[3.11] Brittleknee’s Cold Elemental Hit Deadeye for Magic Find - Rags to Riches Guide Inside!
ok this is a very very weak build... my gear is almost complete, just missing the helm and a flask.
invested quite a lot of Chaos from my old revived account into building this so far and im dying on tier one maps... im very weak to something.. i think it might be bleed, chaos (all those hidden DOTs which you cannot hardly protect yourself against). Im very new at crafting so i made do with what old rings i had in my inventory. Crafting is a long way off for me in terms of learning curve and getting enough mats You call this a starter build but its not cheap! "Rags to Riches".. nah mate you are wrong, you have to be somewhat rich to start it... 30 Chaos for a decently rolled neckpiece on poetrade 4 Chaos for boots 30 Chaos for Windripper then you have to roll sockets and links (so a lot more) the entry level rings are about 7 Chaos a piece. 10 Chaos for the belt etc.... i keep dying at the start of level 86 so i get a death penalty and have to start again.. i reckon i would be level 87 by now if not for the deaths. Also the build is as weak as piss... Its taking a long time to carve through packs... looking at my character my flat damage is around 7-8k if im reading it correctly Why go the cold route?? why not do damage over time and pick all the DOT nodes on the tree? then u could stack frenzy or whatever.. Theres also no pierce... You get a cold resist or elemental resist mob and you are screwed... Surely this is not very good... My old ranger which i respecced to this one i think was frenzy/tornado shot and i got to tier 10 maps (on the old maps). So tier one maps isnt really cutting it for me right now.. The only real consolation from doing this for me has been that i now have a 5 link Windripper to use to whatever ranger build.. suggestions.. Editado por útlima vez por Bbudt#4243 en 6 ene. 2020 9:31:59
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Well, based on your pocket no build for you at all.
Try Tabula Rasa, Thunderfist and KB instead. For 3.9, yes EH was nerfed very very hard (base damage scale down -20%, Point blank -20% for all bow build) This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?
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based on my pocket? what does that even mean?
are you replying to me? Point blank? yea i just use rain of arrows cos EH sucks balls. What do you mean no build at all?.... So the person that created this build is trying to troll us? Give me a GOOD MF ranger build thats all i ask for... and have me utilise my gear and i will respec my tree.... suggestions for a good MF ranger deadeye build please guys... i respecced from this trash... im now tornado shot much much better survivability and damage Editado por útlima vez por Bbudt#4243 en 7 ene. 2020 2:23:08
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" waiting you stack enough currency for the minimum cost of getting a Windripper 5/6L..... There is no zero cost build or you are some troll/alt account to promote other build that claimed as starter" This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?
quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first" This is the end of forum signature |
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I dont know how to copy and quote to your reply.. but this is a reply to the last comment:
How am i trolling? I possibly dont know very much about the game compared to you people. but i did respec to MF TS ranger.. it is a lot better so far but im still weak and progress is very very slow... DPS of main attack is 16-20k. Whcih is still three times the damage of this build btw.. and yes the TS build with 20k damage is not overpowered.. i still die from time to time., but getting closer to levelling up at least. How do you get currency so fast in this game? How have people gotten hundreds of exalts? I do 5 maps and im lucky to get ONE Chaos... where the fuck are these exalts coming from? Editado por útlima vez por Bbudt#4243 en 7 ene. 2020 11:19:45
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"If you are a new player I highly suggest forgetting about MF and just making flavour of the month meta build (normal not MF) and farm the ordinary way. Something like skeleton or zombie necromancer, or saboteur with mines, so you can breeze through maps easy with low investment. "Organized group play, that's how. At least if we talk the legit way. (Botters exist too, but that's illegal.) If you have a group with aura bots, dedicated traders etc. you speed up a lot of the process. And if you get 1 chaos per 5 maps start doing chaos recipe (sell full yellow unided set of armor + weapons + accesiories for 2c). That's what I do when I'm poor, at least I can recoup the map cost. Also, delve. Sell everything you can from your loot, from divination cards to flasks. Editado por útlima vez por Viktranka#3883 en 7 ene. 2020 11:59:30
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ahh group play.. NO i dont like groups. i dont like people....
I left WoW because end game depends too much on getting along with people.. im not interested in it at all.. i just want to farm goods and currency on my own. |
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oh yup i know about the full yellow set recipe.. but that slows down farming cos now u have to organise ur stash into group of items (which i did ages ago) and then yea sell them off in groups... its very very time consuming...
Um not really interested in starting and LEARNING yet another build only to swap it out at the end... i just want the ranger build and i want it to be good... and i dont want to get wrist injuries from playing PoE too much albeit on a character i dont want to play (necro).. not worth breaking my wrists for.. |
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i recall years ago having the same issue.. i was ranger and someone told me back then i that it wasnt the way to go.. so i made a melee contagion build.. well i took the build to level 86 or so and struck the exact SAME issues.... you get to a threshold in this game where its very very difficult to move beyond it.. The threshold for me with the few characters I have created is around that level 86 mark.
im not sure if u know what im talking about but thats my experience of PoE as a solo player... |
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"You do you, but typical ranger build is expensive to get "good" and squishy. "Literally zombie necro is a semi afk spec it's not a button spam spec. "I'm a somewhat new-ish player, played for 4 leagues. Every 3 months is new league = have to remake character. So can't exactly stick to the same one unless I skip league and all the free cosmetics. The previous 3 leagues I ended up with characters between 94-96 and probably around 30ex budget (less on blight cuz I quit halfway), so yeah I know some people make 30ex in under a week and it takes me 3 months of play. So yeah, I accept my limitations and just try to make builds that can work on a limited budget and don't require 100ex and a headhunter to shine. This league I had a slow start due to limited time, but still made enough currency from levelling (metamorphs, aqueducts) to buy few basic items like tabula, 10c weapon, goldrim, etc. and start white maps, then slowly building my character from there (we're 1 month into league and it's work in progress, but I know it usually takes me longer than "pro" players who both play faster, and many more hours per day). I didn't play any "OP build of the month" but would probably progress faster if I did. But if I was unsatisfied with my results I wasn't going to build guides and blaming authors, especially if I did significant changes to the build. I didn't suggest it out of spite or malice. Play what you like. Do your research and work with your own limitations. For example it takes me on average 10-15 mins to clear 1 map and sort the loot. A dedicated speed farmer can do the same in under 1 min. But every time I tried to speed myself up, I started losing fun from playing the game, instead it became stressful. So instead I'm just gonna play the slow way and accept I'm making 10x less currency per hour, and also play fewer hours, and also don't do group play... Yes, that means expensive builds that require items like eternity shroud or farrul's fur are out of my limits. I will probably never farm for a mirror or headhunter. And yes I play wow too and I know I have my limitations there too, there are people achieving gladiator in pvp or running m+25 dungeons and I won't be able to do that. There are always players that are more hardcore and achieve more. Same about the people who make videos "how to make millions of gold in wow every month with no effort!", there's no "zero effort" method, in any game. All of them require knowledge, research, sinking time into it, etc. Watched Cutedog's video with advice for new POE player and he said you can get rich by currency flipping. Yeah, but as a new / casual player you don't know what to invest in, what to buy, what to resell. It requires knowledge and time. There's no magic "get rich" button. You wanna make a really good tornado shot ranger? Be ready to farm for months if needed. Set a goal, like next item upgrade, and work on it. Treat build guides more like "hey I played this build and it worked for me, maybe it will for others too" rather than "guaranteed OPness or money back!" and always check what kind of budget is the build operating with (50 mil dps but mirror tier gear? probably not for me...) |
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