3.9| Stress-Free PoE - CURSING CI |SSF the Atlas w/ 1 Button & Any Gear|Dungeon Crawl PoE!

Hey Everyone!

Thank you for your patience! I've made an example video for this current 3.9 version of the build: https://youtu.be/s2-H9UCvt0E.

Hopefully, this gives everyone a decent perspective on how all the mechanics work.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast

First of all, thank you for all the awesome builds. I've never enjoyed what I refer to as "twitch" builds where you either wind up jumping all over the screen or have to be a master pianist to play the build.

I've enjoyed this build in particular (it was a toss up between this one and "trigger happy" for my metamorph starter). There are a couple of things I can't quite figure out though.

1. Arcane surge. It works, but why not concentrated effect or elemental focus instead?

2. Elemental Overload. Again, it's good when it works, but it doesn't seem to have a consistent enough up time.

3. Skittering Curses. The 20% to curse effect seems good, but is it worth it? With the six points (two from getting to elemental overload and four to getting to skittering curses from Shaper) it seems you could easily get either Fingers of Frost (for better consistent damage) or for one point more get Arcane Guarding for a bit more spell damage and ES.

EDIT: Also, I'm not sure if you're aware of this but your loot filters don't show the stone drops from the conquerors.

Thanks again,

Editado por útlima vez por Ormyr#2767 en 26 dic. 2019 20:23:38
Wrecker_of_Days escribió:
Caligula_Exile escribió:
Which anointment do you all use for your amulett? Arcane Guarding (chance to block, increased spell damage, increased energy shield from shield) sounds awesome, but Entropy (more damage over time) as well.

Unfortunately, good old Cassia has become very rare since going core and thus her oils, too. One needs teal, black oil for Arcane Guarding. Sepia, amber, crimson for Entropy.
Hey Caligula_Exile!

I would personally go for Cursed Concoction. It's the only node I have on the tree that has no valuable travel nodes (in my opinion). I only selected it for the Curse improvement. You could then select Entropy with the two free nodes.

I'm sure there's many good options out there. But that's what I thought of right away.

That sounds good. Thank you very much!
Overwhelmed by Path of Exile? You might want to have a look at Wrecker_of_Days' beginner-friendly guides. One-click-wonders that do not require any specific items to conquer the campaign and the Atlas: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2606288/page/1
Thank you for the guide Wrecker! I'm just starting out with this build for the first time.

I have a question regarding the Zealot's Oath keystone. Does it make sense to go take it to significantly increase ES regen? On the POB, ES regen goes from ~28 to 54 on taking this node. I'm curious if you or anyone has tried this node and what the experience has been.

Thanks again,
Does the Passive "Pain Attunement" activate when using the Passive trait "Chaos Inoculation"?
zakaluka3 escribió:
Thank you for the guide Wrecker! I'm just starting out with this build for the first time.

I have a question regarding the Zealot's Oath keystone. Does it make sense to go take it to significantly increase ES regen? On the POB, ES regen goes from ~28 to 54 on taking this node. I'm curious if you or anyone has tried this node and what the experience has been.

Thanks again,

Zealot's Oath converts your life regeneration to energy shield regeneration. So it's only helpful if you have some life regeneration, either from the skills or from an item (e. g. a marble amulet).

Ricescream escribió:
Does the Passive "Pain Attunement" activate when using the Passive trait "Chaos Inoculation"?

It wouldn't work, unfortunately. 1 life may be very, very little life but for the game it does not count as "low life". To the game, "low life" is about 30 % of your maximum life. With chaos Inoculation you always have 100 % of your life (unless you died, of course).
Overwhelmed by Path of Exile? You might want to have a look at Wrecker_of_Days' beginner-friendly guides. One-click-wonders that do not require any specific items to conquer the campaign and the Atlas: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2606288/page/1
Hey Everyone!

(I'll respond to guide replies in the next day or two...as fast as I can.) I just wanted to post to say that I hope everyone that celebrated Christmas had a great holiday. New Year's Eve is tonight for me (some of you may have already had it) and I hope that whether it's happened or not for you that you have a safe night.

Holidays of any kind can be really difficult for many people for any number of reasons. If you're one of them, take courage. All seasons of suffering pass. In the meantime, try to focus on the little things in life that make you smile. You are loved and watched over, even if it doesn't seem like it. One day, the pain will be a memory and you'll be able to help others that have suffered in a similar way...helping them see light at the end of their tunnel.

God Bless Everyone. I hope you're all well in heart.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Ormyr escribió:

First of all, thank you for all the awesome builds. I've never enjoyed what I refer to as "twitch" builds where you either wind up jumping all over the screen or have to be a master pianist to play the build.

I've enjoyed this build in particular (it was a toss up between this one and "trigger happy" for my metamorph starter). There are a couple of things I can't quite figure out though.
Hey Ormyr!

Thanks for being so thoughtful and encouraging! I'm glad you like the build. I was surprised when I started making guides, how many people preferred the "non-pianist" style of play like you and me.

1. Arcane surge. It works, but why not concentrated effect or elemental focus instead?
Concentrated Effect is really strong, but I wasn't a fan of diminishing the AoE that much. If the decrease to AoE doesn't bother you, put it in. It does more damage than Arcane Surge. Elemental Focus is the same "reason", I didn't like the negative. I want to be able to apply ailments to the enemies. It's really big on survivability with this build. But again, it's stronger than Arcane surge. So feel free to add that to the build if you're not worried about the negative effects of those skills.

2. Elemental Overload. Again, it's good when it works, but it doesn't seem to have a consistent enough up time.
You find it doesn't go off enough hey? I guess I agree that if it could go off more often, the build would obviously be better off. But I added it as bonus damage. I didn't plan the build around the node. I focused the build on defence first, offence second. EO was literally added because it's such a strong node and it only took two nodes to get there. In otherwords, this was the tree I wanted, whether or not EO was in it. And since EO was only two nodes away, it was an easy choice to add it in. EO would require a lot more investment to show up more often...and those investment nodes would have to come from already existing damage nodes.
But I since EO only shows up when we get hit, I guess the idea is that we don't "need" it if we're not getting hit.
But I agree. It'd be great if it showed up more.

3. Skittering Curses. The 20% to curse effect seems good, but is it worth it? With the six points (two from getting to elemental overload and four to getting to skittering curses from Shaper) it seems you could easily get either Fingers of Frost (for better consistent damage) or for one point more get Arcane Guarding for a bit more spell damage and ES.
When building the tree, my priorities were Curse Effect, ES, Damage. So removing any Curse Effect nodes wasn't an option for my personal preference. So that being said, if you don't care for the 20%, definitely do as you suggested because that's likely what I would do as well.

EDIT: Also, I'm not sure if you're aware of this but your loot filters don't show the stone drops from the conquerors.
I saw! Crazy! I couldn't believe it! I wrote a bug report about it! The filter was supposed to catch it but Watchstones aren't tagged as Quest Items in the filter though they obviously are quest items according to the Item Filter release notes they posted before the league launched. I have since fixed it so definitely let me know if it still isn't showing up. Thanks for letting me know though! That's really important!

Thanks again,

Thanks for being so encouraging. I really appreciate it. Good questions. Let me know if you have more.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Caligula_Exile escribió:
zakaluka3 escribió:
Thank you for the guide Wrecker! I'm just starting out with this build for the first time.

I have a question regarding the Zealot's Oath keystone. Does it make sense to go take it to significantly increase ES regen? On the POB, ES regen goes from ~28 to 54 on taking this node. I'm curious if you or anyone has tried this node and what the experience has been.

Thanks again,

Zealot's Oath converts your life regeneration to energy shield regeneration. So it's only helpful if you have some life regeneration, either from the skills or from an item (e. g. a marble amulet).
Hey zakaluka3!

Caligula_Exile is correct. It's a helpful node if you have a lot of life regen which normally takes some investment. IF you were to have Concecrated Ground via a flask or skill on the ground all the time, it wouldn't be that bad of an idea. BUT, it'd still be a minor part of the build's survivability. So you'd have to ask yourself if the other three nodes you're cutting to get Zealot's Oath are worth it. Good question.

Ricescream escribió:
Does the Passive "Pain Attunement" activate when using the Passive trait "Chaos Inoculation"?

It wouldn't work, unfortunately. 1 life may be very, very little life but for the game it does not count as "low life". To the game, "low life" is about 30 % of your maximum life. With chaos Inoculation you always have 100 % of your life (unless you died, of course).
Sneaky thinking Ricescream!

That'd be awesome if it worked! Nice thinking! Caligula_Exile is correct unfortunately. "Low Life" in this game is intentionally "turned off" when you choose CI. We aren't reserving or hurting ourselves below the 33% value mentioned. And unfortunately the term Life refers to Life, not "health pool" life ES for CI.

Good thinking though!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast

I know you said to choose whatever we want for this build but I was wondering about something

1. Would these uniques help the build? ( Tulfall Tornado Wand, realm ender, doedre skin, astral projector ring, doedre scorn, vixen entrapment, shavrone pace ). Do you know any other uniques that might benefit the build?

2. Wouldn`t a 6L staff be better than a one hand being able to link CWDT with COH with a curse or more and 2-3 spells?

3. Currently I am lvl 50 and using (

I have +1 curse from the tree and +1 from gloves but I can`t seem to be able to land more than 2 curses on an enemy? Any idea what I am doing wrong?

Thank you in advance for answering
Editado por útlima vez por zgript#4639 en 1 ene. 2020 16:06:57

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