[3.2] The Perpetual Motor -- EK Nova + BV; Budget; HC and all content viable.
" " Behold for my slow internet upload to Youtube! A Minotaur video will be up by the end of today. |
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First of all, I would like to thank you for that really nice build!
I have a quick question: How do you manage to get your resistences all capped? Cause I really struggle doing so. Have a nice day and thank you in advance! "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."
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what about ussing abberath hoves as our dmge skill? we can just have a shieldcharge setup for mana expending and the hoves for the dmge. Scalate it with flat dmge (we can use the new doedre gloves wich looks perfect for the build since they have flat spell dmge and cost increase together).
Ive been trying to figure how to play it with hooves+vaal RF to finish bosses since vaal RF have such a great base dmge to use with all the %increasedmge and prolly oneshot bosses like the old good ignite times? http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/172043 SELLINGSHOP
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/148812 UNARMED RAIMBOW TEMPLAR |
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" Hi there, the guide has now included a very detailed section on gears. Check it out! |
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thank you for the responce and the update! Do you have any suggestion what I could use as a substitute for the dagger (maybe a unique one)? Cause I don't own such a glorious thing atm, but want to try it anyways. I'm not that good in planning a build myself, that's why I ask. I have, apart from Sin's Rebirth and a Watcher's Eye everything else. Thank you again in advance! "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."
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" I recall abberath's build will require inc AOE, inc crit as a bare minimum. If it was functional as map clearer it should be fine with Indigo's buff. VRF as well for boss kills. However, Doedre's glove adds a flat 50 mana after all mana increase has been added. This is not very good for shield charge, with a very low base mana cost of 8. To be more specific, mana cost with doedre glove is: 8 * (1 + total mana increase%) + 50. A better choice for glove is Voidbringer. It's spell crit buff is huge for crit based charaters. To move around, lightning warp burns the highest mana but doesnt do incremental "moves" to proc Abberath. Perhaps use a combination of Lightning warp (to burn mana, move across map, dive into a pack of monsters) with phase run/shield charge (to move around in the pack)? |
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" I should include a budget friendly build in the future, but here is the core idea: 1. use pledge of hands. Modify the passive tree to include "crit while using staff" nodes to the top left hand side of the tree, as well as "crit for spell" cluster next to avatar of fire. This will in fact provide 10% more raw DPS than my build. I recommend this if you have enough EHP (not getting one-shot death would be enough). 2. Alternatively, use a 4L in Kalisa's Grace (with it's free fast casting, it's basically a 5L with 2% base crit that will always proc). In this case, use Advance fortress + Light of Lunaris as weapon combo (a few chaos for each), for excellent damage buff, while not compromising defense. If you go this way, I might switch to Ascendant: Necromencer+Heirophant combo, for extra block chance applied by Bone offering. I need to test this myself though. I'm a bit worried about the cast speed when you use faster casting instead of spell echo, the 20% skill effect duration from Necromencer branch will be a big help to reach 20 stack BV. Watcher's eye is a luxury item. 20% damage gain as mana provided by Rallying Cry is enough. Sin's rebirth is just a 10% damage buff, very expendable. Replace with Rumi's for extra block (synergy with the 2nd budget build above :D) Enjoy! Editado por útlima vez por alexh1985#0823 en 12 mar. 2018 8:11:06
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I feel that using MOM will eat out part of the mana which is supposed to burn for spell damage increase, especially when you are having RF. Shouldn't we go for no MOM to cap the DFS? (I feel 6k+ life is some what enough).
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I knew the doedre gloves dont scalate with the %increase but it will help with the flat 50 cost to the first spells reach the 200 minimum and after we start spending mana and gaining buffs the indigon itself should give us the cost increment himself right? is just like the "increase damage" we dont want more coz the helm give us a ton, as does with the %cost increase.
As far as i know the helm dont refresh himself right? i mean, only "remembers" the triggers for the past 4 seconds right? Im worried about not being able to reach a high enough amount to kill with abb hoves or bosses with VRF. Im thinking wich ascendancie would be better for my version and just found how sweet can chieftain be with geofris sanctum and shaper touch, scalate as much hp/es as possible to big numbers with VRF but dont know if ill be able to sustain my mana. Ive been toying with this unique since it was revealed and im glad to find someone who actually made it work, is really difficult think about everything by myself to make the build work thanks Edit to ask: Does the node potency of will works on indigon? not sure how the node works at all http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/172043 SELLINGSHOP http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/148812 UNARMED RAIMBOW TEMPLAR Editado por útlima vez por Lhigtingtopo#1578 en 12 mar. 2018 20:21:54
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" Depend on what content you intend to farm. In some cases 6K is enough. Monsters and bosses can roll high DPS mods in maps, such as crit, 100% extra damage as elemental etc. And there is no guarantee for shock immune flask to be always available. So there is a solid chance to get one-shot killed. MOM actually makes RF safer to use: when your mana drains, RF will stop. Without RF you will keep burning your life, sometimes it's quite tricky to stop this. |
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