[3.10] S3 || Stag's Soulwrest Summoner || Streaming and updating to 3.11 || Videos
" good luck, I hope it goes well :) |
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Hello, Having a great time with the build (went the Physical route). My only complaint is that I am going broke because I am clearing so fast that I don't want to stop and pick anything up :)
Just hit level 86 and have taken 'Blood Magic' and switched over to the 'Essence Worm'. Have been running level 12 and 13 red maps with zero problems and am currently down to level 154 in the mine. For my passives my next goal is to work my way down to 'Whirling Barrior' for the blocking and pick up some more jewel sockets if I can afforded more jewels (currently shy of cash). I know that my helmet and gems need to be upgraded, but at least I have balanced resistances and a 'Wise Oak'. Any advice on what I did wrong and what I should be working on next would be greatly appreciated. |
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" Thanks for trying the build first of all. I think you should just focus on getting your life higher. A few abyssal jewels will do this. You seem to be heading down the right path, unfortunately it gets slightly expensive from here. I'd aim at filling out your 1/2 point jewel sockets next, 2 might of the meek then a cheap phys taken as element watchers eye and "lastly" go for a 2 socket bubonic after that. I wouldn't worry too much about wise oak capping just yet as you'll be upgrading your gear every now and again and it'll just mess with things. In its place you can either grab a Stibnite/jade/blood of the karui/forbidden taste (make sure you don't get a quality taste) or even one of the max res flasks. |
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Hi all
SO here's my problem: Does Hatred, without Generosity support, add cold damage to Bubonic Trail's Death Walk? I hope not or I have to rethink what was going to be my plan... I don't know how to interpret " unaffected by modifiers to spell damage". edit: looks like "cbasz" is doing this so I guess I'm good?! However that brings me to a new question: He has a Might of the Meek in the socket affecting Elemental Equilibrium...Wouldn't it cancel it out? Editado por útlima vez por DamageIncorporated#7815 en 5 oct. 2018 10:33:25
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" Hatred is gain % physical as extra cold, bubonic is pure fire normally, so you're good as long as you don't have any added physical damage on yourself! "unaffected by modifiers to spell damage" means you can't scale it's damage with spell damage, but it's not important since it's not the source of our damage, just our method of proccing EE. Might of the Meek only affects notables, but EE is a keystone (there's a difference) so it works! you can easily tell what gets affected when you socket MotM in, as the text disappears off of everything that loses its effect ingame. |
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" Oh sweet baby Jeebuz that's good news. I'm stoked! Thanks for the write up and answer. No point in being secretive hehe, I'll tell you what I'm hung up on. I want to use Cloak of Defiance, take the nodes behind the keystone, and otherwise stack mana along with the HP with Might of the Meeks. I'm pretty sure it's going to be tanky AAF and CLOSE to the EHP of just HP stacking. ( say 7k hp+ 2k mana or so...) I got a Watchers eye with chaos resist while affected by Clarity, as well as 20% of damage gained as mana. The later mod made me really want to make MoM work. I also got So that,a long with Essence worm will mean Hatred and Purity of Elements with no reservation. And your info was great news for this. I don't forsee a problem. I COULD get a Hatred reserves no mana version...but its expensive and beign watched by flippers. If I did that, I could use Generosity. Editado por útlima vez por DamageIncorporated#7815 en 5 oct. 2018 11:48:47
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I've been looking around for some pretty neat summoner builds and have decided to go with this one.
Also, with the recent buff to summon skeletons, I will be going for 6 link skeletons for single target. The path that I am opting to go for is Mind Over Matter since I won't be using a Kaoms. Any suggestions on what my end game armor should be or examples of a level 90 PoB with MoM? Great build by the way! |
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" Hey dude, thought I'd reply with my thoughts cuz I'm doing the same. I got a so the build can go as normal...while reserving no mana and serve MoM well. Get at least two Might of the Meeks and you'll get not only a lot of HP but optionall a good chunk of mana out of the deal too. Don't forget Grip of the Council! Thats a good buff. I splurged and got a well rolled one to try to alliviate as much as possible the glove's lack of HP. Editado por útlima vez por DamageIncorporated#7815 en 5 oct. 2018 11:53:21
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It's been a long time since i've played, how exactly does Might of the Meek work? Also, are you doing a hybrid ES/LIFE with MOM with that Neck, or are you simply using that neck so you won't have to reserve anything with Purity of Elements? So far, I am only using Hatred in a Essence Worm and a Clarity. |
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" Simply for the doesn't reserve. The ES is w/e. I am of the belief that MoM will more than make up for using this ammy instead of Stone of Laz. Might of the Meek is simple; you get another 50% effect out of the nodes you allocate in radius, ie: 5% hp= 7%, 8% mana is 12%, etc. Is what made me super into working with MoM. Dats tasty, and was cheap. Editado por útlima vez por DamageIncorporated#7815 en 5 oct. 2018 12:14:03
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