3.12 - Spectral Shield Throw Deadeye - Frigid Table Thrower
" The smaller node leading upto "winter spirit" gives the other 20% so it's 40% from that 3 points spent. " The swap makes me a lot tankier for sure against normal content, but for bossing and messing up against elder balls and some spells (Those goddamn plantpots in incursions) Spectral Shield Throw Deadeye - /view-thread/2548646
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thank you for taking the time to write all of this out. i started leveling today and am enjoying it, just hit maps. I know my gear is very far off from what you recommend atm and was curious where you should think i should start in changing it? ive got about 5.5ex to spend. will probably buy the belt and figure my resists out from there. starkonjas is just on bc i dont have anything better atm. thanks again
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" Your gear for the most part looks totally fine, shield is decent it quite easily beats out Lioneye's remorse. I would however make a note if you're wanting to craft shields try and use a non-shaper/elder base, as alot of those prefixes can make the pool of mods a lot larger. Rings and amulet are missing Wed, i would only suggest replacing these after you get a nomad since Nomad is a big chunk of damage, Just now realized how high the price is for those things. Pro-tip if you're not savvy with searching for items, If you want decent life/res with crafted elemental damage to attacks, you can use the offical site's function to find items with open prefixes, Super useful if you are on a budget. ![]() After your belt/rings with wed if you're needing more damage i would look at crafting a helm, I'm not too sure on the prices of crafting them anymore but i imagine it's not extremely expensive. The enchant, while good it's not something i would spend an inordinate amount of money on. (Since the projectiles still get reduced by the threshold) As always I appreciate the feedback. Spectral Shield Throw Deadeye - /view-thread/2548646
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What is the best way to craft a decent chest?
I'm thinking about buying a 6L Assassin's Garb, 81+ ilevel and fossil crafting with Serrated + Pristine, hoping to get -15 to mana cost, some HP and if I'm lucky lvl 1 Maim. Is this the right approach or should I consider adding another fossil? First time really crafting stuff, so not entirely sure |
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" You can add in a sanctified, but that escalates the cost by quite a bit more, Also if you can afford to increase the item level to i84 or even i86 you will benefit from some higher rolls. i84 Being the requirement for Tier 1 Resistances and i86 being the requirement for T1 life. http://poedb.tw/us/mod.php?cn=Body+Armour&an=dex_armour is a good resource to look at potential rolls on items and their required item level for each tier. Ofcourse when it comes to fossils nothing is certain and sometimes getting more attempts at a craft instead of investing another 15-20+c for 'better' attempts (By using Sanctified) might prove to be better, it's all about what you're okay with spending and if you are lucky or not. Good luck crafting Spectral Shield Throw Deadeye - /view-thread/2548646
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Hi there!
Thanks for the guide. As it happens to be, I started a similar build 2-3 days ago, going full cold conversion Deadeye SST. I now have some questions you probably can answer: - With the Threshhold-Jewel (and espacially vs. Single Target) I feel like the majority of the Damage comes from the Shield, not the Shards. Is there a reason you take Pierce and the Shard-Enchant on Helmet instead of the damage-enchant and another Support-Gem? - Why do you use Viciuos Projectiles, Pierce and Energy Leech for SST? My PoB (with both my current character and my BIS-Build) shows Faster Attacks, Slower Projectiles and Hypothermia as better options. Is there some deeper reason I don't get? Also, while playing, Faster Attacks+Slower Proj feels great for me. - Why don't you focus on Chains at all? The gem allready gives 4 Chains for free and another from Deadeye. If you use Gloomfang and Ewar's Mirage that's a total of 7 chains for massive clear. I feel like that's way better than focusing on Shards and Pierce. Espacially on Legion encounters, the hole chaining makes for a great experience! - For Bossing Shaper Statstick and Shaper amulet are the go-to, I completely agree on that. That in mind: Did you consider using a Eternity Shroud and stacking Shaper-Items for the "Go-To-Max-DPS-Endgame Gear"? My PoB shows promising numbers on that. - I know Armor-Shields can yield higher raw values than Evasion-Shields. Still: Do you think completely focusing on Evasion is a valid option or should I use an Armor Shield in any case and use the rest of my gear to focus on my prefered layer of defense? Great Uber kill btw, impressive ST-Damage! |
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wanted to bring this up here as well as speaking with Pimm about it last night. I have rolled an Astral Plate and not gotten the correct colors after throwing about 800 chromatics at it.
forcing me to find a second blue gem to use. I chose ele focus but does this stop me from chilling enemies? is that worth it for the increase in dps im seeing in PoB? im not really sure im not good with this kinda stuff. this will force me to either drop Vicious Proj, Pierce, or Cold Pen from the other 6 link setup. Editado por útlima vez por latterus14#2405 en 21 jun. 2019 8:15:53
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" Shortened the post for easier reading- 1. For the helm enchants it's entirely preference, if you feel like you want to raise the average damage a bit and get 40% increased, That's not incorrect and in some cases might be better. Projectile speed is also a good enchant, making the shards fly further and the initial shield reach and bounce quicker. None of the choices are wrong, For my playstyle i wanted SST to be a oneshot packs move on kinda still. Shards allow you to get a slightly more consistent pack clear and i wanted a nicely rounded character with no real swapping. 2. Those other suggested skill gems again aren't wrong and some people may prefer them, This is honestly what i love about SST it's not a skill you can really do wrong by and allows you to customize to your playstyle. I personally just wanted a higher average hit, being able to fire one shield in high-tier maps and clear the entire pack with rares included is satisfying. As for the specifics, i actually swap pierce out on bosses for Hypothermia, it's just strictly for map clear. 3. Same with most of the other points, it's preference, i personally didn't feel like i needed more chains, but i will agree you can notice the difference hugely while playing. Gloomfang for me became more of a hindrance when you're hitting huge packs i would spike down in hp, felt like i was running 90% conversion and phys reflect maps. 4. Eternity shroud and stacking shaper items while you can probably get some absolutely insane damage (And yes i've been pob'ing how good it can be) I feel like showing off SST by in my opinion 'abusing' eternity shroud mechanics isn't appealing to most players. I wanted to see if SST could be good on its own without crazy gain/conversion bullshittery. 5. At the start of the league focusing on evasion was my primary focus just mainly for going into legion i assume there would be insanely large hits and some you just won't be able to mitigate (I was half right), I was running none of the increase armour from shield nodes on tree really and taking Phase acro, this is again totally viable, but what i ended up with is what's in the guide. " My Suggestions last night are still correct, With ele focus in links you Cannot chill to gain the benefit from hypothermia, which isn't actually a loss of damage. Elemental focus is the single highest damage link for SST and you honestly gain damage by having your setup (Ofcourse with swapping pierce for Cold pen if/when needed). You may have some issues in mapping with some tankier rares or ele res on map mods without cold pen, but i imagine it will still be completely fine. Spectral Shield Throw Deadeye - /view-thread/2548646 Editado por útlima vez por Pimmalage#4185 en 21 jun. 2019 12:53:52
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Thanks for the guide. I had leveled an impale SST Deadeye and really enjoyed it so I decided to give cold conversion a try, didn't see a guide when I had started so I just kind of followed various profiles on poe.ninja. What gear would you prioritize on upgrading generally?
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Thanks for responding to my questions!
Hit level 85, got a Shroud and some Shaper Items and my damage allready went through the roof. Really great build, keep it up! |
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