[3.10] LIfe based Essence Drain/Bane Occultist - PewAndRun {Budget and LL}

Hologram_o escribió:
Interesting build and impressive display on uber elder with only 5L! I wonder how's your experience with mapping in general? How tanky is the build? I guess it's not as much as CI, and some other bosses can be a pain? It'd be great if you include a section about your defenses/playstyle I think. Thanks for writing the guide.

Hi there, I've aded Defensive stats, also some sort of Farming/mapping and improoved all in general. The only boss that was pain for me it's double plaza with additional projectiles =D
Editado por útlima vez por Desire61#1025 en 19 jun. 2019 2:50:37
Desire61 escribió:
Hologram_o escribió:
Interesting build and impressive display on uber elder with only 5L! I wonder how's your experience with mapping in general? How tanky is the build? I guess it's not as much as CI, and some other bosses can be a pain? It'd be great if you include a section about your defenses/playstyle I think. Thanks for writing the guide.

Hi there, I've aded Defensive stats, also some sort of Farming/mapping and improoved all in general. The only boss that was pain for me it's double plaza with additional projectiles =D

Thank you for your response :D

Is there any map mod dangerous or impossible to run aside from no regen? No leech is impossible isn't it? Because ED is about leech I think? (Never played ED before so I'm not entirely sure on this). Also why do you have both bane and contagion btw? Mix boss and mob clearing?

EDIT: How about the Legions in general? Is your clear speed fast enough to cover a lot of them? Like ~120 at least is what I am aiming for. And do you die often at all, assuming you reroll map mods?
A filthy casual
Editado por útlima vez por Hologram_o#6409 en 19 jun. 2019 3:33:49
Hologram_o escribió:
Desire61 escribió:
Hologram_o escribió:
Interesting build and impressive display on uber elder with only 5L! I wonder how's your experience with mapping in general? How tanky is the build? I guess it's not as much as CI, and some other bosses can be a pain? It'd be great if you include a section about your defenses/playstyle I think. Thanks for writing the guide.

Hi there, I've aded Defensive stats, also some sort of Farming/mapping and improoved all in general. The only boss that was pain for me it's double plaza with additional projectiles =D

Thank you for your response :D

Is there any map mod dangerous or impossible to run aside from no regen? No leech is impossible isn't it? Because ED is about leech I think? (Never played ED before so I'm not entirely sure on this). Also why do you have both bane and contagion btw? Mix boss and mob clearing?

EDIT: How about the Legions in general? Is your clear speed fast enough to cover a lot of them? Like ~120 at least is what I am aiming for. And do you die often at all, assuming you reroll map mods?


There are no modes which you couldn't run, I bought all roccupted cards on the league start because ppl can't do them, ED gives you life as a regen, it's not a leech mechanics, also it depends how many monsters affected by it because it's just 0.5% from your all damage over time. For single target it will be pretty low, on packs big. So just use that full HP unique flask and everything will be fine.

Legion is Use Contagion + ED, if map layouts is open then it will spread everywhere, for rare lagions sometimes need to do also bane on them, Unique need to bane + vaal blight. I believe that if I had a 6l and atleast lvl 3 Empower Ed+Contagion would be enough.

Using bane ise important for bossing, because it has linked curses, also I used Bane for lvling starting from act 3 because it has a big cast speed and packs of minions not always close for contagion spread.
Editado por útlima vez por Desire61#1025 en 19 jun. 2019 4:28:15
Desire61 escribió:


There are no modes which you couldn't run, I bought all roccupted cards on the league start because ppl can't do them, ED gives you life as a regen, it's not a leech mechanics, also it depends how many monsters affected by it because it's just 0.5% from your all damage over time. For single target it will be pretty low, on packs big. So just use that full HP unique flask and everything will be fine.

Legion is Use Contagion + ED, if map layouts is open then it will spread everywhere, for rare lagions sometimes need to do also bane on them, Unique need to bane + vaal blight. I believe that if I had a 6l and atleast lvl 3 Empower Ed+Contagion would be enough.

Using bane ise important for bossing, because it has linked curses, also I used Bane for lvling starting from act 3 because it has a big cast speed and packs of minions not always close for contagion spread.

Thanks for the info :) Also how do you handle porcupines (the mobs that shoot spikes upon death)? Do you have a lot of trouble with them?
A filthy casual
Usually they blow somewhere far away from me, also dodge helps a lot, but if they run at me I use Bane to kill them insta before they get close.

I really liked your Guide and made my Occultist more or less based on it (i am basically playing SSF because i hate trading so i had to improvise on gear) and it's working ok so far but i find it really squishy on red tier maps.

I don't have gloves with Aspect of the Spider so i guess i am missing an important part of your defensive setup but then again, most of my deaths are simple one shots. Most of the time I can't even use the unique flask because i am going down so fast.

I've tried to adjust my defensive setup, moved chains to Bane and added Arctic Armor for more defense + slow. I also added Frostwalls to try to keep things at a distance but doesn't really work either. Lots of Monsters seem to be able to just bypass the walls and if they hit me i usually go down instantly. It feels like anything that gets past dodge is a one shot since the char has no mitigation at all.

Do you have similar issues? Or Maybe a recommendation what i could do to take hits a bit better? I kinda expect to reach 7k HP at Level 90 but i don't think it's going to change much given how often i get blown out atm.
Editado por útlima vez por Baharoth15#0429 en 27 jun. 2019 3:35:20
Baharoth15 escribió:

I really liked your Guide and made my Occultist more or less based on it (i am basically playing SSF because I hate trading so I had to improvise on gear) and it's working ok so far but I find it really squishy on red tier maps.

I don't have gloves with Aspect of the Spider so I guess I am missing an important part of your defensive setup but then again, most of my deaths are simple one-shots. Most of the time I can't even use the unique flask because i am going down so fast.

I've tried to adjust my defensive setup, moved chains to Bane and added Arctic Armor for more defense + slow. I also added Frostwalls to try to keep things at a distance but doesn't really work either. Lots of Monsters seem to be able to just bypass the walls and if they hit me I usually go down instantly. It feels like anything that gets past dodge is a one-shot since the char has no mitigation at all.

Do you have similar issues? Or Maybe a recommendation what I could do to take hits a bit better? I kinda expect to reach 7k HP at Level 90 but I don't think it's going to change much given how often I get blown out atm.


I won't recommend to move Temporal Chains from aura to Bane, because I it's really hard to hit every pack with bane by yourself. Bane should be linked with Enfeeble and Despair, arctic armor is good unless you don't have an Aspect of the spider. Also, do you use a steel skin lvled at max as possible?

Currently I'm exp at t16 spider Forest with full sextants and Beyond and the only one-shots I have comes from Rare Legions with flicker + damage aura, otherwise, minions just can't reach you fast enough. That's really sad that you don't have an aspect of spider, but it possible to obtain in on SSF from one of the legion chests, event if it won't be a glove try to use it.

Another option for Aspect is A Singularity Sceptre - Nearby enemies are Hindered, with -25% reduced movement speed.

Be carefull with such mod as - Monsters' Action Speed cannot be modified to below base value, usually, I was too relaxed because I knew that everything around is slow, but unlucky pack with hast can get to you pretty fast if this mod is Exist on map/delve. If you see huge range pack let them shoot first and dodge the first attack, don't face them with contagion/ed because without some cast speed on the weapon it's pretty slow, faster would be just to bane such pack.

Also Chaos golem for Phy. dmg reduction, Pantheons as in my guide, Basalt flask gives more phy. reduction because our dodge cut's armor x2, your 3k armor flask gives less reduction with dodge then Basalts base 15%, btw perfectly will be to catch on basalt 25% increased effect, and get second 3k Evasion flask.

Also for 5l chest, I would suggest using hubrid eve/es.

Another option is skip dodge, get Mind Over Matter some mana nodes from the witch area, off malevolence and run only TC and Arctic Armour, then 3k armor flask will work fine, unique block flask is one of the best for such option.

I'll remind that main idea of my def is big slow, and dodge is mostly for uber bosses like Shaper/Uber elder. Curse increase effect is matters, Bane with Despair/Enfeeble and TC as aura is must have. Master of puppets nodes gives huge aoe so even range pack can be affected by your slow, also it gives more aoe for bane as it counts as a curse.
Editado por útlima vez por Desire61#1025 en 27 jun. 2019 23:53:17
Should we kill the 3 bandits or side with one? if one which?
atxdiablo escribió:
Should we kill the 3 bandits or side with one? if one which?


We kill all of them, no mercy =D
What are good conquers from glorious vanity or do they matter at all?

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