[3.12] Doom Pop Occultist | New Impending Doom Support Build | Explosions Galore
***Launch Note***
I'm putting this version of the build on hold until I have the currency to put into it, as with little investment the damage was no where near where I was hoping. Thank you and Ill update when I can. Preamble Heres a fun build concept that will most likely be my starter this league, I got ahead of myself and made this build because this new curse support interested me so much. Any feedback or ideas are appreciated, chances are I'll update this page as new information arises. It is very similar to a Bane Pop Occultist as the name suggests, just without the Bane, and with more Pop. Build Concept
When Despair is overwritten it causes an explosion. Despair Primes Impending Doom, this is replaced by the Vixens curses (These cast before the despair. Which is actually a good thing for damage.) This is all untested so it could complete trash or maybe wont even work at all, but its fun to theorize. Offense and Defense
List of Offensive and Defensive Mechanics Offensive Scalers
All= -Curse Effect -Cast Speed -Chaos Damage -More Explosions EB Specific= -Skitterbots -Even More Explosions -Despair -Punishment (Vulnerability & Explosion) Defensive Layers
Mana Based-(Pick 2)= -MoM/Agnostic (Weakish, need a higher mana pool and more regen) -Block (Iffy in DW, Max Block with SH) -Dodge (Strong but hard to get, also near general poison nodes) EB Based= -Block (Max Block Easy) Curses (All Versions have these)= -Temp Chains Monsters have less action speed (Movement, Attack, Cast). -Enfeeble Monsters have less accuracy, and less damage. -Punishment Monsters are debilitated when they hit you (Less attack and movement speed). How Much do Curses Actually Help?
Normal/Magic Monsters: 39.15% less action speed 25.65% less accuracy 40.5% less damage Assuming 1 Attack Per second and 100 damage. (Easy Numbers for percentage calc) 0.6085 APS 59.5 DMG With the accuracy its hard to calculate in but assuming a 100% initial accuracy... 74.35% chance to hit= 0.4585 Average Hits Per Second New DPS=27.28 Thats a 72.7% damage reduction. Punishment Rare/Unique Monsters: 18.9% less action speed 25.65% less accuracy 20.25% less damage Skipping Calcs... New DPS=48.09 Thats a 51.9% damage reduction. Punishment Long and short, curses are the LARGEST defensive layer of this build by a long shot. Damage Calcs by Explosions Per Second
Yes this build's damage is calculated by explosions per second, which in my opinion is metal as f***. This is also in the notes section of the POB and there's also way more information there, it just makes more sense having it there than here. Now to the numbers. Damage Calculations- Vixens applies curses first, which means with a curse cap of 3 the three Vixens curses cap our curses. Despair then immediately replaces one of the Vixens Curses at random. When Despair is removed, (at the start of the next cast). The curses which Vixens applies are up to the user, but punishment, enfeeble, and temporal chains are the curses I chose for a more defensive setup. Marks most likely wont work well because they can only be applied to one enemy at once. --- 1st Cast: Vixens- Caps our Curses Despair- Randomly Replaces 1 of the Vixens Curses. 2nd Cast: Vixens- Replaces Despair (Explosion) And caps Curses again. Despair- Randomly Replaces 1 of the Vixens Curses. REPEAT If this explosion kills something, A-Punishment curse- Overkill damage causes another explosion (10%) B-Chance to explode for 25% Life (From Profane Bloom) C-Herald of Ash- 25% Overkill damage as fire. --- # of Explosions per cast (Assuming 25% life explosion and overkill explosions.) Cast Speed=Explosions per second base without killing the Enemy. Up to 3 extra explosions per enemy killed.(A,B,C) Doom Generation
Despair- Gains 10 Doom per second (150%Doom Gain Rate=25 Doom/Second) +4 (Malicious Intent) ~0.2 (Cast Rate/1) Second for Despair to Gain Doom =~9 Doom generated before each explosion. Builds Within Builds
I'm really bad at choosing a path and sticking to it, and I know others are too. Everyone is different, and so I build multiple different build paths. Each build path has its own Pros and Cons, as well as focuses. Some are more defensive, others more offensive, clear speed based, bossing based. SH- (Shield)
This looks to be the most defensive option, though the clear will be slightly weaker because only 1 Obliteration. Glancing Blows is nerfed but it still does its job of reducing frequency of 1 shots, though I will test this further. DW- (Dual Wield)
The cheapest option, but the defenses are lacking. But it makes up for it with clear speed, using two Obliteration Wands for maximal explosions. Dodge-
This build scales dodge using Acrobatics and Phase Acrobatics. The biggest advantage to this setup is the access to global poison nodes so that Profane Bloom and Obliteration can spread themselves through poisons. This idea is from Jentry's Bane Bloom Build so all the credit goes to them for this idea. And please go check their guide out, its really amazing and wayyyy better written than this. Self Curse-
Extremely expensive self curse setup, it would use the dodge tree with the addition of Pain Attunement. For massive damage and survivability. This idea is also from Jentry's Bane Bloom Build so all the credit goes to them for this idea as well. Eldrich Battery (One I will most Likely be playing)
EB Setup to solve mana issues. This looks to be the best type of setup and offers more of a burst damage bossing style. Also taking EB allows for more auras to be reserved, so we take Discipline (More ES=More Casting), Herald of Ash (More Explosions), and Summon Skitterbots (Shock and Chill=Big DPS) Versions- EB SH-Shield
The EB Block setup offers 75/75 Block with Glancing Blows without sacrificing any damage. (Only sacrificing 1 Obliteration, but Herald of Ash makes up for that) (Glancing Blows is nerfed but it still does its job of reducing frequency of 1 shots, though I will test this further.) EB DW-Dual Wield
This build like the other dual wield build lacks in survivability. But where it makes up for it is in clear speed, with increased AOE. As well as 5 Jewel Slots for customizability. Personally I always forget about Jewels and hate crafting or buying them, but if you like Jewels then go ahead and customize to your hearts content. Also I added a Base Tree and a Base EB Tree if you want to make your own setup and play around with mechanics. Patch Notes
Curses: Punishment- 10% Overkill damage explosion 88% increased damage against low life enemies Despair- Gains 10 Doom per second POB
POB Updated (Sept 10)- EB Setup: https://pastebin.com/DUb0KCFp (Use POB Community Fork) *Still working on other trees and builds. Also still trying to get mana to be more defensive... its not working so if anyone who is better at this than me I'd love the help. Changelog
16/9/2020-Patchnotes Came Out, lots of changes. Thanks for looking and have a great day. If this inspires you feel free to change the build up however you like, and if your crazy like me you could even use it as a league start. Editado por útlima vez por K33LIN#1618 en 13 nov. 2020 23:30:13 Reflotado por última vez en 20 oct. 2020 12:02:03
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I would not skip over whisper of doom as an extra curse/hex will likely mean tons of DPS.
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" Another curse being applied triggers the damage application, so only one curse can build up doom at a time. |
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" Whisper of Doom could be added, the only other adjustment that would have to be made is adding another curse to Vixens Entrapment (replacing Inc. AOE). This new curse could be anything, though poachers mark for frenzy charges, or warlords mark for endurance charges would be the top choices in my opinion. The reason that I didn't is because losing Inc. AOE means some enemies cursed by the first despair would not be hit by the Vixens curses, which means less consistent explosions. Though if the explosion radius is large enough that the enemies that are killed in the smaller radius kill the enemies in the larger despair radius that could potentially mean more DPS overall because the outer enemies have more time building up Doom (though only fractions of a second so it wont make much of a difference). It seems like more of a risk as your sacrificing consistency for damage, but it'll be something I test when we have access to the gem in-game. Editado por útlima vez por K33LIN#1618 en 4 sept. 2020 15:19:32
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" Exactly that is the reason behind spell echo. It applies Impending Doom and immediately replaces the curse activating it, then it applies Impending Doom again on the echo cast. So one curse is always building up doom. Editado por útlima vez por K33LIN#1618 en 4 sept. 2020 15:14:24
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" Where are you getting that from? That it is limited to one curse at a time? |
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Doom needs to be build up over time. If another hex triggers the explosion immediately with spell echo than no doom could be build up.
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" What I'm hoping (and guessing) is that there is a flat amount of damage the explosion will be guaranteed to do and the more buildup of doom just increases the damage. So while the explosion might do a smaller amount of damage it'll still be damage, which for smaller mobs (if it kills) will trigger the other explosions which will deal the bulk of the damage. Without the gem numbers or knowing how fast/slow doom builds up scaling cast speed for more explosions seemed safer than scaling all damage and leaving time between casts for doom to build up. Because in reality you would be better off using another skill if Impending Doom couldn't deal at least a smaller amount of damage immediately. Though your premise is also slightly off, its not the spell echo which triggers the immediate explosion. Its the curses from Vixens Entrapment which triggers the immediate explosion. This I did test in the game and the Vixens Curse applies between the first and second echo. So the second echo only reapplies Impending Doom which has more time to sit and build up damage, and it is triggered by the first echo of the next cast. Thus effectively doubling the explosions by using spell echo versus anything else. |
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" Are you sure it works this way? There's a poster in the PoE Discord saying in his tests the Vixen curses are applying before the first self cast, which would prevent an initial explosion from occuring and remove any benefit from running Spell Echo which would suck. |
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" You are absolutely right, I just checked again and the character I was testing on had an extra curse which meant that it looked like the despair got overwritten then reapplied. Once I fixed that it was obvious that the Vixens applies first. Even so, spell echo is still worth using because the second despair echo should replace the first despair echo which causes the same two explosions per cast. This is actually potentially better if we get another curse (Whispers of Doom) because it means that the three Vixens curses are always applied and its just the despair that's recasting and causing explosions. Its also better because it gives both echos of despair more time to build up doom which means more damage (fractions of a second but depending on how doom works maybe). Thank you for pointing this out to me, I will adjust the build accordingly. If you find anything else wrong with the build or have suggestions please comment them as this build will only get better and more fine tuned with more ideas. |
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