[3.9] Physical Conversion Bowyer | Wander [TS/LA/IS + Barrage] [KB + Power Siphon] [All Content]
Wander addict here, i made like 4-5 wander each in different leagues.It was already 2 leagues ago when i made my last, but now i decided to make one again because of this ele conversion meta thing.Do u think that it can be viable?Since we using a phys wand, we could convert that phys dmg to other elements, and like that maybe we could use the eternity shroud to get a lot of chaos damage. |
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" Nice, wanding is very addicting. Nothing can replace the good feeling of KB. Sadly I wish GGG would give wanders some single target options since we're forced into playing like a melee build, without the tankiness. I don't think Eternity Shroud would be a good choice for increasing damage on a wander mainly because we're an attack build so we don't really benefit from having a full set of shaper items. Gearing will be extremely difficult/expensive and we'll end up with less survivability/damage. Plus the bonus from eternity shroud isn't that significant, each shaper item provides only ~3% more damage, and you don't even get the bonus of ignoring chaos res unless you have a full set, which is pretty much impossible. Replacing Loreweave with Eternity Shroud alone already reduces your damage by ~12%, which means you must have 3 shaper items on top of the Eternity Shroud to break even. Your wand pretty much has to be synthesized/fractured or else you will miss out on another ~10-15% damage. Bubonic Trails alone give almost 20% damage, so you can't replace it. Sacrificing elder rings for shaper will reduce your survivability by a lot, which is what wanders lack most at the moment. A shaper belt has virtually no mods that benefit a wander, so you would need to craft it like a regular belt, but since shaped stygians are legacy, you lose the abyss jewel, which provides at least as much damage as 5% ele damage from shroud, so there's no benefit changing to shaper item there. All in all, the only items you can really get as shaper without suffering drawbacks are the amulet, helmet, shield, and the shroud itself. These combined will not be able to compensate for the damage from Loreweave, let alone the loss of tankiness for bosses/-max res maps. If you sacrifice the other slots you'll end up losing damage. |
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hi have big problems with my singel target damage its crazy bad. and KB is okej but have problems with yellow mobs, have to stay and burst them often. i know that my gems is not 20 20 and all but i think i have enough good gear to do more damage. dont know if its gonna be better when gems lvl up or not. Like the build overall just the damage feels really low
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" You're using a diamond flask of heat. Heat is a useless suffix because Pathfinder gives you ailment immunity. You need to replace it with a Diamond flask of the order (75+% critical strike chance). Also you need to replace the prefix with something like Chemist's or Ample. Wise Oak is a wasted flask because with Dying Sun up, your fire resistance is the highest, and we do almost no fire damage so Wise Oak gives no damage. You need to use a Taste of Hate instead. Right now you have barely any life (only 4.8k), and you aren't using Taste of Hate which means you get stunned a lot. When you get stunned, you stop attacking and lose lots of single target dps. You need to make sure you don't get stunned. Taste of Hate helps a lot with that. You can get a quicksilver flask with the mastercrafted suffix that gives 50% chance to avoid stun + movespeed. Then you spend 2 points to get Heart of Oak. This will make you stun immune, which will add a good amount of dps and tankiness for you. Also, you should drop the gems in your shield and use Frost Bomb - Proj Weakness - Curse on Hit. Cast this on boss before u attack and it will provide you with a good chunk of damage. I suggest you replace Faster Casting + Portal Gem in your setup for Vaal Haste + Lightning Golem. Those will give a good amount of single target. You took 2 mana leech nodes on tree. Having more than one mana node does nothing, so its a wasted point. Unspec one of them. You also took a random int node at the top of tree near wand damage cluster (above Throatseeker cluster). Unspec that one too. This will give you two spare points, use these points to connect through Will of Blades, and drop the dex node under Coordination. You probably want to divine your watcher's eye up higher. You don't have full 100% conversion, you want at least 36% on your Watcher's Eye. These are the easiest things to fix and should at least increase your single target damage by 2-2.5x. If after you this, your damage is still really bad, you should check out my suggestions below. Another thing, if you want to be curse immune you may have to sacrifice the crit chance suffix for warding. You took the double damage cluster (Master of Force), and the small resist/life node above Fangs of the Viper. This is not a good use of points, but you lack str/resists on gear so you are forced to take that cluster for strength and the small node for resists. Eventually you want enough resists/strength on gear to drop these nodes and take another jewel socket or Elder Power cluster, etc. Your attack speed is really low, which is why light golem + vaal haste will help a lot for boss; you'll want to prioritize jewels with attack speed. A very good one is the 6-8% attack speed with crit on abyss jewels. I had a trade link on my guide for cobalt jewels that give the most attack speed (attack speed with wands mod). It's pretty late in league so it may take a little waiting to buy jewels, but they do pop up for only 20-40c per. As I type this I see a good one online for 40c. Eventually you'll want those in all the gem sockets in tree. Most your jewels have %attack speed with shields. This mod is ok but it rolls from 4-6. Attack speed with wands mod can roll from 6-8, and having a set of those will add up. Two of your abyss jewels give almost no damage. You'll want to replace those eventually (Grim Vision + Enthralling Sphere). The enchant on boots is another place u could get some damage on. The main difficulty is that your helm is the easiest + cheapest source of resists by using essences to craft it, but yours has very little. This forces you to get resists elsewhere and you sacrifice damage in the important places like jewels + jewelry. For example, on the belt you can get one with 70+% elemental damage for pretty cheap, but you can't use it because your rings + helm have barely any resists, so you have to waste the belt on resists. -9% cold res mod on helm is a good damage mod, but its nowhere as good as some extra damage mods on amulet or belt. Your amulet has one very good damage mod, the 33% crit multi. Crit chance is ok but its usually not that good, probably only gives half the damage of the crit multi. So your amulet has ~1.5x damage mods. You want 2-3 at least, which is easily craftable using just a few high tier essences of Scorn/Contempt or even Suffering/Hatred and then mastercrafting the rest if necessary. But I see you lack resists so you had to get some on the amulet. Which bosses were you trying to kill? Editado por útlima vez por Enahkra#7073 en 25 abr. 2019 0:43:53
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Tryed to do the best I could with the current market and here's my "take on it".
It's about 8 million dps and 9 with Unnatural Instinct. My profile is Public but I might ungear soon Thanks for the guide Edit : Got lazy and didnt multimod ring* 👉😳👈 Editado por útlima vez por HeyKou#7417 en 27 abr. 2019 8:19:02
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So i made the build, thx for op.I guess i followed every instructions but my dmg is pretty low.yes i know, wanders need levels to be op, as i said i had already 4.Now on lvl79 i have like 500k shaper dps, after 10-15 level and with higher level gems (now they are just like 17-19) can i get much higher dps?This guy above me has 8 mill.Dunno how, i checked his gear before he sold them and honestly wasnt that much better then mine. :D So OP pls gimme some advice, except to get more levels and gem levels.TYTY
edit:ok maybe his wand and gloves has more attack speed. :D Editado por útlima vez por slicchabib#4611 en 28 abr. 2019 10:06:40
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" I uploaded your guy to POB and here's what I see. lvl 79 - 596k shaper dps, I've factored in point blank + intimidate, and did not include Blood Rage or Vaal Haste.Let's first look at what happens if we just factored in more passives + high lvl gems. Take wand cluster (lvl 89): 597k --> 870k shaper dps Further adjustments (lvl 93) - take primeval force, take jewel node near Point blank, take Revenge of the Hunted, remove Cruel Preparation, remove Forces of Nature, take Will of Blades - 870k --> 1.12mil So levels alone will almost double your dps. Now let's see what happens if we substitute in 20/20 gems, and three level 21 gems that actually matter (Herald of Purity + Hatred can be lvl 21 no quality), and 21/20 Added Cold. Your dps goes from 1.12mil --> 1.36mil When crafting the wand, I mentioned that if you hit a third prefix, you should annul off. I see on your wand, you decided to keep the 28% phys damage over a mastercrafted 16% ele pen to save some cost. This will surely lead to a reduction in dps, which doesn't seem like much now but the more you scale your damage, the bigger the reduction becomes. Right now if you replace that %hybrid phys damage with ele pen your dps goes from 1.36mil --> 1.49mil In my guide, I also provided a link for cobalt jewels with 3 damage properties. I understand that currently, league is extremely dead so it's becoming ever harder to acquire those jewels, I haven't checked the link very recently, but even a few days ago there were several listed for cheap (20-60c range). My guess is you may need to have livesearch up and wait for ppl to list them or add the seller. In your setup, you chose to substitute the crit multi for much needed resists, because you didn't get enough on gear, esp the helm where u could fit another 40%+ resist on there. Of the people who have spoken to me, most were able to essence craft the helm in 1-2 ex, or less. If we replace your resist jewels with the 3 mod cobalt jewels your dps would go from 1.49mil --> 1.72mil. But, since cobalt jewels are probably harder to find now, what if we went with the crimson jewels that roll up to 6% attack speed with shields instead of 8% attack speed with wands on cobalts? I'm not going to assume you can get max roll on all your jewels, so in the current setup I have you at 7% attack speed + 11% multi per cobalt jewel. if we replaced all the 7% attack speeds with 5% from crimson jewels, the following happens. Your dps will drop from 1.72mil --> 1.68mil. Aside from your viridian jewel, I would eventually replace all jewels in your tree with either cobalt or crimson with the three mods: attack speed with wand or shield, multi, and life. This will require getting more resists on your gear, but your gear esp the rings and helm still can get more resists. If you had gotten the tri res helm, you would have as much resists as 2-3 jewels. Another resist on your ring (multimodded can work, but not the best option due to cost, idk what else you can find on the dead market atm), would probably remove all your dependency on jewels for resists. The one searching eye in your tree with crit multi if you've killed recently is imo not that ideal bc it'll be useless for most guardians, etc. Now if you got the flat cold enchant on boots, which is always active for bosses, your dps will go from: 1.68mil --> 1.78mil. Not too bad, esp as it will get scaled up with further gear improvements. Now, your murderous jewel has only 2 mods. If you used my trade link on guide, and change the settings to only murderous eyes, youll find decent 3 mod jewels. As I'm writing this, I see one listed a day ago for 25c (seller currently offline). I replaced your murderous with that one and it did the following: 1.78mil --> 1.82mil I went ahead and substituted the rest of your searchings in gear with cheap searchings I found in my guide's trade link and your dps improved from 1.82mil --> 1.86mil. Not too significant but your life increased a bit because the jewels have a minimum of T2 life. The Frost Bomb + COH + Proj Weakness setup gives a lot of single target dps. When you drop the frost bomb, enemy will take -25% cold res in a few seconds as well as apply the more multiplier from Proj Weakness. Putting this setup in will raise your dps from 1.82mil --> 2.56mil. To incorporate this setup I would use 2x Enlighten 3s, and have one aura/herald in boots and 2 in shield. I would remove Blood Rage and move golem + vaal haste to gloves. Then put the setup into your wand. The reason you got the LGOH rings is so you can drop the life flask for a 4th damage/utility flask once you decide to stop levelling. The LGOH will help you survive in the majority of scenarios. I've watched my friend playing this build in league for many hours and we both confirm that life flask is not necessary, in some cases even detrimental. In many cases, a 4th utility flask will save you more often than life flask. Let's assume you decide to call it quits on levelling at 93. You have several options to replace the life flask. All would require getting a CB immunity jewel. Let's assume you get a 2 mod one. Your dps drops from 2.56mil --> 2.52mil. Option 1: replace life flask with Basalt of Warding, and then getting crit chance (Order) suffix on your diamond flask. This will allow you to facetank almost any combo of map mods for Minotaur/Hydra, and some heavy phys hitting betrayal encounters. Your dps will go from 2.52mil --> 2.9mil. You still need a life flask on Chimera though. Option 2: replace life flask with Atziri's promise, which helps a lot against those chaos betrayal encounters. This will bring your dps up to 2.82mil. Option 3: get cold res slightly higher than fire res and use Wise Oak. This has the highest dps potential as you are now ele weakness capped. This allows you to drop Warding for Order (crit chance), but you will still have to deal with Vulnerability/TC/Enfeeble of course so it's perhaps not that practical. But nonetheless doing this will bring you up to 3.3mil shaper dps. Let's say you decide on Option 1 (basalt). Now we can move on to dps inflation from Vaal Haste. Doing so will bring your dps up from 2.9mil --> 3.36mil dps. At this point I would say your gearing is done, and you should be able to do all content. Your dps will be slightly better than mine in the videos at this point. I've closely monitored/guided my friend through this build and can confirm it's more than enough damage for uber elder, guardians, cortex boss, etc. I think you're in a good spot if you level up to 95/96. If this isn't possible, I think you should still strive for at least lvl 93 before tackling endgame. Two things from looking at your setup. You used the hybrid 10% incr flask effect + 20% reduced charges gained mod. I don't think it's as good as just the 4% incr flask effect. Because >4% flask effect doesn't do much at all. %reduced flask charges hurts a lot esp when stacked with certain map mods. You may also want to consider the other Order Suffix that gives 50% chance to avoid stun + movespeed for your quicksilver. You will lose some movespeed from adrenaline, but having stun immunity will increase both your survivability/damage. There was only one guy who lists this flask on poe.trade i think, not sure if he's still active this league though. If you have further questions or want clarification lmk. Edit: Actually, you could take Cruel Preparation cluster instead of Revenge of the Hunted. Double edit: you may be able to drop the jewel node near Elder Power. Check my new lvl 93 tree for details. Editado por útlima vez por Enahkra#7073 en 28 abr. 2019 18:51:02
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" Nice setup, yeah league is dying off so it's getting ever harder to gear up unfortunately. |
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Updated and re-optimized passive tree + added a level 93 tree.
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Sorry, accidental double post
Editado por útlima vez por Enahkra#7073 en 28 abr. 2019 18:48:51
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