[3.6] Oro's Sacrifice Flicker Strike / Molten Strike - The Immortal Ascendant - Excels Everywhere

After grinding out depth 600+ and beating several delve bosses in the 550+ range here are my final thoughts as I wrap up the build. My first two posts about the below are quoted below so everything is in one spot for reference.

-Final gear upgrade I made was swapping one of my old opals for a ring that had space to craft shock nearby enemies on focus.

-After testing out swapping champion for slayer for the leech and repseccing into vaal pact and leech nodes I can say this really is only an improvement for deep delve bosses and maybe smoother uber elders. I ended up speccing back into guardian. For regular delve encounters it is more survivable.

-In deep delves this flask continues to prove absolutely invaluable. Without amazing leech when you really get chunked in this build the ability to instant heal 8k life is unmatched.

-The single most important thing about this build for deeps delves is making sure you remove all things that can stop you from pumping out molten strike balls. Cannot be frozen boots are critical. Also it is very helpful on any encounter with the EMP mobs to pre drop flares so you dont stop doing damage if you miss getting to an EMP mob fast enough.

-About depth 570 with a 100% extra elemental mod is the point where this build just cant handle delve bosses any more which is pretty damn impressive for a not complete cheese build. Depth 589 no damage mods were doable.

-As i mentioned in previous posts there are alot of skills this build can use. Tectonic slam, multistrike, wed, endurance charge on melee stun, combustion, immolate is super strong and was a go to for me for some deep delve encounters where i needed more range than molten strike even with ancestral call could provide. Ancestral call molten strike can provide good AOE coverage but if you need to keep mobs at range Tectonic slam was much more consistent to get me through some of the very melee unfriendly encounters deep delves have.

- I have juggled my flasks a bit. I use a stibnite of warding for mapping for more consistent warding uptime and then sub that flask out for a dying sun in delve.

- In Delve Rampage is amazing. For most all delving i run one oros with ancestral call molten strike and then a sinvictas axe in my weapon swap to get rampage started before I swap back to my oros and clear. more damage is always nice but so are the procs rampage provides. For tough delve encounters I suggest letting your rampage stacks fall off before final encounter and restarting it at the final part because the procs from teh first 500 stacks of ramapage provide alot mroe IMO than the bit of extra damage being at 500+ does.

That pretty much wraps up all I got. Looking through my old posts I think everything is pretty accurate still to how I am currently running the build. Thanks again for the awesome build.


Update after another week with the build and another 100 levels with Delve. Going over the biggest differences between the initial build and my approach:

-Kaoms heart: I think this is the best way to go but really depends on if you are comfortable with weapon swapping.

-Flicker strike links: WED, Multistrike, Ancestral call, melee splash, combustion. Even in t16 with the amount of damage I'm at I can still flicker right through rares so I prefer the ancestral call setup for better clear.

-Aspect of the spider/Enfeeble - up until just recently I was running aspect of the spider along with anger and flammability. Finally about depth 550ish pushing bad mods I think it is worth it to drop the 350 life and get dual curse to go enfeeble. I will still swap back to aspect of the spider for Bosses where I just want burst damage over pure mitigation.

-Molten strike links - Swap ancestral call and conc effect for delving

-Lightning golem - I prefer this over ice. Dont need accuracy really and with boot enchant im good on crit. For delving and bosses this gets swapped for ancestral protector.

-Insanity gloves for mapping get swaped with added fire to burning gloves for delve.

-Cannot be frozen boots are single best defense you can get for deep delves i feel for this build. If you stop chugging along you will die almost instantly and we dont really have the spot for a heat flask.

-White sockets on your oros can give you alot of flexibility if you want some variety from flicker strike. Build can easily run Tectonic slam, frost blades, wild strike, infernal blow, consecrated path for clearing easily in delves and t16s. The white sockets give the flexibility for doing so. Wild strike is actually surprisingly good with Oro's. The pulse/arc combination is really mechanically strong but scaling all three elements is usually an issue. Oro's avoids this issue as all portions of the skill are fire with oros.

My next steps from here are grabbing the additional life leech side of the wheel for more sustain from a gearing standpoint starting to corrupting flammability Impressences.

A couple more updates/elaborations from my take away post on page 83.

-Curse effect nodes. Its worth the extra points to take that side of the wheel over the useless cast speed. I also take the one point curse effect over by the scion life wheel (box now?). with might of the meek its 7% thats very worth one point with a lvl 21 enfeeble. That is worth just droping 5% life for even if you need to.

-Early into corrupting Impressences fishing for plus one curse I hit 1 all max res. Im stopping there as plus one curse effectively would pick me up 20% life on the tree so 4% less all elemental damage from this implicit plus getting the 10% curse effect id have to drop they are almost equivalent to what i would use the points for.

-I don't this enhance is worth it on enfeeble. Id rather use the gem slot for a vaal grace which one for one i think is better than enhance on enfeeble plus without it i have no issues not spending 3 points on the mana nodes at the bottom of the tree so it saves me three points on a tree that still has good life right on pathing to pick up.

-Didnt mention it last time but corrupting blood corruption on a jewel is huge since it lets you drop a staunching flask and because we use unique 1c jewels it is very getable.

-For the molten strike links i had said i used ancestral call for delve. Honestly unless Im doing a delve boss or shaper/ubers i use ancestral call 100% of the time on molten strike. I dont even notice the damage loss in regular maps for single target and it makes red beast packs and betrayal packs much smoother having ancestrall call molten strike you can always fall back on.

Absolutely loving the build over all. Thanks for the guide and being so active in the thread thats awesome to see.
Any tips on improving survivability?

bubba42124 escribió:
That pretty much wraps up all I got. Looking through my old posts I think everything is pretty accurate still to how I am currently running the build. Thanks again for the awesome build.


Really glad you enjoyed it Bubba - went to 600+ delve this league with somewhat of a similar approach (slayer leech / kaoms heart / enfeeble + temp chains) and ended up a bit frustrated over how many hexproof zones start spawning down there. Really seems like occultist for hexproof ignore is almost required to go further.

TweeFiddeh escribió:
Any tips on improving survivability?


Here are some things to do:

- Life flask with "Panicked" mod.

- Change ascendancy to champion instead of slayer, fortify is a huge boost to damage mitigation.

- Drop the very top left jewel slot and pick up "Devotion" passive instead.

- Blind on hit on an abyss jewel. Even a small % chance to blind provides huge mitigation when using molten strike.

- Need curse immunity on a utility flask (quicksilver / basalt). Map mods like elemental weakness or vulnerability are very dangerous, and can be negated with one of these.

- 100% need a basalt flask if using a loreweave. Right now you are very vulnerable to physical damage. Basalt flask will protect against physical.

- Most of the jewels currently in use aren't very efficient. Increases to melee damage which is on most of them doesn't affect molten strike balls which are counted as projectiles.

- Missing out on a huge amount of HP by not having +45 life abyss jewels. Ideally you want something similar to the abyss jewel you have in your belt in every single jewel slot.
- Scion Build Guides -

Flicker / Molten strike - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2180571
I'm at level 94 and I really like this build. Clear speed is insane but picking up loot is a bit of a drag. I have no problem with T16 maps nor Syndicate. Is it time for Uber Elder?
At the moment I'm leveling gems to 20/20 and looking for +2 molten strike helmet. Is there anything else I should improve?

Thanks in advance!
Editado por útlima vez por Qoolin#6027 en 8 feb. 2019 6:34:56
Qoolin escribió:
I'm at level 94 and I really like this build. Clear speed is insane but picking up loot is a bit of a drag. I have no problem with T16 maps nor Syndicate. Is it time for Uber Elder?
At the moment I'm leveling gems to 20/20 and looking for +2 molten strike helmet. Is there anything else I should improve?

Thanks in advance!

Looks super super good, only thing I can suggest is trying for 25-50% more increased critical strike chance for better elemental overload uptime.
- Scion Build Guides -

Flicker / Molten strike - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2180571
I was able to get the crit chance boot enchant. Would it be better now to switch to a different golem than ice? And if so which one would be optimal?

Thank you!
Editado por útlima vez por sir_johnCHeeSE#2139 en 11 feb. 2019 22:00:32
sir_johnCHeeSE escribió:
I was able to get the crit chance boot enchant. Would it be better now to switch to a different golem than ice? And if so which one would be optimal?

Thank you!

Yup crit should be fine now, can switch to either lightning golem for more damage or chaos golem to be tankier. Really up to you on how you're feeling on current defence/offence balance.
- Scion Build Guides -

Flicker / Molten strike - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2180571
Do you think it's viable to build this as a crit character?
pataphysix escribió:
Do you think it's viable to build this as a crit character?

I'm sure it's possible but doubt it is very viable due to:

- Oro's having low base crit, only 5% - makes it very hard to get high total crit even with investment.

- Lots of the crit nodes on the tree either don't have synergy with Oros (they give % increased physical damage as well) or either don't benefit molten strike (Disemboweling node only gives melee crit not projectile crit).

- Ignite as an ailment is very weak. Other 5% crit weapons such as starforge or voidforge get access to shock, a much stronger ailment.

- Scion Build Guides -

Flicker / Molten strike - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2180571
I'm loving the build so far. Currently at level 78. really just wanted to test it out before the league finished. But I cant for the life of my figure out how you are able to reserve enough mana for enfeeble and anger. I have the impressence, so flammability isn't an issue. if anyone has any ideas please let me know, I've been trying to figure this out for awhile now.

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