[2.4] c9q9md's Reverse Knockback Ranged Attack Totems Build! (HC)
That looks really cool.. I was playing around and thinking something like http://www.poeplanner.com/AAMAATBBQU1BQVFBQWJnRHVEandRekJSeEZIVVZJQ1VfS2hNcVRTeW5MT2t5ZmpXU09sSThMVDhuU3NSS3lGYjZXT1ZaODFvcldsSmJyMmFlYnFweUQzS3BkOWQ3SUgzMWc4eWJYYVB5cE1Lb21xdlNyS3ExOHJjLXhCWEU5c2F1MkwzYWpkME42aGp5bF9hdTl6TDRrX2pyX2dyLWgzOHJNSHhSUjQyX0JiWEM3Q3BiZ2w1UzdKVUYyY1l5bEg4Q3B1QUlpWnJ4WFdqS3FkYUstdXVTOHhYd0JpUGgyNkdrX3NnNTFHX3lvSjh4LW5iMzhrVTY0YVpYTVo1TjRfNlBlQTNBR3FsdWVXZ19fT2htQ0xGdk80YXo1MVFrX2ZfZVdLODI2UC13Qk9SMTBBREJoRk09ABBBQUFDQUFmUUFRSDBBUUFBAAA=
but I kind of like yours better now looking at it. Seems like there's a lot of flexibility around HOW you want to make it work heh. I think I'm in too far now to fix myself and go more in your direction Right now I'm at http://www.poeplanner.com/AAMAAKBBQU1BQVFBQU9BRHVEandRekJSeEZIVVZJQ1VfS2hNcVRTeW5MT2t5ZmpXU09sSThMVDhuU3NSS3lGYjZXT1ZaODFvcldsSmJyMmFlYnFweUQzS3BkOWQ3SUgzMWc4eWJYYVB5cE1Lb21xdlNyS3ExOHJjLXhCWEU5c2F1MkwzYWpkME42aGp5bF9hdTl6TDRrX2pyX2dyLWh3REJoRk09ABBBQUFDQUFmUUFRSDBBUUFBAAA= Now I'm not sure what to do. Not sure I can handle starting over again heh. What about something like this with Scion still? Not enough life? http://www.poeplanner.com/AAMAAVBBQU1BQVFBQWVnRHVEandRekJSMUZTQWxQeW9US2swc3B5enBNbjQxa2pwU1BDMF9KMHJFU3NoVy1samxXZk5hSzFwU1c2OW1ubTZxY2c5eXFYZlhleUNEekp0ZG9fS2t3cWlhcTlLc3FyWHl0ejdFOXNhdTJMM2FqZDBOOHBmMnJ2aVRfZ3ItaDM4ck1IeFJSNDJfQmJYQzdDcGJnbDVTN0pVRjJjWXlsSDhDcHVBNTFHX3lvSl95UlRyaHBsY3huazNqX285NERjQWFxVzU1YURfODZHWUlzVzg3aHJQblZDVDlfOTVZcnpib183QUU1SFhRLXRJZEZJOUdwd2pyN255RHA1UmVYZEg5MkNRMnhZUHpSS0d1RWlGMmhzN0JNNFpnR05zdUk1T1p1NTRhVlZxZlJhbG10bnR1bHlIQmZJY0hBTUdFVS1fOTN0dz0AEEFBQUNBQWZRQVFIMEFRQUEAAA== Editado por útlima vez por fiyawerx#3203 en 9 sept. 2016 16:56:26
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Actually I really like your tree - but it would REALLY benefit by not going to ancestral bond and just sticking with two totems.. check out this variant I came up with instead:
http://www.poeplanner.com/AAMAAUxBQU1BQVFBQWVBRHVEandRekJSMUZTQWxQeXBOTEtjczZUSi1OWkk2VWo4blNzUkt5RmI2V2xKYnIyNnFkOWQ3SUp0ZHBNS29tcXZTdGZMR3J0aTkybzNkRGZLWDlxNzRrXzRLX29kX0t6QjhVVWVWQmRuR01wUl9BcWJnQ0ltYThWMW95cW5XaWdZajRkdWhwUDdJT2RSdjhxQ2ZNZnAyOV9KRk91R21WekdlVGVQLWozZ053QnFwYm5sb1Bfem9aZ2l4Ynp1R3MtZFVKUDNfM2xpdk51al9zQVRrZGRDR1lEd3RnOHkzUGhqYkxpT1RtYnVlR2xWYW4wV3BacmFuMU1TaXUtUC11bjExMDM3Mm8tOTZleFM4bnhpUkRZMkhkdU9mU24wTFlhOXNhUEx3SDZJQUJMUEJCRjhfRkNEdkRsQkhBTUdFVXc9PQAQQUFBQ0FBZlFBUUgwQVFBQQAA It's pretty low on life and int but it feels very, very efficient for maximizing the paths between DoT, totems, and bow nodes. I'd also personally stay away from the pierce nodes since you'll have everything you need from the curses and ascendencies (I think that's true anyway, not sure about scion). Let me know how it works out.. you're right, this is a very flexible concept. |
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" Alright, after thinking about it, I think deadeye is the way to go especially with adding bleed into the mix. All Scion really does is get you 5% more chance to bleed, and less everything else except a better starting spot that you don't really need THAT bad. How about this? http://www.poeplanner.com/AAMAAVBBQU1DQWc4QWVoUjFGU0FsUHpXU1BDMVctbHV2ZDllRHpLVENxOUsxOHJjLTJMM2FqZDBOX2dwX0t6QjhVVWVWQmRuR01wUl9BcWJnT2RSdjhxQ2Y4a1U2NGFaWE1aNU40XzZQZUEzQUdxbHVlV2dfX09obUNMRnZPLWRVSlAzXzNsaXZOdWpfc0FUa2RkQ25DT3Z1ZklPbmxGNWQwZjNZSkRiRmdfTkVvYTRTSVhhR3pzRXotZWhCaHh6Y2dzY28tcmlUeHE0UXpJOGFUcTZ4Tm9OZmhtQTZVZzQ4TEtkS3hQYXVHTnN1STVPWnU1NGFWVnFmUmFsbXRtNnFaSVFHb1BtOS1KUC1oM3NnN2RmdmVnRzh6cWlialMyREdiUy1wMlZOdlRaSGZuZmpBZHlFMmZhanZKOFlrV2xPVThfYXNhM0N6MTRWUS1tOThMcz0AEEFBQUNBQWZRQVFIMEFRQUEAAA== With this as the starting 'target' then branching off into the ranger +crit/damage side or life as needed. http://www.poeplanner.com/AAMAANRBQU1DQWc4QVRCUjFGU0FsUHpXU1c2LWt3cXZTdGZLM1B0aTkybzNkRGY0S2VBM0FHcWx1Ynp0WXJ6Ym9fN0FFNUhYUXB3anI3bnlEcDVSZVhkSDkyQ1EyeFlQelJLR3VFaUYyaHM3Qk1fbm9RWWNjM0lMSEtQcTRrNDhhVHE2eE5oamJMaU9UbWJ1ZUdsVmFuMFdwWnJidDEtOTZBYnpPcUp1TkxZTVp0TDZuWlUyOU5rZC1kLU1CM0lUWjlxTnBUbFBQMnJHdHdzOWVGVVBwdmZDNwAQQUFBQ0FBZlFBUUgwQVFBQQAA Editado por útlima vez por fiyawerx#3203 en 10 sept. 2016 4:30:06
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Yeah those look great too.. curious to see how you like that.. the extra focus on bleed and DoT should help a lot I think vs my original idea's focus on crit..
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https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1736978 Can someone check my thread here? I was thinking of taking a more (effective?) route with the passive tree by tying to split the knockback and knockback on crit to be around 50/50. Would my idea be worse than C9's or would it be a sound alternative, for a more greedy style play? I feel that it provides around the same survivability, but more damange while sacrificing just a bit of the reliable knockback mechanic. Thanks in advanced.
Or a non crit variant is better? http://cb.poedb.tw/us/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAABAQOWBOQFLQagB3UNzQ48EMwQ8BRxFHUVIBZvGJEZtBo4G6ocziFVJKonLyoTK1AspyzpLYMxnjJ-NZI26DbpOlI64TsoPC1AoEMxSsRKyE3jTjJTu1jlWfNaK1pSW69eE2BDYVJkUmSEZU1mnm49bqpyD3KpdO11y3XQdqx673sge8N82YIHgwmDX4PMhO-FUoZghrOHaotPjX6QVZBsm12baqPypMKmV6iaqSesqq2Nr6e18rc-t7a8n702voC-p7_VwKbBo8T2xq7Pfti92WHZfNrB3D3dDeJh42rqGOpi707yRfJa8pf2rvcy-JP46_m9-tL-Cv5U_of-j_-w Editado por útlima vez por RuskyPrincess#3156 en 17 sept. 2016 17:17:22
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How do the different bow skills stack up? I was thinking the build could be good with Blast Rain, but then I'd be forced to go elemental rather than poison I guess. What about Barrage + Volley Fire? Is TS always best? And is Reach the end-game bow for this build, or chin sol all the way?
builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1663570/
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Replace voideheart instead deore's damning and with vuln on hit, run proj weakeness... will be better, u think so? So excited to do your build, great work, mate. U make my items not to be useless as i do, great ;D
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Build is great ) Currently running it on EHC lvl 89.
Gear: |
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I also played this on Essence Hardcore. I'm level 87 at the moment and the build very much feels done. It took me 3 characters to get up to this point though so I was able to test out a lot of stuff. One big take away that I'd like to share is that you don't really need the 4 knock back nodes at high level. With a level 19 %20 knockback gem in my 6L, I have a 78% knock back chance which I've found to be more than enough. Thanks to this and a few other small tweaks, I'm sitting at 6.2k HP (and I messed up normal bandits and got the skill point by mistake, so it could be higher still).
Once you get Deadeye, a 30-35% Rain of Splinters, and a Skirmish with a +1 arrow mod the build really starts to shine. Here's my gear: And my current skill tree for any interested: www.poeurl.com/NPG Edit: another thing I wanted to mention is not to neglect the totem defense nodes. The bonus HP and elemental resists especially help in higher tier maps. I've gotten up to being able to solo rare tier 11 and 12's with little problem after beefing them up a bit. On high added elemental damage and reflect maps, they can go down pretty fast, so be warned! Editado por útlima vez por Andizlack#4996 en 4 oct. 2016 14:00:47
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Do you have enough dmg for high tier maps? In your tree there are almost no dmg nodes(bow damage, physical damage, etc). I wonder if you need some GG gears to do ... Uber Atziri?
Thanks! |
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