[3.10] LIfe based Essence Drain/Bane Occultist - PewAndRun {Budget and LL}
Added Life Cluster POB, Low life Cluster POB, Video os Sirus Kill.
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Is this going to be updated for the next league by chance?
:: Man in black fled across the desert, and the gun slinger followed"
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I'm a relatively new player, only played a couple of leagues, so I'm still learning, but I think I may have made a mistake in which POB tree I should be following.
I followed the ones in the Leveling section, now following https://poeplanner.com/ABEAAKUAEQMAAE_fsIIQj6ZEq1WuLJy86mpDCPRtGSL0bAuTJ3_GEZYHHpUu8NVJUY_67BhObaXEnDIOSF3ymFMG57VIdoLIDLTRFr8mlWHiVUukBR9BES18g-vumuBFnVNSbWw2PZ2qbIxirLTFwuwFtY2_1CMwcd2oS3g6QrcwFAkTbSaIMtFFR8BmBLOiAKcIj0aboffXrJg6WFXGg9sYangvfOVYBwAAAAAA one But then I realized there's other POB trees in the other section "POB and Character", and those don't (at least that I have noticed) spec into the right side as much, like I did (recently picked Blood Drinker, and on another note I am moving towards the Whispers of Doom node), and then there's cluster jewels and stuff Did I follow an outdated tree? I know this league will be over in like 2 weeks, but I really enjoyed playing this way, was easy to learn, as always running into issues with gear, a bit disheartened because for example, I'm still running a 3L and ED on my weapon 1, haven't been able to find one with meaningful/closer stats to the one OP shared What should I do? Should I continue like this, or should I just start a new char and use the Life version or life version cluster respec POB? Thanks in advance Editado por útlima vez por beekay201#1546 en 4 jun. 2020 2:20:07
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Hi There,
Sorry for the late reply. You did right since at the league start we don't have a Cluster jewel I prefer to pick up the dodge for more defense. I didn't explain it but Cluster Jewels supposed to be the next step in maxing damage and it required you to sacrifice the Dodge in the bottom right side. In Cluster Version for more defense, I'm using the Timeless Glorious Vanity jewel (Doryani name) on the Pain Attunement keystone which gives 20% of your life as an Energy shield. For event more damage it is possible to respec into the low life, but this is a late-game and it required 10+exals at the League start (The most expensive is 6l Shavs and Hight Roll ES gear) If you just started playing this build I would suggest a focus on links for Essence drain, for casual mapping you need any 5l rare Chest with life and resistance or Tabula rasa. I've updated the Cluster Jewel version: https://pastebin.com/KVnvjSS2 Life version without Cluster jewels: https://pastebin.com/P6vvkJH9 |
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