. Use like 50 divines to get acceptable rolls. Old belt was just for res: Editado por útlima vez por Escape_Artist#2292 en 15 nov. 2021 10:49:39
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I have came across many PoB link, could you please confirm which is the latest ? As a new Player, understanding the depth of the game is quite an endeavor already, so, having the right PoB to follow will help :-)
Thanx for all your hard work |
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" This one from the first post: https://pastebin.com/Nutcwnfk The inspiration for the build came from this one, and there are still some excellent notes to read through: https://pastebin.com/YgAscx7X This setup is a bit more tanky, as it was created for hardcore players. My personal build is a mix of both. Post up here if you have questions - or hit me up in game if I'm on. Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on. |
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Done upgrading the build. Gloves are left to finish, but everything else is done for this league. Will upgrade curse to t1 on the rare ring and then gotta re-apply the belt enchant. Maybe try to get same kinda quiver, but with added att speed, but i doubt. Current combined Sirus DPS is 16,9 mil and full dot DPS is 15,76 mil (when belt enchant and curse is upgraded).
Could actually maybe get 20 mil dps by pathing to Atrophy instead of Master Fletcher. (dps wise they're the same for me, but travel nodes would give enough int to swap out int rolls on jewels and get att speed or dot multi instead, w/e gives more dps. But finding so many would be pretty much impossible. Double att speed would be more realistic.) Level 100 would bring me over 18 mil dps. Will most likely afk to 100 in 5-way at some point. Pretty much immortal. DOT dmg can be annoying. Will maybe make some videos later this week of end-game bosses. All currency was farmed doing The Feared. Gear
Editado por útlima vez por Escape_Artist#2292 en 16 nov. 2021 2:35:07
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Well, first question would be, is there a good place/good way to farm for Efficacity and Enlighten support gems ?
Not looking into leveling or getting good gear while doing it but, mostly, repeating an area, of proper level ( 38 I think ) so I could get those. Then I will work toward the gear |
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"Sorry, no good news there. They are random drops. The good news is, you can absolutely run without them. I didn't buy an Enlighten until level 95. Empower in the bow can be replaced with faster attacks. A few leagues back, the drop rates on those were reduced considerably, and since then the value of them has skyrocketed. I used to drop 20+ per league, now I'm seeing 2 at most. Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on. |
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