[3.10] Ngamahu's Flame/300% Movement Speed/8-13 Frenzy Charges/7k HP/6.75 Mil Shaper DPS/40k Evasion
Couple of things, loving the build so far thanks.
I bought a Watchers eye 40% physical converted to fire -9 cost while running clarity Is this a wasted watchers eye because we are at max conversion with Xophs blood? Or should I get rid of Xophs for something sexier? I like Devotos speed and ais, but hate hate hate it doesn't have life on it (cant do any DPS while you are dead!). Wondering if the yellow with -9% FR with tons of life and maybe a res or two would be better? Corruption from Menagarie for +13% quality seems really good, worth it? Also I happened to finish my Ascendacy at the helm enchant I got was 150% stone golem buff, wondering if its worth wasting a gem on that. 90% hit after changing my tree good for now at level 84 or should i be really reaching for 97% SORRY in advance for all the questions. |
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any reason you arent using anti-freeze/shock/curse flasks?
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" I have seen your setup it should be working fine, can you go to low act and let enemies attack you and test it there? Please let me know, if the problem was already solved :) |
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" For anti-freeze flask we can drop increased effect from quick silver flask, or if you don’t use vector’s boots you can get cannot be frozen prefix craft. I use neither anti shock flask nor curse flask, as I prefer items that are used in majority of content. To be frank temporal chain curse maps with this amount of movement speed are like playing with non-raider class ;) For shock, i am not afraid of it while mapping and during long boss encounters I struggle with keeping my flasks filled, so I wouldn’t make much of it. |
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" Hello, with conversion watcher’s eye you would need really, but really good amulet. I have both conversion watcher’s eye, as well as one of the best elder amulets in the game (you can have a look on it in gear section of the build) and I still use Xoph’s, as it grants ‘cover in ash’ debuff, some resists and juicy life boost :) Clarity mod can be easily fixed with -8/9 total mana cost craft on ring (it is prefix mastercraft and costs 1 ex) Personally I don’t consider devoto as an end-game helmet for this build, as it lacks life, resists and provides movement speed which we don’t really need that much (20% boost will be more meaningful for character with just 35% movement speed, than for us when we are sitting at 280%+), lastly dexterity mod is just meh for ranger/duelist. On the other hand I like attack speed boost and HUGE armour/evasion defenses, although it is not enough to convince me to use it. Rare helmet with good enchant t1 life roll, some resists and -9% fire beats devoto’s by a big margin. You could even get aspect of the spider on it or 50+Int, but of course it depends on your personal needs, I haven’t seen your gear :) Can you explain Menagerie quality corruption? Is it making your weapon 33%quality, instead of 20%? If yes then I would need to compare it in Path of Building, it’s probably going to bring similar results to having +10% increased phys corruption on weapon, so not bad indeed :) I play golemancer as my main character and I am very used to the fact that my golems are immortal, so unless it would be linked with Cast When Damage Taken, I wouldn’t bother recasting this golem on and on, additionally we don’t really need that much regen as we are heavily life leech/life gain on hit dependent. You must be missing some nodes from the tree or flat accuracy roll on ring/gloves/helmet. As far as I remember 500 flat accuracy from gear should be enough to cap to chance to hit to 100%. Sorry for typos and mistakes, I am writing from mobile phone in hotel... Editado por útlima vez por Talamoe#1912 en 16 jul. 2019 14:33:41
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Hello, new player here.
I've 1 question about Molten Burst, what if we put Curse-on-Hit with a 6l Axe? Would that work? It would be cool to have 5 curses every time a rock hits enemies. |
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" only 1 active curse may be applied to enemy (+1 curse very rare mod on gear or tree) but Molten Burst in this build its a very big part of damage, especially sigle-target dps, just about 30-40% if total damage or more and yes, that would work with 1 curse and damage loss Editado por útlima vez por mamburu#3286 en 17 jul. 2019 11:06:53
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Do you think that having Rampage Gloves or the Rampage Belt would be beneficial for this character?
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Thanks for the detailed response.
I found a 25% increased cyclone damage helm rolled double life and -9% FR to it. More questions, yay fun! Chest instead of Fortify, maybe use that in conjunction with leap slam and free up a spot for??? Having a hard time socketing chest to correct colors, I see the other green is ice bite. Would faster or slower projectiles work better or faster attack? Sorry on Xbox can't import data to POB. I have both +lgoh on rings and level 8 warlords mark, seems to be working really well. Don't need cast on hit/enfeeble and I don't need as much INT which is awesome! EDIT 1: 1 blue chest spot use combustion or infused channeling? EDIT 2: Instead of fortify (linking with leap slap) maybe Empower lvl 3-4? EDIT 3: Menagerie enchant is 30% corrupted weapon. Adds about 10 physical on low & high end of axe. Editado por útlima vez por Deklnu#3311 en 19 jul. 2019 11:16:35
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Hi , i'm gonna try your build but i have one question , is it possible to swap QoTF for Carcass Jack, or is it mandatory for the build ?
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