[3.4] "Farrul's Hopeshredder" - Raider [Scourge Arrow/Barrage] [All Content] [6.5k+HP] [4.7M+ DPS]
" Nice, i definitely recommend only getting double cold to attacks abyss jewels as when you do get a hatred penetration watchers eye, it really helps to stack as much cold damage as possible. Yeah I bought farrul's fur at 20ex, now the price has sky rocketed, it's a shame, not many will be able to play this really fun build. |
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Hello. In particular, the author of this build and Zeypha. I recently started playing this game, as well as studying the mechanics of builds. I played a little different characters, but I liked this build. I collected almost everything that is available here + Headhunter instead of Stygian vise. I'm still 81 lv and it's a little hard for me to play, so I wanted to ask a few questions, if you don't mind.
1) In the Tooltip there is no Mana leech on hit, but in PoB it is and equals = 144. How can I understand this? I have problems with mana during the game. 2) My HP inevitably falls down when running, I know what it means (200 cold damage and frenzy charge) And, actually, the question - when will I be big (90-92 lv) will this be a problem? Resists to cold, I will get to 75%, now there is 65%. 3) Will there be a "oneshotkill" from bosses on 90+ levels, because now I sometimes die in 1 second, I will try to beat my health, but still ... 4) I wanted to ask about the mechanics of the game on the cards when it was me use barrage from my Farrul's fur, I have not figured out yet when to use this skill, because Scourge arrow feels good everywhere and without barrage. I watched your videos, but there is no game on the cards. P.S. Thank you in advance for the answers for the newbie! P.S. My english is not very good, so excuse me. Editado por útlima vez por Omaroff#2560 en 26 oct. 2018 5:40:02
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" Hey dude :) welcome to PoE! 1) If you look again on pob, you'll notice there's 1 point in mana leech on the tree and it's sufficient for scourge arrow/barrage. 2) 65% resists compared to 75% may not seem by much, but in reality each 1% represents a huge chunk of multiplicatively reduced elemental damage. Capping resists is absolutely essential to combat the degen. 3) If you don't have 5.5k+ HP for t15s or 6.5k+ for comfortable t16+ content you will suffer. We utilize dodge/evasion mechanics as a means of defense so when we do inevitably get hit, we get hit for unmitigated damage. A high health pool is essential to make the dodge mechanics not essentially a death sentence you inflict on yourself. 4) Scourge arrow is mostly more than enough to handle most content, but it is heavily supplemented by barrage in harder, high health encounters (like shaper/uber elder/delve bosses). In those situations, using barrage with rigwald's as well as scourge arrow on mirage archer is just crazy damage supplementing each other. Hope this helps. |
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" Yes, thank you very much, it was a comprehensive answer. |
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" Like I said it was my ts build, which had a windripper. Thus the cold and light damage on all the jewels, so yeah getting all cold damage is on the list of things to do, but I was more focused on getting these first :D Editado por útlima vez por Goresplattered138#5299 en 26 oct. 2018 12:59:14
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Hello OP, Thank you for making this guide, I actually started reading your guide since the first version ! And it was veryyyyy interesting already!!! Now you made a Farrul's version I had to make one haha, although I am pretty burn out as well! I am having a lot of fun! However, I wana ask, how do you survive in deep delve? atm I am around 380ish, and when there are mobs swarmed I kind of get owned.
This is my setup! Please give me some feedbacks~ Once again great guide! Hopefully see you make some great guides again in next league! |
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" Hey man. Thanks for the kind words :') I don't really struggle in delves unless there are specific monster modifiers. Ones you should probably avoid in depths over say 350 are combinations of crit/ele damage, or monsters deal x+% increased damage with elemental penetration can make some rares even one shot you with 6k+hp etc. Luckily (or maybe not depending on how you view this), most builds struggle with these mods, it is not specific to this character. Deep delve damage balance with a lot of mods is just ridiculous unless you play an exclusively defensive character. I noticed your char is level 89, and you could still get a chunk of flat life from leveling up to say 96 or so, and additional points to spend on the many available life nodes in our trees. Maybe it will feel much safer then. It's tedious, but aiming for t1 life on jewels/etc wherever you can also goes a long way. Now, if you're dying in even non-modded situations at depth 380, perhaps something is slightly different in your build than the guide, because myself and others have had no issue at that depth, but I sort of doubt that's your issue anyway. :) Lastly, if you can, invest in a headhunter. It makes delving much safer and faster in 99% of situations. Obviously just swap to regular belt/any gear you swap to make up for resist losses on belt for bosses. |
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Bear with me here for a moment it had a purpose trust me....
So I got bored of my TS Windripper mfer and decided to make a Hopeshredder Scourge Arrow build after I bought a Farrul's Fur for my cycloner. I ended up tanking the cyclone build (which was quite fun and efficient - pushed past depth 420, just got bored with him as well) and have focused on using all of my acquired wealth to push this Hopeshredder build to its limits. At this stage I only feel like I need to shore up one more item slot, as I just purchased a shaped ring to pair with an elder mark that gives wrath. Unfortunately I don't have the wrath ring yet but I'm getting very close to finalizing the build and feel like i can start talking about my experience with it at this point. Also my farrul's bite could use a proper enchant but with my hatred of running lab and the scarcity of this item actually acquiring one with said enchant is probably a pipe dream to me at this point. So the build....my build, if you will, is a collection of what I've read and learned from 3 separate Hopeshredder builds. The Guffinn scion build, the SkillshotsOP scion build, and the JordanIbanez raider build. I'm going to make this post in all 3 of your threads as I feel like it has some constructive input that all 3 may or maty not be able to take advantage of, or maybe one of you can tell me how im being an idiot by trying to merge all 3 into one and not take full advantage of your own particular optimized setup. I'm definitely not saying any one is better than any other. From JordanIbanez: The idea to use Farruls Fur and Bite in a bow build, using Ridwalds, and using a 6 link barrage setup. This is actuall ythe build that made me turn to Hopeshredder in the first place, as I already had a Raider at level 94 ready to go. I am also using his suggested gem setup of Scourge Arrow / WED / Added Cold / Cold Pen / Ice Bite / Mirage Archer. From Guffin and SkillshotsOP: To go scion. The overleech alone from scion slayer is alone superior to going Raider, in my opinion. The ability to go either Raider or Juggernaut is also fantastic but I will so going Juggernaut is a huge QOL upgrade just the increase in survivability alone is worth it over raider. Another reason why I went this route is because along with the Farrul's my cycloner was running the unnatural instinct setup, allowing me to take advantage of currency already spent. Skillshot also gave me the idea to try a wrath Mark of the elder (which once again I am still trying to acquire and is the final piece to my setup) What I have done different from any of the 3: First I tried running a Haste Aul's Uprising to make use of an onslaught on kill watchers eye, but I moved on from that in favor of an Aul's Uprising Wrath ammy to have all 4 auras of Aspect of the Cat / Herald of Ice / Hatred / AND Wrath all up without issue. This allows me to take advantage of a Hated/Wrath watchers eye (ideal would be flat increased crit % from hatred / increased crit chance from wrath). Also I decided to avoid Vaal Pact. It is not necessary. My leech is already very strong, and by foregoing Vaal Pact I am able to not only negate the degen from Hopeshredder, as I have a positive regen while moving with full frenzy charges and arakaali boost. Now final damage and life will be different from right now due to switching to the Elder mark ring, namely damage goes up and life goes down....I also havnt stuffed a wise oak in there yet permanently as I am really keen on having freeze/curse immunity so I use these with a quicksilver for mapping and move the Wise Oak in for uber elder and delve situations. Anyways thank you for putting your build out there I've had a lot of fun using and abusing it to my own bastardized nefarious intentions enough with the chit chat, heres how I've decided to create my loadout:
And here's how the stats break down, idle, in hideout, without any flask or on hit buffs: album: https://imgur.com/a/UZwsHVn pics:
level 95 Jugg/Slayer Scion: Defense ![]() Scourge ![]() Barrage ![]() level 94 Raider: Defense ![]() Scourge ![]() Barrage ![]() What gets cut off in the stats screenshots? Nothing much except offensively both setups have 55 cold pen and 11 light pen (not counting wise oak!) Defensively Scion gets +83% movespeed while Raider gets +100% movespeed Once again, I am posting this in all 3 threads mentioned above. Not to get any recognition or to start any mine is better argument trash, but in hopes that it might have some positive impact on the way any of these builds function. These are all 3 very amazing builds. I have killed Uber Elder deathless and cleared depth 400+ content with all 3 setups, so what else can be said. Your builds function phenomenally, just throwing some of my experiences at the wall for your digestion I suppose you could say. Thank you! Editado por útlima vez por Goresplattered138#5299 en 28 oct. 2018 22:21:10
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Nice build.
I suggest a Less Duration gem be put in Furrul's Bite. This would give permanent max Power Charge. |
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Hey guys
I'am relatively new to the game and I wanted to try your build. Since the Farrul's armor is no longer available for a normal player (45 ex atm) Can anyone of you recommend an other chest and helmet? Thank you guys and sorry for my english. :) |
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