[3.10] 🐉 Dragon's Breath Elementalist - Incinerate
" I agree, that ring looks op. I can't tell how much stronger it is than Mark of the Shaper cause PoB doesn't have it. The down side is loosing ~200 life with potential 10% increased life from Mark of The Shaper. If you want to go for more dps go with this ring. " I can't tell yet with 100% certainty because some mods overlap (like some hybrids that have cast speed and cast speed mod). I will have to test it out. I fu*ked up last league like 10ex trying to get best possible combo so you don't have to experiment. " All gems in 6L should be 20% quality. " Idk wtf are you talking about. My build is fully tested and optimized. In Betrayal league I played almost 2 full months with it. Did ~50 Uber Elders with a record around 2'30''. Shaper is a joke. All videos were done in a testing phase with Martyr of Innocence except Kurgal. I pushed the build to it's limits during Delving until i died almost at every node. It's optimized to lvl93 because that's something that largest player base can achieve. If you want to go to lvl100 thats a different story. It has items that most of the folks can get, not some niche rares or synthesized items that are pain in the ass to make. It's made in a way to be well rounded and not to brake a bank with mandatory Empower gems and similar. As you can see lots of guys are not swimming in currency. Last league it wasn't possible to go +2 fire gems + Empower crafting route because it drastically ramped up mana cost. Now we have mana - node. If you think my build is bad feel free to make your own. :) " Kaom's next! ps. Difference between Martyr and Searing is ~10-15% " Rly bad rng mate. He was correct on crafting chances. You just got bad luck. xD " You are not meant to use Grace aura just Vaal Grace. Rest of the mana will be reserved by Aspect of the Spider. |
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" Boots 10% elemental penetration Gloves, pretty much all are crap and reflection one is annoying af. " Glad to hear, keep pushing :D " Pls reload pastebins from the main page. I checked many times so far, everything is ok. Maybe you are looking at the wrong leveling segment. In bottom left area is a menu for different levels of passive tree. |
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" Dude..its insine for mapping u change my quality of life with this gem links ^^ This setup is only for maps or able to for bosses? |
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" You lose alot of DPS vs bosses as you need to reserve 2 gems for CWC and Chanling, so it only works well if you can still finish them easily.(aka are overgeared anyways) Also, bosses with adds are bad, as once you kill the adds you teleport around randomly, not burnimating the boss anymore. Cheap solution would be to e.g. swap CWC with faster casting gems in your weapon before you do the boss. Abit more expensive would be using swap weapon. For low or mid-level mapping a 4 link (up to t6-ish) or 5 link (up tpo t11-ish) Searing touch worked really well for me, just swap weapon for map boss. A really expensive route would be to mirror your 6-link and gems. I guess that would be the way to go for endgame bosses. Editado por útlima vez por Shakiko#2575 en 19 mar. 2019 19:03:50
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" I just checked on the boss and it's really weak dps so yee, only using for mapping CwC and BodySwap, but still my defence is to weak, some mechanics just one shoot me, any advices for improve defence i can have much less dps, just want defence, it's annoying to die on bosses, with 7k+ life I thought I would not be able to dying in 1 shoot ^^. I think i need to try RF build xD.. also TorsteinTheFallen u should upgrade ur GEM LINKS for this topic delv/synthesis and mapping with this gem links with CwC and bodyswap, its insane. Editado por útlima vez por CashD#5876 en 20 mar. 2019 0:06:54
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ops, I created it by mistake Editado por útlima vez por CashD#5876 en 19 mar. 2019 19:42:45
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Thanks a million to the OP. One of the most fun builds I played in a while. Almost at the level BL/Arc with PPs build which was until now my most fav build. For single target I would choose this over that. A couple of things werent clear to me in the beginning such as what auras/curses to use at what time. Herald of Ash/Anger/Blashphemy-Warlord/Elder-Warlords/Clarity. Also how Orb of Storms/Arcane/Ele-Overload depends on these due to limited sockets when u start wearing Kaoms Heart. Vaal Righteous Fire/Clarity -- These 2 will move between the Oos and Curse/herald groups group depending elder ring/watcher's eye presence. Clarity has no purpose without the watchers eye while elder ring makes Blasphemy/Warlords mark redundant. Note that the Elder ring curse works best with Orb of Storm hitting than your Incenerate as Oos can be used as a scout before Incenerate. Very useful for those pesky no life mana regen maps. What worked for me: 1. Use HoA first as soon as you get it. lvl 16 2. Use HoA and Anger at lvl 24 3. At 31 use Anger + Blashpemy/Warlords ( keep levelling HoA) 4. Switch back to HoA + Blashphemy/WM after Uber Lab but keep leveling Anger 5. Once you have Elder Curse Ring use Anger + HoA and make sure the other 4 gems are Oos/Arcane/Inc Crit/Flame dash. Ele Overload is 40% more damage and Inc crit on Oos makes sure its always active. 6. Finally Watchers eye and clarity replaced Praxis |
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" I'll try it on! |
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isn't there a cheaper alternative for the elder ring? Normal price is 4 or 5 ex, right?
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" only if you also want gg resists and life. The "cheap" Elder rings (with just curse and 70 life) start at 40-50c atm. Those with (tons) of resistances on top will get more affordable the longer the league goes on. alternative cheap-skate way: Keep a Blasphemy + Warlord's setup. The ring "just" frees up 2 links (and mana) and enables Mark of the Shaper ring while tanking your life and resists. Considering Mark of the shaper is around 1.5 ex and you need to compensate for the lost life/resists somewhere else (aka buy more expensive gear in other slots), I'd tag those as luxury upgrades that you might only need later on only, when you got dough. The build works without squeezing out the last bits (approx 20% more) of dmg though. At least for me, up to t12 was doable on just a 5l, w/o kaom's/shaper/WLMring. Should be more than enough time to farm the cash for the endgame upgrades. Editado por útlima vez por Shakiko#2575 en 20 mar. 2019 5:24:47
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