[3.6] Oro's Sacrifice Flicker Strike / Molten Strike - The Immortal Ascendant - Excels Everywhere
New player who wanted to try the game cause of betrayal and I must say that I absolutely loved doing this build as my league starter. Great post, informative to even new players.
That being said, would it be possible to modify this build to work with 2 auras? I want to run anger and haste but I don't know if it is even possible. I'm still not at a point where I can make/modify builds on my own so I was hoping if someone has any input on the matter. I like playing builds that can do every map mod.
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I do this build my second build in betrayal, looks so prety, thanks !
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How do you calculate mana regen to make sure it's high enough to maintain a high rate of flickering?
"Learn well the lessons that Wraeclast will teach you, Witch. It is your only hope of finding your way home."
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So far level 50 with this build and I love the motlen strike spam so far, can you take a look amd make sure im doing good so far?
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" Glad you're enjoying it Mazino, It's possible to do both anger + haste if they are linked to level 3 enlighten support. Would have to drop enfeeble + enhance though so not sure if worth. " If Mana leech + Mana regen > (attack rate / 3) x cost of flicker strike, flicker will be smooth. Attack rate is divided by 3 because we only pay the mana cost once every 3 attacks due to multi-strike. Keep in mind that since we have +2 mana on hit when flickering into huge packs mana recovery requirements will be much lower in those situations.
![]() " Looks great, once you get to act 6 resists become super important so make sure you max them all at 75%. - Scion Build Guides -
Flicker / Molten strike - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2180571 |
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Hi, thanks for this very detailed build! I am currently leveling (lv55/act8) this build and I keep wondering if molten strike is really that good against bosses? It melts everything else but bosses / syndicate members take a very long time to kill, much longer than the previous builds I played (cold vortex trickster and scurge arrow ignite elementalist) which seems odd since I read everywhere how nice molten strike is supposed to be for those kinds of fights..
I am using the +2 projectiles jewel, point blank and a high physical damage weapon and I was wondering if I might be doing something wrong? 😅 |
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" Use anger aura, looking in POB it's a 17% more total damage at your current level. Should be pretty noticeable. - Scion Build Guides - Flicker / Molten strike - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2180571 Editado por útlima vez por Monhsaroh#5175 en 25 dic. 2018 4:18:40
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Doing some t3-t9 maps now and got few issues:
When im doing syndicate uniques, sometimes my moltenstrike isnt enough to keep my hp topped up. Got 5k hp. Many times when flickering, my character just stops and does nothing..sometimes it teleports backwards and i find myself in some corner doing nothing. I do have good connection so could some gameplay option smoothen it out? Thanks for replies! |
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Maybe a noob question, but why Anger of Herald of Ash? Ash seems objectively better to me
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Hey, I took the build to 100 in Betrayal here and wanted to give some feedback and gear choices from a 96-100 late endgame perspective. I will leave some videos and links here as well. I want to say I really enjoyed the build and felt safe and powerful because of the build's relatively linear growth (despite being a melee build) Item Choices: Chest:
I decided to go with a loreweave for a few reasons. Obviously first and foremost is the damage gain it gives this build. Every stat is useful for us and it is much easier to find damage corrupted loreweaves than other chests. The 80% resistances negate the need for more spell dodge because nothing elemental based was 1 shotting me (this includes uber balls), which means we get to ditch the atziri boots in favor of something with resistances and cannot be frozen which equals more damage on the tree!
As OP talked about earlier in the thread, a rare helm with minus fire res is strictly more damage than starkonjas. New to betrayal, we also have the bench craft for converting phys dmg taken to fire which pairs with loreweave very nicely and gives the loreweave build around some more defensive tools.
Any rare will work in this slot. Just grabbed life/res/ms/cannot be frozen to free up a flask slot
Other gear pieces:
Essentially took what OP recommended and threw a decent chunk of currency at them. Those rings are huge damage for us and were only a few ex. The life flask has a few interesting decision points; it can be curse immune, bleed immune, or even swapped with a taste of hate if you are really afraid of phys dmg and want to drop currency for only the defensive portion of the flask. As an aside, I am thinking about annuling the belt to replace reflect with a third dmg mod...
Gem Links:
Pretty similar to OP, however, at around level 95 I dropped blood rage as my gear got better. It wasn't really adding that much because I still had frenzys to expend in every map that wasnt "monsters have 90% to avoid status ailments" - still needed blood rage then. The degen was risky in certain maps and the leech it gives is pointless because we are already at the cap with just the 1 small passive node. I ended up replacing it with vaal grace to dodge cap during the 5-ish seconds it takes to melt a boss. I use immolate over fire pen because it is slightly more dps and switch to a different loreweave if I am going to delve.
Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/7gFag5j8 Passive Tree Thoughts:
Keep in mind this is a very different looking tree at 100 than 95. My 95 tree was nearly identical to OP's and only after I found someone with a +1 curse impresence was I able to add in the additional jewel slots. If you can ever take a 3 point jewel slot with this build do so!!!
Initial Leveling:
I leveled up following OP's suggestions and because we are molten strike, it goes fairly quickly even with being a scion. I had no leveling gear and made it to Oro's level quickly to begin to transition to flicker strike.
However, when I first switch to flicker I felt like I did not have the damage and kept using molten strike until I could pick up a few budget dps items and 6L my weapon. After this I had no issues completing my Atlas and killing uber elder on day 3 after hitting 95 Later Leveling from 95-100:
If you wanted to hit 100 on a character like this, Betrayal is the perfect league. Hands down the fastest leveling this league are pure breachstones. This build wants to target Xoph groups primarily, but any of them will do. It just so happens this build is perfect for everything the pure breachstones offer. You can hold down your flicker strike key and not even watch the screen during the trash and just collect your experience. Additionally, funding these runs can be expensive, unless you do what I was doing. I was boss killing in the stones and giving the leaders the drops in exchange for heavily discounted runs. Even the ones who didn't want to give me a discount would let me kill the boss for myself and keep the loot so long as I was quick (Xoph would die before my flasks expired) I ended up profiting like 35 ex just from Xoph amulets :) 95-100 took me a whopping 2 days - it will get nerfed so do it now!
Here are a few videos showcasing the build's damage and tankiness: Minotaur: Window was not aligned, but that was a 134/39 minotaur map with every mod I could find to make the mobs tankier. Phoenix: Standard Phoenix map with increased ele resist for the mobs. Nothing special just dps... Uber Guardians: dps showcase and sat in pretty much all of their abilities to showcase some tankiness. Shaper: Molten Strike is good against Shaper :) Uber Elder: I lag very badly on uber elder as the clip will show you lol. Luckily even at 1 fps to start the fight they cant kill me and then they get phased pretty darn quick. I even facetanked a slam and some balls in there for a tankiness showcase. My OBS crashed at the end of the fight, but its more of the same -- you get the idea (they die fast) Final thoughts: Monhsaroh did a wonderful job with this build and I was very pleased with how it performed from start to finish. You want to facetank 4x syndicate encounters in maps with 2+ damage mods -fine-. I definitely took a more offensive approach to the build but I was still a walking fortress doing every map mod. I think the few tweaks I made really scale the build in the late endgame and I am sure it can be refined even more. If you have comments or ideas about how to better optimize what I have done please let me know! P.S., if enough people dare me to do it I will annul my insane belt for a chance at a 3rd dmg mod lol. 8/8 anarchy/onslaught 8/8 domination/nemesis 40/40 breach/talisman/harbinger/Abyss 20/20 flashback Editado por útlima vez por svengetspumped#5888 en 28 dic. 2018 22:16:02
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