Twinks escribió:
PolarBearGeGe escribió:
hello, im russki and play POE first time. Can i start with your build and play with it on 3.0 patch?
Yes you can, but I woul never suggest new players to do so.
Path of Exile is now over 5 years old and has plenty of mechanics and different Boss abilities and those you should learn / understand before you are using certain skills and Righteous Fire is one of those skills. I would recommend to play as a first build some Necromancer or Summon Raging Spirit (SRS) version due them not being gear dependent and being also really cheap in their basics.
Both do have minons / followers which will proveid you the time needed to read/learn/understand those game/boss mechanics and after you did that you will have way more fun with more in depth builds.
TorrentKing escribió:
Why do you get the frenzy charge in merc? Where are you getting the charges?
Blood Dance Boots for Frenzy, Red Dream for Endurance charges.
Path_Blazer escribió:
MoM Summarize:Investment into mana does mean losing life, defense and/or damage
I'm playing my first RF character as a MoM Inquisitor right now in the Beta. I understand how speccing into mana/mana regen will lower your overall life pool, hence your damage. My initial thought was that I could make up the damage loss via items (Searing Touch, dual Doryani's, dual Pyre rings) since I don't need Rise of Phoenix, Koam's rings, Chieftain Ascendancy etc.
If I went "MoM RF", and I managed to get half the maximum life as a "Pure Life RF" and used all the same gems, the MoM variant would require 2x the total "increased damage" mods to achieve the same damage, right?
Again I don't know shit about RF builds, but I assume the trees are basically all life/regen, and that most of the damage comes from gems and items. If this is the case, shouldn't it be easy to get 2x "Increased damage" using the items I listed above?
I guess I have 2 specific questions for you:
How much HP/ES can you realistically end up with if you go pure Life-based or LL?
How much total "increased damage" do you realistically end up with?
If MOM RF would be in some way vailable you would have seen by now some 3.0 Guides with a decent amount of replies. For now it is still just the same old crap with hyping shit up, theory crafting a bit and making really bad videos about it and all that because it is/was new/reworked.
Your basic RF damage is where all the calculations going towards, your basic RF damage is the burning damage of your max Life (now 50% with 3.0 40% <- that does also mean that that is not a 10% nerf it is a 20% nerf because it is a 1/5 of your max amount) so losing Life is in both directions the worst thing you can do (survivability and damage wise).
Saying a correct/max amount of Life or ES pool is always difficult because it is most of the time really gear depending, so do not take that 1:1.
Life: with that Version as a Scion ~ 8.500
Marauder with a other Version ~ 11.000
ES: Is hard for me to say due me not giving a crap about beta with possible changes, so I did no testing whatsoever and with recent ES changes it would be a random guess in the dark.
Download Path of Building, use that https://pastebin.com/vc5TM82e at the import section, go to the calcs section and you will see the increased and more damage values.
Total increased all: 276%, Total more all: 79%, Total increased Fire: 409%, Total more Fire: 109%.
now im lvl 48 have all gems all items (cheap build) and wanna fast take lvl 65 and try play it =)
Publicado porPolarBearGeGe#5325en 20 jul. 2017 6:34:59Bloqueado
Is there a limit for the "increased area of effect" gem? Or a limit in general?
Because my area of my RF (lv. 19) gem is quite big but I dont see any difference of changing 2 increased AoE gems in my chestplate.
For example: I put a lv. 5 AoE gem --> Area is getting a little bit bigger
I put a lv. 19 AoE gem instead of the lv. 5 one --> area stays the same.
In theory it should getting bigger but it isnt.
I have only played 300 hours so I dont have so much experience as other. I mean, I am not new to this game but I am still learning, so it could be that I am doing something wrong there :)
Hi, there is no maximum limit of increased area of effect.
However, AoE had "recently" a complete overhaul how the calculations are working.
Since then it is way easier to reach quickly a big area, but if you continue further to stack it, the difference will become only marginal, meaning that if you recognize almost no more change you can for instance respecc a few AoE passiv skillpoints to something more effective or swap the gem if there is an alternative available.
Publicado porTwinks#7280en 20 jul. 2017 23:37:53
How to get charges?
Frenzy Charges with Blood Dance Boots
Endurance Charges with Red Dream/Nightmare Jewel
Edit: added now to the Guide at Mechanics section
Lonewolf Editado por útlima vez por Twinks#7280 en 21 jul. 2017 2:59:44
Twinks escribió:
Hi, there is no maximum limit of increased area of effect.
However, AoE had "recently" a complete overhaul how the calculations are working.
Since then it is way easier to reach quickly a big area, but if you continue further to stack it, the difference will become only marginal, meaning that if you recognize almost no more change you can for instance respecc a few AoE passiv skillpoints to something more effective or swap the gem if there is an alternative available.
Oh, really thank you for this information :)
Really enjoying this build!
I'm sorry if it's been mentioned before, but how would you change the build with the assumption that you can't get the Red Dream jewel for endurance charges? Like in the upcoming 3.0 league, for example.
Thanks for putting so much work into this.
Draugexa escribió:
Really enjoying this build!
I'm sorry if it's been mentioned before, but how would you change the build with the assumption that you can't get the Red Dream jewel for endurance charges? Like in the upcoming 3.0 league, for example.
Thanks for putting so much work into this.
Hi, the red dream/nightmare jewel is a nice quality of life item, providing additional physical damage mitigation, a longer immortal call duration + additional blockchance if it is the nightmare version.
All three of them are not necessary though, we have alrdy a nice amount of phys dmg mitigation due us stacking armour. The immortal calls main function is to counter single high dmg hits/bursts and for that you don´t need a longer duration. The blockchance is nice to have.
With 3.0 the jewel will most likely become a luxus instead of a QOL item due them planning to implement breaches only at every ~10th map. If you think now how rare Chayulas are and how badly they do provide splinters most of the time... yeah enough said.
To get to an answer, I do already provide edngame skilltrees with and without the Jewel for 2.6 at the passivtree section and I will do the same when I release the 3.0 trees, which will be around 1st of August due it still being subject to change and beta wave 4 still not being released.
(Release date of 3.0 is currently the 4th of August)
No more Frenzy xD
Publicado porm_k4y#6575en 28 jul. 2017 4:59:07
m_k4y escribió:
Enlightn me if I missed something, but the only change towards Frenzy Chargs was that it does not count anymore for all damage sources it is now for attack skills only right?
So yeah we lose up to ~15% Damage, but the priority is and always has been the life regeneration combined with the Blood Dance Boots.
Thanks for your contribution though "no more Frenzy xD" is a really helpful, detailed and mature post, mkay.