[3.2] Fully Corrupted All-Unique Dual Wield HOWA Molten Strike - 6.1M Shaper DPS, 9k+ ES, 44% Evade
Thanks for giving credit and its interesting to see what an endgame version of my build would be with the logical upgrades one makes on an unlimited budget.
Incandescent heart and the second claw are both sidegrades I mention in my build both increasing damage at the cost of defense. That sick triple watchers jewel is so good for the build, really opening up so much flexibility. Incandescent does increase defense against elemental damage but lowers it against physical hits and non hitting elemental damage so judgement calls there. however I did pause at the math here " 20 Is the correct number of projectiles but you have put it multiplying the melee hit part, not in the magma balls part which is a higher number but also then doesn't get reduced by the 47% chance for them to hit really inflating the number If I were to math this my result is 5,414,315 dps But thats not the shaper numbers and doesn't include the point blank either. Taking from your pastbin, changing the target to shaper and adding in point blank to raise it up again the result is (45,087)(10.98)(0.47)(20) + 541,273 = 4,653,519 + 541,273 = 5,194,792 Its pretty cool that you got almost an extra 2 million more dps from my numbers with just better gear and a few more levels though :) Editado por útlima vez por WaffleT#6054 en 6 abr. 2018 9:16:49
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Lol, so only 1/3 of the quoted dps. Sigh another one of "those"
moving on..... |
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" I gave you credit as it's more new player-friendly but they are two different guides and builds, let's be clear about that first. You wouldn't say all builds using tornado shot came from the same guide. Most look similar but different item choices, optimizations, and general approach separate them. People wanting to take HOWA + Molten Strike to the true endgame would learn from my guide and see what's possible. Also, it's more than just different gear and levels. People see what they want to see :) As far as calculations go, I had projectiles on the wrong side. Fixed and added dying sun. But in all seriousness, dps calculations are pointless, it's just an attention grabber. What people care about is whether or not it's uber elder viable and if it can destroy all contents in the game. ● 6.3 Million DPS against normal mobs ● 4.8 Million DPS against Shaper/Guardian Overall dps can still be improved quite a bit but finding the right items is very hard in a temp league. Editado por útlima vez por TotemPuller#0078 en 6 abr. 2018 13:13:08
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" Erm I agree that you took the build into endgame with a budget that most players can't even dream of but I don't think that makes the builds different, at least if your pastebin is accurate to the tweaks you made. You have obvious gear upgrades like curse on hit gloves, lvl 21 gems and getting damage like heart of thunder that used to be part of my build but got cut to be more budget friendly, these options often come up in recommendeds for the (very few) endgame players who get a clarity watchers and hit that endpoint The only gear change is the second claw and Incandescent heart both of which are mentioned as "alternative options" in my build but are more complicated and just the kind of general path my build has but most people will drop off and stop playing far before they reach that point. You then replace the resistances using weathered hunter and jewels in the same way too. There is some variance between any two people playing the same build of any type depending on budget and slight preferences, most people who play my build tweak the tree a bit and change the curse and vaal skills for personal preference. Is there some core mechanical change between the two you think I'm missing? |
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" See below " " Those aren't your original ideas. I skipped last few leagues and I didn't even know about your build until I started farming uber elder this league. " Simply mentioning them doesn't mean anything. You said your build works with blade flurry and spectral throw. Does that mean you have now covered all future builds using blade flurry or spectral throw and HOWA in your guide? Doesn't make much sense, right? You are not mentioning the chaos implicit jewels and 10 corrupted uniques. With one more jewel with the implicit, I can push over 15% chaos damage. I don't see you mentioning stacking chaos damage. You called Incandescent Heart a "sidegrade" in your FAQ. It's a core part of my build. " You can't claim any build using HOWA and stacking lightning is your original idea and build. It's not. I can change molten strike in my build to something else and that would be another build/guide. I can also switch to Juggernaut and get 4 endurance charges as I have the +1 endurance Cyclopean Coil. Is that your idea too? 3.0 HOWA Spectral Throw Molten Strike https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2016548 3.1 Dual Wield HOWA Spectral Throw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSD-RO7Ma9s Editado por útlima vez por TotemPuller#0078 en 6 abr. 2018 13:42:26
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Woah didn't mean to offend you. Not claiming you of stealing anything or that everything I did was 100% original and mine, build went through many iterations through multiple patches and I'm sure plenty of other people had the same or similar ideas. Many people can come up with the same build and often do, doesn't make them different builds just that in poe there is usually a few good ways of doing things. This build has the same gems, 95% of the same tree and 9/11 of the same items is all. Thats similar enough for me that I can't consider them different builds but if you want to then more power to you man, subjective anyway
" umm I can't say that you 'stack' chaos damage though. The 3 corrupted jewels give 30% increased chaos damage is the only chaos scaling you have and amounts to 0.7% of your damage. The only sources of chaos damage to scale is the atziri's flask which everyone uses and is 5% of your damage and the chest which is 9% of your damage. If I take your pastebin and change the chest to a high ES splendour then cutting resistance and ES nodes for damage ones then it easily surpasses Incandescent heart in damage while still getting almost 1k more ES and connecting to the duelist start for leech. Thats why Its a side grade because its main difference is not in its damage but if you prefer 1k ES or 25% less elemental damage taken which is subjective. You chose the less ele damage taken which is fair enough. Probably cheaper to 6-link and corrupt into +1 gems too. In poe so many choices are gear dependent over anything else. Like how you can skip mind drinker because your watchers jewel gives mana leech along with 2 other things you need. Thats a situation that is probably going to be unique to exactly you but others may get mana leech in another way and modify their character to reflect that too :) Editado por útlima vez por WaffleT#6054 en 6 abr. 2018 14:11:58
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" You made some good points. This build isn't finished yet and I wasn't even going to write a guide (or anything resembles it) but after I posted that uber elder kill video, people started asking for a pob link and a guide. I did get some help calculating molten strike dps from your guide and also from MoldyDwarf The goal is to have more corrupted jewels and try different tree/ascendancy variants. This build/guide is likely to change and evolve over time. Editado por útlima vez por TotemPuller#0078 en 6 abr. 2018 14:29:20
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" I think the sharing is best and part of the reason I post my guides is to see if anyone can point out little things like tree adjustments to make things better or sidegrades I had not considered. I tweak alot even though I didn't play the build this league. I really want to cut Inquisitor ascend as its not that impressive but 'path of the templar' is just more efficient and I can't math it out so that something like elementalist is an upgrade and not relying on a very unreliable shock to do anything. I'm also not at all confident that MoldyDwarfs 47% calculation for hitting an average sized target is correct but its all I've been able to find as an estimation. Obviously its much larger on bigger targets but I have no data on exactly who has smaller hitboxes and what they are. People will complain if I don't give a number though or if the number includes temporary buffs or isn't against whatever target they think is best |
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The 2 HoWA builds you linked are indeed completely different. The one from 3.0 is a life based build with completely different tree.
The 3.1 is a Raider using rare gear and also completely different tree. Both this build and WaffleT's use purely unique items, which isn't anything new and have been done for both HoWA and Whispering Ice. But both have pretty much same core tree pathing, with few tweaks on some damage/es nodes. Both have same sub-ascendancy choices of Ascendant. Both make use of Scion flexibility and Templar area to use Wildfire for Molten Strike. You can use Incandescent Heart thanks to Clarity Watcher's and that allows you to still hit 9k ES while you increase the damage, but it is also listed as an option in WaffleT's guide. So there are some very big similarities.
With that being said, I don't know why would you stick to pure uniques HoWA build on such a massive budget. Performance-wise, WaffleT's build is a lot easier to gear and provides better performance in both ES and dps then my rare based HoWA build (that is if we both tried comparing same skill gem) if you aren't willing to spend more then 20ex on a build. But with the level of gear you are presenting (+1 corrupted chest, all 21/20 gems, +3 proj Vertex, 3 non-dead stat Watchers) you could build a much better rare based HoWA. Also this gives you a lot more flexibility with gear, as for example the only listed Vertex with 3+ proj is around 50+ ex, while a Hubris will cost you 6-10ex. There are no Incandescent Hearts with +1 corruption on the market either, while on Standard they are 50ex - but there are plenty of great rare Regalias to choose from.
If I had this much currency and wanted to play Molten Strike, I'd do this: https://pastebin.com/VQsZpqTb 161992 molten ball damage*12 projectiles*0.47 hit chance*6.34 attack speed=5.792.445 dps, add melee hit dps and you end up with 6.5 million dps and 10.7k ES, but, you still have room for improvement, like a 650+ ES chest, much better rings, better amulet etc. I'm not using Ancestral Call in that setup but it is just my preference, you could add it for more calculated dps. You also get added benefit of being stun immune letting you use Arakaali+Blood Rage cheese for 7+k ES leech per second and near constant physical immunity through Juggernaut. Or if you want more damage, then Champion/Raider blows Inquisitor/Raider out of the water with 7.7 million dps using the previous pastebin. You don't benefit from crit multi or from Consecrated Ground (you still have heat flask and are already Shock immune thanks to Cyclopean), and Champion Taunt/Intimidate is better then Inquisitor node + Pure Talent penetration. Imho you might be better off taking Champion, and just connecting both tree sections together. Now I'm not saying you've copied his build. Many times I was theorising a build just to discover later it was already done and 80-90% of the tree/items are similar. However you shouldn't get offended when someone is comparing your build to WaffleT's since the similarities (tree, items, gems) are striking and I genuinely thought it was his build when I've seen your post on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/89h9y7/bsc_32_deathless_uber_elder_kill_in_2m_24s_dual/dws2zfj/ I won't be surprised if people in the future refer to unique based Scion MS HoWA by "WaffleT's build", its just the way things are - he posted his build guide first. I'm not trying to diminish your achievements with this build, just stating the obvious. "I believe it was stated somewhere that target size 3 was an average size of a boss like Shaper's Guardian. My build guides: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2180198 Taking a break from PoE, catch me up in Warframe: https://www.warframe.com/signup?referrerId=5b625847f2f2eb0ea0750322 Use above link for free booster when you sign up! :) Editado por útlima vez por Bristoling#3346 en 6 abr. 2018 14:57:51
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How do you Shock Uber elder to max damage without vinktar flask?
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