[3.4] "Farrul's Hopeshredder" - Raider [Scourge Arrow/Barrage] [All Content] [6.5k+HP] [4.7M+ DPS]
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Welcome to my first build guide. I decided to make a guild for this particular setup because I often got asked what I used and why, and it was suggested by a few people that I do it, so here it goes. ![]() Overview: *3:30 minute Deathless Shaper Video Added. *2 minute Deathless Uber Elder Video Added. **I'm EXTREMELY burnt out playing this league, and with no foreseeable changes to Sulphite grinding or anything remotely interesting to do, I'll be doing other stuff and playing other games. I will occasionally be online for trades. I will update the guide when I can push myself to do it. The build revolves around use of the Hopeshredder bow, stacking Frenzy charges and having 100% frenzy up-time with Farrul's Fur, resulting in a very fast, fun and powerful build that can tackle 99% of the game's content easily. There are 2 basic setups dictated by Ascendancy in the PoB section below. The only difference between the 2 setups are 4 Ascendancy points and 2 flasks. The build easily reaches 4.7+M DPS/3.6+M Shaper/Guardian DPS. Perhaps even more with the mysterious Rigwald's interaction described in the Gear section. Please be aware that this build allows for the use of almost any bow skill you'd like, I swap between a lot of them for fun. Just ask for assistance if you're struggling to adapt anything. :) The guide is separated into 7 main parts: 1. Pros & Cons | 2. Path of Building, Tree, Bandit and Pantheon | 3. Gems & Links | 4. Gear | 5. Tooltip Showcase | 6. Video Showcase - (WIP) | 7. Build Variations (WIP) ![]() Quick disclaimer: This gear required for following this specific guide is pretty pricey. You can swap out most uniques for whatever you want, but the core of the gameplay for the build - for me - lies with the use of Hopeshredder + Farrul's Fur and stacking frenzies. I'd also like to thank user Zeypha for helping me better optimize my final tree and gear, and being generally insightful along the way. ![]() 1. Pros & Cons:
Pros: + Extreme clear speed/single-target dps/movement speed. Also extremely fun to play. Dps is high with both Barrage and Scourge Arrow (with SA on Mirage Archer while Barrage-ing for most single-target encounters.) Insta-phase Shaper, Uber-Elder and Uber Atziri. + High evade/dodge/spell dodge/ele dodge. + Hopeshredder is extremely cheap at the moment, but perfect or very near-perfect rolls cost around an ex. + Uber Elder, Uber Atziri, Shaper, All Guardians, Uber Izaro and literally every other non-delve boss is a joke (dies in 2 seconds or less), all 3 delve bosses can be dangerous because you only have 1 try and they each have 1 shot mechanics and ludricrous hp at deep depths. They feel very comfortable to kill quickly or for challenges at depth 300-350, perhaps bosses with hard mods beyond that should be avoided. + High HP pool possible (easy 7k+) by swapping some jewels (and thereby sacrificing dps) to put more points into the Scion life wheel, or keeping the jewels and lvling to 100 (7083Hp at lvl 100, I currently have 6502HP at lvl 96.) + Flexible tree pathing possible, as we are not starved for dps or health. ______________________________________________________________________________ Cons: - My specific gear is generally extremely pricey/not budget-friendly for end-game, but not this exact gear is necessary. You can change anything for anything you want, just be mindful of the changes you make or ask for assistance. - I lied a little, you have to avoid a few maps mods and you occasionally will get 1-shot if you don't follow mechanics (shaper/etc) or in deep depths with for example, crit mods and ele pen. Also probably not HoGM viable unless you weapon swap Balefire for annoying ES builds ![]() 2. PoB/Tree/Bandit/Pantheon:
For tree and general setup just use the PoB link:
https://pastebin.com/tFVXR4Rh (Updated gear) As stated before, the tree pathing is extremely flexible and allows for many variations. The only things I can think of to note is the fact that we put 1 point into the mana leech node wheel under herbalism, as that is all we need to sustain mana in all circumstances - and try to avoid taking Vaal Pact as it has the hefty cost of shortening your ability to run without needing to leech. Raider Ascendancy: I opt for 2 main setups regarding asencdancies. 1: Way of the Poacher Avatar of the Slaughter Quartz Infusion Avatar of the Veil Occasionally, for the fun of it, you can swap or even permanently stick to: 2: Way of the Poacher Avatar of the Slaughter Rapid Assault Avatar of the Chase The first setup allows for safer delving as you permanently have phasing and elemental ailment immunity. The additional dodge and spell dodge is nice too. You get chunky, non-dependent movement speed increases. It also allows for slightly more flexible quality of life flask setups. (i.e Alchemist Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline vs. a Quicksilver flask requiring an ailment immunity.) (This setup consistently reaches 4+M DPS/3.1+M Shaper/Guardian DPS.) The second setup allows for noticeably faster movement speed than the first, but only after hitting a rare/boss or killing something. It still generally means you always have onslaught up, with 100% increased effect, and a huge chunk of additional attack dodge. The single target on barrage is dramatically increased with this setup and it feels very strong for normal content, but delving feels much smoother and safer with the first setup. (This setup consistently reaches 4.7+M DPS/3.6+M Shaper/Guardian DPS.) Honestly just pick whichever you prefer, just make sure to keep Way of the Poacher and Avatar of the Slaughter for the frenzy bonuses. ______________________________________________________________________________ I chose Alira as a bandit reward for extra crit multi & resists. Personally I think it's the best option but you could go for 2 passive points as well. Pantheons are very flexible, can use whatever you need at the time or whatever you prefer. I use Soul of Arakaali with captured Arachnoxia and Soul of Shakari with Capture Terror of the Infinite Drifts. ![]() 3. Gems & Links:
Scourge Arrow: Be aware that any source of additional arrows (from gems or quiver/bow etc) only add an additional arrow to your initial charged hit, and NOT to the amount of pods that spawn or the arrows those pods fire. You may also want to swap Cold Pen for Added cold or another gem of your choosing, but Cold Pen feels very good against rares/bosses, especially while delving. *Upon further testing with various gem setups, substituting Scourge Arrow for Tornado Shot (like I did when leveling) and added cold or cold pen for GMP, you clear content much faster, albeit losing dps against high hp rares in delves etc. It feels VERY good to use Tornado/Ice Shot, even though it is not quite as strong as Scourge Arrow and its stage multiplier. I also tested a Rain of Arrows setup (swap GMP for added cold/pen again) and it also feels very fast for clear, and even strong against high hp rares in delves with the use of vaal rain of arrows and barrage. Scourge Arrow, for now, is still the hardest hitting out of these options by a mile, especially against end-game content (Shaper/Uber Elder) in this setup. In my ideal setup, I use Tornado/Ice Shot setup for mapping and Scourge Arrow for Delving. You may wish to stick entirely to one and that's completely fine. TLDR: Tornado Shot/Rain of Arrows/Ice Shot is amazing as well. Also, if you opt for Tornado/Ice shot then Rigwald's is your best-in-slot option at all times. ______________________________________________________________________________ Armour: Barrage: It is possible, if not preferable by many, to use Slower Projectiles instead of Hypothermia for Barrage because of the use of Elemental Focus, however because even in single target situations I consistently use Scourge Arrow, bosses are almost always chilled/frozen anyways. Both feel good, just pick your preference. ______________________________________________________________________________ Gloves: I use enduring cry when there are tougher damage mods in deep delves, and never really any other time. (It's at lvl 17 because i lack the strength to lvl it more, but it does exactly what it needs to as is.) I've been testing Vaal Impurity of Ice and it feels very good when there are many rares around such as in Rhoa delve rooms and some bosses if you feel it's needed. ______________________________________________________________________________ Helmet: Hatred is required for our Watcher's Eye, so if you don't have a Hatred related watcher's eye it isn't as effective as Haste for example, as we don't have any physical damage to scale from. Herald of Ice feels absolutely amazing with the very heavy hitting initial shot from scourge arrow in dense packs. Vaal Haste for bosses though sometimes I don't really bother with it, usually just if I happen to have it up during a tough fight. ______________________________________________________________________________ Boots: Blink Arrow still feels good without faster attacks so you can swap it out for another vaal aura perhaps, or anything else you prefer. CwDT and IC for mapping, but I occasionally take IC out when I use enduring cry in deep delves. ![]() 4. Gear:
Great synergy with Raider, especially after the degen nerf (from 400 per second per frenzy to 200) and the addition of 25% attack speed. The bow grants us: + 393 Flat Cold Damage (117 [13 x 9 frenzies] Flat Cold Damage on top of the already huge 274 Flat Cold Damage from the bow itself.) + A total of 36% extra movement speed. (9 frenzies x 4%) (116% total movement speed unbuffed.) + A chunk of extra hit chance for a little more consistency. + 18% chance to AVOID ELEMENTAL DAMAGE WHEN HIT (3rd layer of defense beyond Evasion and Dodge). + The only source of life leech necessary to cap life leech, without needing any nodes on the tree dedicated to it. (The Blood Drinker passive node's life leech is incidental and not required for capping.) + +1 additional arrows for Scourge Arrow's initial hit and Barrage. (Corruption not necessary, just theoretically best. You could try for a t1 flat cold corruption too.) Notes on Cold Degen per Frenzy: The degen from Hopeshredder seems like a lot, but it is very comfortable to use it even without really investing in any regen. It is possible to drop 1 or 2 jewels and go for the life and life regen nodes near marauder/scion wheel if you are uncomfortable with the degen, and even slight regen investment is boosted heavily by Soul of Arakaali Pantheon with Arachnoxia captured. Be aware that degen may become more dangerous if you get 10+ frenzies, for example with legacy frenzy corrupts from standard, or the unique delve ring discussed in the gear section below. I will need to test the interaction when I get more frenzies than the *9 I currently have. *(8 now, as noted in boots section.) This bow has been under the radar even since its buff, and is heavily underrated for the quality of life it provides. ______________________________________________________________________________ Rare Quiver/Rigwald's Quills: A rare quiver with life and high elemental damage/crit multi is best in slot for mapping with scourge arrow. An additional arrow is nice quality of life for your initial hit while clearing but be aware it does not affect the amount of pods that spawn or the arrows they fire. I'm not sure why or how, and if someone could clarify I'd appreciate it, but Rigwald's Quills feel far superior with barrage dps on high-hp end-game bosses vs. a rare dps quiver with +1 arrow. It is still possible to kill shaper during 1 beam phase regardless of quiver, but it feels slightly faster with Rgiwald's. Any info as to why would be appreciated. (It shouldn't be the fork interaction, but I have a suspicion it has something to do with it.) ______________________________________________________________________________ Farrul's Fur & Farrul's Bite: Aspect of the Cat grants hefty dps bonuses and even a little defense, and Farrul's Fur allows us to not have to sacrifice Herald of Ice to use this aspect. In-Depth Aspect of the Cat Description:
Aspect of the Cat grants a cyclical buff (cycling between Cat's Stealth for 6 seconds and Cat's Agility for 6 seconds.) It is through Farrul's fur that we gain our maximum number of frenzy charges on gaining Cat's stealth, and because of the raider ascendancy travel nodes as well as the frenzy nodes taken on the tree, we have permanent frenzy charges in almost all situations. (The exception being the extremely rare case of monsters stealing frenzy/power/endurance charges on hit, which removes ALL charges immediately. This is circumvented either with natural frenzy generation from Cat's Stealth activating again, or from manually re-activating Aspect of The Cat as Cat's Stealth is always the first buff, or even through the frenzy-on-kill effects of the Ice Bite support gem we use for our damage skills.)
For 6 seconds, every 12 seconds, Cat's Stealth is activated and grants: -100% GLOBAL increased Critical Strike Chance -15% chance to Avoid ALL Damage when Hit -50% reduced Visibility to Enemies For the other 6 seconds of the 12 second period, Cat's Agility is active instead and grants: -10% GLOBAL increased Attack Speed -10% GLOBAL increased Cast Speed Both phases of the buff grant similar dps boosts, with Cat's Stealth being slightly stronger. Cat's Stealth is the better part of the buff however, because it is only during Cat's Stealth that we get the chance to blind on hit from our helm and when we get slightly reduced visibility to enemies, which means you hit them before they get a chance to hit you a little more often. It is possible to swap Farrul's Bite with another helm if you get jewelry with Aspect of the Cat on it, or you can drop the Aspect interactions all together and opt for a different helm/chest piece. (Starkonja's/Loreweave for example.) Notes on Helmet Enchant: You can opt for either the 40% damage/+1 pod at max charges scourge arrow enchant, or even a +1 barrage projectile enchant. The scourge arrow enchants however I think are more generally useful. ______________________________________________________________________________ Tombfist (2 Socket with +1 Frenzy): Best in slot for both dps and life, however can get rare/expensive depending on availability. Socketing a searching eye (life + 2 flat cold rolls) and a murderous eye (life + flat cold + onslaught on kill) allows for Intimidating enemies on hit as well as a little extra movement speed and attack speed from occasional onslaught. Extremely good gloves. Maligaro's Virtuosity gloves or even rares with +1 frenzy (both of which are very cheap even with decent rolls) is more than fine until these are achievable. (Thanks to Zephya for suggesting the Tombfist gloves.) ______________________________________________________________________________ Darkray Vectors OR Bubonic Trail: I originally opted for speed and a +1 frenzy offered by these boots and the interaction with having permanent frenzies from Farrul's Fur, however I decided to try out 2 socket bubonic trail with 2 extra jewels to squeeze out a little more life and dps at the cost of a little movement speed and dodge from losing a frenzy for our bow. Notes on corruption vs. enchant: Unlike the gloves, the corruption isn't necessarily best in slot. You could go for more movement speed or life via corruption/enchant or even elemental pen enchant for single target. ______________________________________________________________________________ Jewelry & Jewels:
Jewelry: Try to get at least one ring with as many resists as you can squeeze into it with perhaps 1 dps mod, allowing us to focus on dps for the remaining ring and amulet. Stygian vise is best in slot as it allows more flat cold damage and life from an additional abyss jewel. If you don't have a ridiculous dps amulet, you can use a Yoke of Suffering for bossing similar dps end-game. I would recommend then swapping sides of the elemental damage wheel on the bottom right of the tree for slightly more shock/freeze chance. (90% of the Int required for Int gems is from the tree, in my case I only need the int from my amulet. This means the Int on my Opal Ring is completely unnecessary and allows for future upgrades with no cost to the build. Also, I just managed to cap my resists, so you can opt for a little less dps and more resists if you want to heavily overcap.) Thanks to SchillerBexxx for bringing the delve-specific ring to my attention: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Precursor%27s_Emblem_(Endurance_and_Frenzy_Charge) I have not yet got one with the rolls I'd need to test it out, but a ring with +1 frenzy charges and added %damage/cold damage per frenzy charge seems very worth looking into. If you manage a roll with Onslaught for 4 seconds on hit + 1 decent other roll you basically never need the onslaught variation of the build. ______________________________________________________________________________ Jewels: Try to get highest life + flat cold jewels you can. Jewels are a huge chunk of our life and damage. I opted for onslaught on kill on both 1 searching eye and 1 murderous eye (for tombfist), as you can't roll 2 flat cold rolls on a murderous eye but I needed 2 onslaught rolls for it to feel a little more consistent while mapping. Regular jewels can be used to but it's harder to find good 4 property jewels than it is to find good 3 property abyss jewels in my experience. (You require 4 property regular jewels to match the effectiveness of 3 property abyss jewels in this instance.) Also, a double-hatred Watcher's Eye is highly recommended, but a single hatred mod and perhaps something else is possible and effective as well. If you get a single Hatred eye, priority is Cold Pen > Added Cold > Crit > Cold Damage. (We don't scale crit effectively enough to make the more expensive Crit while Affected by Hatred modifier worth the extra investment necessary to get it. The Crit dps compared to Pen is only about 40k, which is minuscule considering the large amount of dps we have.) ______________________________________________________________________________ Flasks: Pretty standard flask setup, and because we take Avatar of the Veil we don't have to worry about elemental immunity from flasks, and I sometimes use Soul of Shakari with Terror of the Infinite Drifts for poison immunity if I feel it's necessary. ![]() 5. Tooltip Showcase:
![]() If it's too small to read, just right click and open in a new tab. Barrage DPS on the left, Scourge Arrow DPS on the right. Defenses: ![]() Some things not shown in the image: With Cat's Stealth active from Aspect of the Cat, and Farrul's Bite helm, we blind enemies consistently (easy to ensure on bosses with re-enabling aura at the right time), to total 72% evade chance. We also gain 15% chance to avoid all damage when hit from having Cat's Stealth active. Also, as stated in the Gear section, Hopeshredder provides an additional 18% chance to avoid any elemental hit-based damage. We also total 216% movement speed, as opposed to the 116% in the image, with an Alchemist's Quicksilver flask of Adrenaline up. We can get a further 20% to total 236% from Onslaught from on-kill effects of abyss jewels. This implies you have the 1st Ascendancy setup (Phasing setup) detailed in the PoB section. With the Onslaught setup you can total 240% movement speed, even more with boot corruptions/enchant. ![]() 6. Video Showcase (WIP)
(This section is a work in progress. It's more of a reminder and a checklist for now. I've killed all encounters deathless before just didn't record because I didn't think I'd be making a guide lol. I will add a video for each encounter listed when I get time.) Deathless Shaper Kill (3 & a half minutes):
Deathless Uber Elder Kill (2 minutes):
Deathless Uber Atziri: Deathless Vaal Temple: Deathless Hall of Grandmasters: (4ish minutes)
Honestly this was just because I was bored. Forgot to start recording hence the abrupt beginning, but I doubt i'll get lucky and get a no-es build run again. *Delve bosses. *Shaper/Elder Guardians. *Random difficult encounters. *Concise Video Guide. ![]() 7. Build Variations (WIP)
Zeypha's Headhunter + Tornado Shot Version:
"I am using this build but with a slight twist to fit my head hunter, the only thing I changed was that I use tornado shot as my main 6 link, because when you get lots of rare mods, tornado shot clears the whole screen and is much faster than scourge. When I do uber elder (deathless), or any of the delve bosses where I can't reliably barrage freely, I change to scourge instead of tornado shot to supplement my single target with barrage. Here is a super quick video of using barrage with slower projectiles instead of hypothermia, was I don't chill the bosses since i don't have scourge, therefore slower projectils is better in my set up. Shaper with Slower Projectiles, Pure barrage: https://youtu.be/iqrywgNSh6U Shaper with hypothermia (doing nothing), Pure barrage: https://https://youtu.be/EUdwJ8_ESXM I could have popped vaal haste in the video for more damage, shaper would have died sooner had I not tried to face tank the beam haha. I am in the process of uploading a few videos, with and without head hunter, to show off my variation of this build. Has been a blast theory crafting and fine tuning the build with JordanIbanez" -Zeypha ![]() 38/40 Delve Challenges Achieved solo with this build. (Ongoing)
![]() Didn't bother going deeper than 600 in depths for the challenge completion. Sulphite costs are too high to make it worth it, I believe delving at 300-350 is best. ![]() For any questions or suggestions, whisper me in-game @PhoxPheory or inbox me here. ![]() ![]() Editado por útlima vez por JordanIbanez#2019 en 28 oct. 2018 17:30:52 Reflotado por última vez en 29 feb. 2020 11:55:58
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Nice build man, I'm geared similarly, but with rain of arrows for clear and gem swap to scourge for T15/16 bosses etc. I notice your not running purity of ice, how do you find the degen on hopeshedder?
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Editado por útlima vez por JordanIbanez#2019 en 8 oct. 2018 7:37:42
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Editado por útlima vez por Zeypha#6615 en 7 oct. 2018 21:43:42
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Build is pretty amazing, it's the first character i've ever had that can do all and still be extremely fast at clearing, moving etc.
The damage is fantastic, I will post some videos up soon but it's been really fun to theory craft and try out different things with you!, the discussions have been fun. I really think we have got it to the stage where it's perfect. My friend is playing the build without the fur set, he is using the abyss chest and a rare helm, he is still having a great time, only thing is outside of combat he has bad movement speed, but as soon as he gets his frenzy's up it's smooth. |
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nice ! a proper guide updated ! I am following this.
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Hello , looks good , how about Pathfinder version ?
Any video ? |
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PoB shaper dps? is this better than ele hit deadeye for bosses?
the chest is what makes me wanna play this build because i didnt play bestiality league MFJonesHC Editado por útlima vez por MFJones#1684 en 9 oct. 2018 18:07:28
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" " I think the video I just added will help you both. :) |
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I am using this build but with a slight twist to fit my head hunter, the only thing I changed was that I use tornado shot as my main 6 link, because when you get lots of rare mods, tornado shot clears the whole screen and is much faster than scourge.
When I do uber elder (deathless), or any of the delve bosses where I can't reliably barrage freely, I change to scourge instead of tornado shot to supplement my single target with barrage. Here is a super quick video of using barrage with slower projectiles instead of hypothermia, was I don't chill the bosses since i don't have scourge, therefore slower projectils is better in my set up. Shaper with Slower Projectiles, Pure barrage: https://youtu.be/iqrywgNSh6U Shaper with hypothermia (doing nothing), Pure barrage: https://youtu.be/EUdwJ8_ESXM I could have popped vaal haste in the video for more damage, shaper would have died sooner had I not tried to face tank the beam haha. I am in the process of uploading a few videos, with and without head hunter, to show off my variation of this build. Has been a blast theory crafting and fine tuning the build with JordanIbanez Editado por útlima vez por Zeypha#6615 en 10 oct. 2018 23:11:05
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