[3.15] Storm Rain Raider League Starter - Theorycraft
This looks pretty cool! I'll be watching this space quite a bit. I've been trying to figure out how to scale crit and never considered traveling to EO. It's a long way to go, but just might be worth it.
I'm struggling to envision how to build this, but really enjoying seeing everyone's ideas. |
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Let me know if this one works! I'm no PoB warrior so not sure why the link was dead. Ballista Storm Rain Pathfinder - How the heckin Heck did we get here. This is not science (more like real bad art) but definitely illustrates the concept. You can easily calculate the odds an arrow will hit based on the distance from the enemy. This will of course be determined by enemy hitboxes, shotgunning potential, thicc juicy strikes, etc. My guess is it's somewhere around ~62.5 times/sec I got to this number using this estimation: 40 arrows have a ~10-20% chance to hit the enemy (arrows far away, but within range) 40 arrows have a ~10-30% chance to hit the enemy (Closer, mid range) 15 arrows have a ~30-50% chance to hit the enemy (almost, but not quite on top) 5 arrows have a ~50-100% chance to hit the enemy (right on top) (Or, 25 beams hit chance, with 2.5x instances per second = 62.5/sec) In my PoB, you can see that you cna get 150k sDPS per poison. This is with god gear, so expect more like 50k-75k if you play casual. If my estimations are correct and you can (on the conservative end 50k DPS, while hitting 60times/sec, that 3M sDPS in the first second of combat... this ramps up to 10M sDPS bare bones. WIth nothing but a darkscorn and Gems provided, you achieve 30k sDPS per poison so the sky in the limit here. We are able to pump poison up in a few ways. 1. All support gems are damage amplifying (no GMP, etc.). We can get 3 addl arrows from dying sun (flask effect +1) and 2 from rain of spinsters for 6 total projectiles. 6 projs x 2 aps x 6 ballistas = 72 proj. per second, more than enough to keep 100 arrows on the ground over 1.6 seconds, but not too much that we are overdoing Attack speed. We are also able to slow enemies with hinder on the totem med cluster jewel. Decrease enemies action speed with our amulet (impresence), and maim with smite of the weak large cluster jewel... our enemies will be sitting ducks. We can also chill with out pathfinder acendency, which I need to do testing on. 2. Darkscorn. Poisons prolif and then we win? Damage mitigation is not there so I still need to find some defensive layers. That depends on the damage output. Best part of this is we have another 6-link to play with. If another storm rain can use a seperate 100 arrows, then why not? Or we can go blade vortex and average 10M DPS... Choice is yours. Hopefully this helps someone and doesn't ruin anyone's league start and/or day lol Editado por útlima vez por JorVid#2148 en 23 jul. 2021 11:42:44
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Karv (https://www.twitch.tv/karvarousku) theorycrafted a MoM/EO Raider a few hours ago.
edit: he uploaded a video talking about the tree leveling etc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JrvDP9mcmA Editado por útlima vez por El_Phosky#2511 en 23 jul. 2021 9:07:07
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Best bow stats for this skill is
Thicket bow -------- Adds 139 to 243 Fire Damage Adds 126 to 217 Cold Damage Adds 28 to 394 Lightning Damage 19% increased Attack Speed 38% increased Critical Strike Chance Bow Attacks fire 2 additional Arrows How can we craft like this bow? |
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" Where are you getting the "more damage" bit from? All I see is increased in the Ascendency and the related frenzy wheel. What am I missing? Thanks! EDIT: Ok its been awhile sorry.. you get 4% more damager per frenzy charge >< With that, I like your take on the Ascendency more than going for the Onslaught, cheers! IGN: Eso_Es Editado por útlima vez por EsoEs#4803 en 23 jul. 2021 12:29:48
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How about going Pathfinder with Voltaxic Rift and Volkuur's guidance? This would allow to you stack TONS of poisons fairly fast, give you a Herald of Agony for additional DPS and let you use the 50% poison DPS increase.
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Is it just me, or does this gem is weird to use? I am only at lvl 35 ish with a 4 l, doing about 1k dps, but I guess using any other bow spell would be more efficient to use..
anyone at maps already who can tell how it is "lategame"? |
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Looking forward to hearing how it goes for people, as well as the PoB update.
I'm also a bit lost on why this really exists, comparing it to TR it cant do reflect, proximity shields, harder to hit/aoe/setup so i'm just a bit like, "why?" does look cool and seem high damage at least, and I guess with TR I usually have a second 6L free so could try use it as some shocking for bosses Australian Summoner-Main
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" From a reddit post, they said the clear was amazing lategame. Single target dps is also decent. |
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I wonder what gems they are using...
And what stats they focus on. Like is aoe Incr good? Or just crit and elememtal.. |
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