[3.25]g00fy_goober's EleBuzzsaw Deadeye (Easily Clear All Content) *REVAMPED AGAIN*

Anubrious escribió:

Not sure but the way I read it was that in the video you recently posted, it did not appear that you were min-maxed.
I was actually curious about the level of gear and stats from the posted video and if there is much room for reasonable improvement or would improvement only be attainable with an unlimited bankroll?

I mean you can view my character still to see for sure but no I was not fully min-maxed. I mean I was still pretty geared but definitely not min-maxed. I had no enchant, could have up'd a lot of gems to 21/23 or even 21/20 or 20/23 depending on what was better... never had culling strike or anything on gloves, only one mod (if I remember correctly) on watcher's eye, etc etc.

That being said it all depends on price of league. With harvest being back I would assume getting things like the culling strike + frenzy charges gloves would be a LOT easier. Getting enchant on helm your still screwed unless you pay many many exalts to a lab runner. Last league they were going for around 70 exalts (though heist was super inflated) and you had to pay all materials + twice enchants and such. The video is top gear just definitely not min-maxed even the claw could have been a lot better if I continued to fossil spam or was able to find one with a t1 fire or cold mod fracture on it.

z32019912 escribió:

I'd love to see vids for T16 maps, do you know the tool tip dmg on this current build?
still, cant wait to start!!!! already grabbed the ST mtx effect

There is very very little difference between t14 and t16 maps. Map mods obviously effect things but difference between t14 and t16 is completely negligible. Tooltip I have no idea, but in game tooltip is awful, just go by POB. So many different thing are not counted for in game tooltip.

Quazifuji escribió:
Do you think Venom Gyre could be an alternative to Spectral Throw for ele builds now that its flat chaos damage got converted into better added damage instead? Compared to Spectral Throw you need to get pierce instead of having it built in and you can't buzzsaw so it's a maximum of two hits, but the damage is mostly front-loaded into the first hit (which means better scaling with Point Blank), it has better base attack speed, slightly better added damage effectiveness at gem level 20 if you only hit twice with either skill, and you get the weird Whirling Blades mechanic.

Is Spectral Throw still just better due to the potential to hit more than twice and the built-in infinite pierce? Or do you think Venom Gyre could be a reasonable option?

I have no idea. This is a build guide for spectral throw not a discussion topic on which one of 2 different skills is better and why. Sorry.

WlckedSlck escribió:
Seems like someone gets paid to put "MTX looks awesome."

If you are insinuating that GGG pays secretly to have guide makers put "mtx looks awesome" in their guide... I don't even know how to begin to insult your intelligence.

I simply think one huge pro to builds is having an awesome ass looking skill. So I put it under pro's.

fudgerockers escribió:

I played this build basically all throughout Harvest. If you check my profile for the character SyrianImmigrant__ (two underscores, level 97 raider) I spent quite a lot of time min-maxing the gear for this build. I used Crown of the Tyrant until I was able to craft this helmet, which all said and done wasn't that hard to make in Harvest with the appropriate fossils. A slightly worse version of the claw is also not that difficult to craft using essences. At a certain level of gear, you start overcapping crit, which allows for some interesting options.

I preferred to use Tombfists over a pair of culling strike gripped gloves, since it was more feasible to get frenzy charges as well, and the intimidate makes up for the damage difference.

I can't overstate how important the mana cost affixes are to this build, as your attack speed doesn't matter if you can't leech fast enough to cover the high mana costs.

I really liked linking Nightblade for the Elusive, which helps with survivability. I also was testing out Withering Step with cwdt to keep the elusive buff topped off.

The last thing I messed with a lot was cluster jewels. Never really found a perfect answer, but I was satisfied with the setup I achieved.

Harvest crafting really enables this build to go above and beyond. Can't wait to try it again this league with the new ascendancy changes.

Not a huge fan of tombfists at all. They have been nerfed so hard and it sucks to lose 1-2 gem slots. That being said it was probably much easier to get a good corrupt or double corrupt on them. I will definitely agree to the part of harvest crafting being able to take a build like this to the next level. Will be interesting to see how good harvest crafting is still and how viable some of the godly end game stuff is to achieve.

ZipfelKobold escribió:
Is this build possible without Avatar of the Slaughter and instead Avatar of the Chase because yo unow have perma phasing and onslaught?

I mean it is, but I would not recommend it. Onslaught is pretty easy to keep up with a flask and the avatar of the slaughter #'s apply PER frenzy charge don't forget. So it actually grants you (at minimum with 7 frenzys)... 70% inc damage, 28% attack speed, 28% move speed, and 70% inc evasion rating. Where as rapid assault is just going to give you 30% attack speed and 30% movespeed and that is with the 50% increased effect. Don't forget that with onslaught flask we alredy get 20% attack/move already. If you mean to drop way of the poacher and also grab avatar of the chase... then you would lose frenzy charge generation and +1 frenzy charge just to get 20% inc attack speed and 35% more evade for melee/projectile attacks. So overall no, it just isn't even close to being worth it.

ramistero escribió:

good afternoon,
I am a beginner, would it be possible to generate a leveler pob step by step?
I really liked this build, so I'm going to start at 3.13.

No. Sorry. As you will learn from POE in the coming years and the numerous builds I am sure you will make. The order on the passive tree matters very little. With a few exceptions on certain key notables on builds, most stuff just gives you damage or life. I would pick up all the passives and save the cluster jewel stuff for the end. Making a leveling POB would just be a giant waste of time tbh.

glagla00 escribió:
why is it "no leech" isnt listed as an issue of the build? or is there somewhere im missing where it can bypass the no leech?

What no leech are you referring to exactly?
What no leech are you referring to exactly?

no leech map mod. my mistake not specifying. also the stats on the PoB are funky with the lack of int.
glagla00 escribió:
What no leech are you referring to exactly?

no leech map mod. my mistake not specifying. also the stats on the PoB are funky with the lack of int.

It used to be listed but I removed it since revamp as it is not an issue. Mana cost is 0, so mana is never an issue no regen no leech isn't a problem. As for life, you just use flask and it's fine. 99% of time you don't even realize it is no leech tbh unless there is a ground effect like burning/desecrate or something.

Not sure what you mean by stats being funky. But int comes from jewels/cluster passives and on items if needed. Just make sure you have enough int even if it isn't in the POB.
Goofy can you please update POB link whenever you get a chance? Really interested to try this out. Thanks for your help with this!
Thanks for this build. I've (probably) decided to league start this out of nostalgia for mathil's ele buzzsaw, the first build I ever played that actually felt strong.

I'm planning on spec'ing into rapid assault for leveling and early mapping. I won't have high uptime on onslaught from other mechanisms for a while, so it's basically a full uptime 33% atk/move speed buff. I'll grab way of the poacher and avatar of the slaughter next. After uber lab I'll respec out of rapid assault and into quartz infusion + avatar of the veil.

since we use two heralds, is it possible to get trinity (new support gem) in it? since that gem seems pretty good if utilized correctly
Trying this next league because raider looks very interesting would you recommend this for someone going super sweaty 36 ?
Thanks for the revamp! Will probably do this for Ritual league start, been missing spectral throw.

Any tips for quickly getting the -mana cost crafts unlocked? I guess just run Jun on every map I can, but any further info is appreciated.
Not sure what you mean by stats being funky. But int comes from jewels/cluster passives and on items if needed. Just make sure you have enough int even if it isn't in the POB.

"177 strength 270 dex 110 int." yet it requires 155 and for some reason the 2nd cluster dosnt work anymore.
Would it be possible for you too show us a A8 Sirus with your level 100 char on standard? I know map clear will be good, but i'm worried about boss dmg, in a boss heavy league.

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