[3.10] S3 || Stag's Soulwrest Summoner || Streaming and updating to 3.11 || Videos
Question: what is Blood Magic linked to Spectres there for? Maybe stupid question but doesn't the keystone serve its purpose? or does it give the Chieftan Bloodmagic so he doesn't OOM? I bought a thing today... Gotta put movement speed on it! Was only 80 chaos too. I wish I could use Vitality but oh well. The whole MoM thing is going well, but I am still leveling so we'll see. My gear ( got some smexy jewels!) ( 21 Phantasms waiting for me at 72) ...I need to craft a remove curse quicksilver and a remove freeze mana flask, but it just doesn't matter ATM :P edit lol Done deal. Editado por útlima vez por DamageIncorporated#7815 en 6 oct. 2018 17:24:10
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" Thanks for the advice! Since I'm unfamiliar with the maps I liked being able to use Bone Offering if I blundered into something scary and still use Flesh Offering most of the time. I find zombies annoying so I switched them out for a Stone Golem. I think once I get into harder content I'll follow your suggestion and drop an offering. I'll also switch to flesh binder and use zombies again for the damage reduction. Vaal haste was a good choice and faster casting hardly made a difference with the offerings anyway. I tried Slower Projectiles for a while in the single target setup but the phantasms spent so much time chasing the boss around and I don't know which bosses move a lot so I've had better luck with Elemental Focus. |
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I just recently 6Linked my Cloak of Defiance and I am looking to put in my Summon Skellies in there. Any suggestions on the best Link?
I am also using Hatred and the Council gloves so no Brutality, and I am using Maim on my Phantasms. 1 - Summon Skeletons 2 - Minion Damage 3 - Melee Physical 4- ? 5- ? 6 ? Any suggestions would be very helpful :) |
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" Multistrike and Maim. I went a similar route, but I 6S 5L'd mine. after 2 exalt worth of chromes at 120 per try I had to use the Vorici trick to get RRRRBB : / |
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What do you all think of getting +1 spectre from Death Attunement and running a power charge ape along with frenzy ape? Swap out Controlled Destruction for Minion Speed?
I'm going to clear 8k EHP by 90 easily,so...pretty pleased with that, and wondering if crit Phantasms are possible. Editado por útlima vez por DamageIncorporated#7815 en 7 oct. 2018 2:18:32
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" Hey, Blood Magic is used because the specific spectre doesn't have a good mana base and it doesn't cast the frenzy warcry off cooldown. It might be slightly different for you with clarity but i'm unsure of how that works. Instead of movement speed consider flask effect duration. Personally I'm already running at like 150%+ movespeed so another 5 isn't that great. Personal preference though. " Another frenzy Spectre would be fine. The crit one is ok but it's not really worth building around. Minions do not have a high crit multiplier and realistically can only get to ~30% crit... probably? Idk something to test I guess, It would work better with Phys to light in the main links if you do try. Having said all this without testing it. I'd say: 1 spec: 1 frenzy ape 2 spec: 1 frenzy 1 power 3 spec: 2 frenzy 1 power Is what I think would (probably) be best in that setup.
" Hey, I'm currently using Skeletons + Minion damage + melee Phys + Maim + Brutality. Do note that Maim does not effect Phantasms as they cast a spell, they don't attack and cannot apply maim. If you use skeletons to apply maim the phantasms will get the bonus, but it might not be worth it. With an elemental version, assuming you're using death walk for EE, I'd go with: Summon Skelly, Minion Damage, Melee Phys, Phys to Light, Elemental damage with attacks. 6L would probably be Elemental Focus or empower. I don't like multistrike on Most minions as they tend to miss a lot once the enemy moves slightly. |
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yaaaaaaaaaaaa I musta been tired yesterday. Did NOT need RRRRBB on my Cloak.
also Stag, Flask duration is a suffix and the belt doesn't have a open one , or I'd agree! Editado por útlima vez por DamageIncorporated#7815 en 7 oct. 2018 10:34:32
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So! I have a new set up. Tell meh what you think pl0x
So that's 5L vaal skele's, and vaal haste. Vall skele's would have to be 4L if I kept Increased Duration on Phase Run, which I decided wasn't worth it ( 20/20 inc duration is only 1 second on Phase Run) Also, please advise on best gem to replace Controlled Destruction with when I get power charge Spectre? Editado por útlima vez por DamageIncorporated#7815 en 7 oct. 2018 15:28:13
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" Don't replace it with anything. Controlled destruction is great even on crit builds. 1 second is also 1/4 of the overall time of phase run. It also makes it so you can have it always on - pretty big imo. |
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ya...I hear you. Makes sense from that persective. well shit. What to do, ditch vall haste or have skele's as effectively a 4L
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