[3.0] Realgeizt's~N'gamahu Cycloner [Shaper/UberAtziri Viable]
[3.0] Realgeizt's~N'gamahu Cycloner [Shaper/UberAtziri Viable]
My name is Realgeizt. I'm playing Path of Exiles since 5 years now and I'd like to show you what I've played this league so far. I checked many builds and videos and made something of my own now. It felt like I was really succesful making over 15 Exalted so far with this build and wanted to share some of the experience I made because i think anybody would love to play this. Since Xoph's blood got really expencive i decided to go Scion this league to take the way from templar to Avatar of Fire to gain Access to 100 % fire penetration very early. I'll explain as good as I can and try to go in every detail. The Itembuild and Gemsetup can be used with every Evasion N'gahamus character. What is this build? This Build uses N'gamahus Flame. N'amahus Flame is a Unique Axe that has the procc Molten Burst. The best choice of attack skill to procc it as often as possible is Cyclone. In this build we convert 100 % Damage to Fire and trying to get as much fire pen as possible. Its a very fast and very strong build especially to clear maps. Some Stats This is just an example. Keep in mind these are my Stats, they can easily be topped. 5,5k Life 55k Cyclone 10k Molten Burst 70 % Dodge 60 % Spelldodge 7 Frenzy Charges Pros - Can do all the endgame content - Budged friendly in the beginning - Ultra fast clear speed - Does not require 6l - can do any mod besides elemental reflect - No need to skill big Attribute Nodes - Its statisfying af Cons - Needs N'gamahus - Maximizing this build costs a bit of exalts - Its quiet the same as Raider Bandits Kraitlyn for extra dodge. You could also go oak but 3 % dodge is really nice for this build. Minor god For the Pantheon i choose as minor god Garukhan. He gives is extra dodge if we got hit and extra speed if we not got hit. Synergizes very well with an Evasion character. Major god I mostly run around with Solaris because im only fearing 1v1s but most bosses spawn adds so Lunaris might be better Captured Lunaris also gives extra dodge if you captured Master of the Blade in Strand. At that point id say Lunaris is the choice to go. Gear
Uniques Our bread and butter. Its build all around fire damage and gives us a 20 % percentage to procc molten burst. Remember you dont need to link this axe. Costs around 55 Chaos ~ Movementspeed and Attackspeed. Try to get an Cyclone enchant. Costs about 20-25 Chaos 2 weeks into League. Tons of leech, attributes and resistances makes this amulet a good deal. You can use Xoph's Blood but I didnt had any thoughts about how the tree would look yet. I payed 25 Chaos 2 weeks into League This should be our starter armour. It gives us Endurance Charges on kill, dodge, life, mass evasion. The endurance charges helps us negating phys damage when we get hit and also increases the Duration of Immortal Call. 3 Alchemy ~ If you can afford a Red Dream Jewel you can buy this Armor. Its pretty much made for Cyclone, everything on this armor makes us faster and stronger. Still it lacks some defense, so i reccomend to make sure you have enough life and dodge if you lose the bonus of Daressos. Chaos ~ This boots are build around Frenzy Charges, providing us with dodge and extra movement speed on Frenzy. Try to get a corrupted one with + 1 Frenzy or x% Dodge. Alchemy ~ Red Dream Jewel You put it in the slot where you start as Scion. It gives us the Daressos bonus without a downside. And on top of that 5 % Chaos dmg based on all our damage. Once you obtain this you can change Daressos to whatever you want. It drops in Breach and is a random drop which makes it rare and expencive. 275 Chaos 2 weeks into League Nice to have for extra Fire Penetration. Make sure Fire is your highest Resistance or having all capped. 10 - 15 Chaos ~ Rares On Rings and Belt : - Resistances - Life - Ele dmg % - Fire dmg % - maybe unset ring for vaal gem Jewels : - Life - 2h Phys dmg - Phys dmg in general - fire dmg - resistance if still not capped. My Gear
Scrap the gloves. Im on full resistance and try to get some spiked gloves with extra life from essence at the moment. Flasks are mostly defensive, try to cover all the bleed, frozen and ignite stuff. Passive Tree
Level 90 Tree https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAABAAHcBLMFLQd1FHUWbxiRGNsdFCFVIWAh0CKvI_YnICyFLPswcTB8Mn4y0TWSNug3RzhTOkI6UjrhPAU8Sz7PQKBFR0a3R35KfUrIS3hNkk3jUUdWSFb6WBdYr1oaXhNlTWega6xuqm8nbzt07XTxdud313fjeA14-Xrve257w37dfyuCm4LkhNmE74Zgh2qHdooiiq-NfY25jb-PRo9gkBGQbJchmjuaap_fogCiPqTCplenCKknqW6plKu6r4218ryfvTa95r6nvrzAGsBmwKbBfNNv1CPWXdgk2L3awdw93ajgVeNq45_r7u988B_yRfnd-tL8S_1u_gr-jw==?accountName=realgeizterhaus&characterName=asswhooping Infos about the tree We get a lot of Resistance Nodes and life for our defense. 2H Nodes to boost our damage. On the Templar way we also get increased area which saves us the Increased Area gem in the Cyclone setup. Some Frenzy charges and Elemental Penetration. And we will also get a lot of extra attributes, so you dont have to spend anything on big nodes. Remember that 1 Dex gives +2 Accuracy and 5 are giving +1% Evasion Besides that there are bonus passive points you get in the ascendancy, which helps us reaching everything we need. Point Blank / Iron Grip Affects Molten Strike dmg Acrobatics Extra dodge Elemental Overload / Avatar of Fire We reach this in the Templar Tree, Elemental Overload works fine with the Inquisitors Ascendancy. Ascendancy Inquisitor In order to get Avatar of Fire we have to get to the Templar Tree. Inquisitor provides us with extra elemental damage and a bit of crit to procc Elemental Overload. Raider You get everything you need there, Frenzy and Movement Speed plus permanent Onslaught. Leveling 1 - 55 + Take the path down. You already come across life & resistances. 2h nodes on the way 2 times for extra damage should make you really strong. Point Blank and Iron Grip are only needed yet if we use molten strike to level with. There are not many ways to choose i went left first then i go for acrobatics. You can also pick the leechnodes early for manaregen. After 2 Ascendancy you can start in the Templartree. There isnt much room for skiling this wrong while leveling. Gear I level with a 2H Axe i rolled myself with a orb of binding once my dmg got too low. You can buy one at the near Vendor and make it yellow the damage increased the further you progress in the game and its pretty easy to get a good axe. If you cant afford a N'gamahus at 55 which is pretty likely, then you have to go for the Kaoms Primacy first. Its a really good axe to grind T1 maps. I had the luck getting an exalt in A9 so i cant talk much about mapping with kaoms but the leveling was pretty easy with it. Leveling Skills - I used Molten Strike the most time but later changed to cyclone both are very solid skills to level with. Gems
N'gamahus Setup No need to 6l it the molten burst benefits from every support gem which is placed into it. Cyclone Setup Increased Area is not needed since you get enough nodes of it and you dont benefit that much from it. For 6l i recommend using Elemental Focus. Things you could also add are added fire and increased area. Using Fortify is my personal preferece in playstyle, you can also link it with Leap Slam. Aura Herald of Fire and Flammability utilizing fire damage and penetration. Arctic Armour is nice to have for phys red. you will be very low on mana so i used it late in the game when i was level 89 ~. Cwdt Setup You could also selfcast BR and use warchief or anything else in this. Other Gems Vaal Cyclone and Vaal Haste are cool to have but no must. I swap these in my Unset Ring. I used the Decoy Totem on Argus and stuff that killed me earlie but you can swap it for warchief once your strong enough. Leap Slam is for the mobility. Golem of your choice. FAQ
Can i beat shaper with this build? Yes you can. You can do anything with this build. You will Cyclone very fast and its up to you to dodge in the Fights. Dont expect to stay still and melt anything with ease, you will always have to dodge some stuff but thats how bossfights work. Is this build stronger than the Raider version? No. I dont think it is. I think Raider is dealing a bit more damage and is a little faster. But thats nitpicking because they both can easily defeat shaper and all maps. Also Raider needs Xops's and cant reach certain nodes which gives Scion other oppurtunity. Can you kill Izaro? Yes. Izaro isnt that hard once you achieved a higher level and got a good defense. I fought him with 4,5k life. Thing is that Traps are really bad for evasion characters and if you are not good at dodging you might die there. You can use a Decoy Totem for the Bosses there. What about Atziri? Suprisingly easy with this build. I can reccomend using a vaal lightning trap for the split phase. You have to dodge double flameblast and the white storm call. Thoughts on Berserker? The way to avatar of fire is a bit longer (7 extrapoints?) and i dont have any points left at all. I recommend going Iron Reflexes if you plan to do so. Should also be really strong if you obtain Xoph's blood because then you dont have to go for avatar of fire. What about Accuracy? My hitrate right now is on 80 %. Enought to hit the enemy fairly often. Keep in mind that Cyclone hits several times a second and 80 % is almost a hit everytime. It would be a waste to go for the 100 % and lose Elemental Overload. If you go for Berserker this might be an option. Additions may follow Credits to cct101 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVnxBa8DGsQ Thanks for reading, leave a comment if you like/dont like this build. Bro Editado por útlima vez por realgeizterhaus#3412 en 16 ago. 2017 7:06:08 Reflotado por última vez en 29 ago. 2017 8:21:08
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I'm very happy of seeing something for scion that seems both viable and fun to play. In the beginning of this league I started with a BV scion which was nice but the same build is far better on templar and so I switched. However I really prefer to play scion, and I'm glad to see something for what the scion seems a good choice in term of building and I will try it as soon as my vorici is lvl 6 to craft 6 slots in the axe I dropped ! Really thank you for the build :). |
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" Thanks for your answer buddy ! And good luck with your build, lmk if it worked out well for you or if you have any questions. Bro
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If you eventually have some time to detail the levelling trees it would be very nice, but I think the guide is globally well written. My vorici is 5, soon I will try this.
Edit : maybe I missed it but what for bandits ? Editado por útlima vez por Aranéïde#3664 en 14 ago. 2017 18:05:52
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Can i use slayer instead of templar's node?
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" Thanks will add it today. Kraitlyn. " You can but it takes more points to reach avatar of fire and you lose Elemental Overload. 2 of the Berserker mods are very bad as evasion character. Savage hit is something you usually want to avoid and also the 5 % extra damage taken. If you go for armor it may work fine with berserker. Bro
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- Bandits Added
- My Gear updated Bro
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Hello nice guide but got a question
what about accuracy? should we aim for resolute technique after lvl 90? |
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" Hey takvaa. With Resolute Technique our Elemental Overload will be useless. My hitrate is about 80 % right now and from what i played so far i never felt like i was lacking it or did not hit something. If you want you can use it on your rings or amulets but its not needed. Added it in the FAQ Bro Editado por útlima vez por realgeizterhaus#3412 en 15 ago. 2017 7:55:02
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