[2.4] c9q9md's Reverse Knockback Ranged Attack Totems Build! (HC)
Hi, I'm currently lvl 76 with your build, it works well, it's cheap and very fun to play.
Still I'm wondering, is that possible to switch to another type of totem build not involving the knocback thing with that character that'd work efficiently ? |
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will king of hill node work with the totems too?,
been thinking maybe to make it a crit too, and use the king of hill node inorder to proc more knock backs, u think it can work? |
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hey thats my gear, and theres my skill tree https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAABAADBAdEFtRDMFHUVIBa_GjgdwiF2I_YknST9JpUqEzB8Mfo1kjY9N9Q51DwtSshNklFHVUtW-ljlWfNaK1pSW69h4mJaYqxmnmyMbqpwUnIPcql1_Xb3eyB7bnvDfXV_K4Nfg8yEU4Rvhs6HB4nTjDaNfY2_kFWXIZtdnaqgn6EiokCj8qTCpq-n1KiarKqv67TFtUi18rc-u-PBM8F8wuzEosT2xq7TftQj1ELYvd0N3tznVOtj7T_uDu967_3yl_T49qP4k_4K_of-uv7I_94=?accountName=erani&characterName=eraniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii having a blast, took ur build on another approach(ranger wheel), will try later to somehow understand how i can get powercharges/frenzy, so far just lvling without, im super squishy, but beside that everything is fine =p, enjoy ur build alot, thanks <3 |
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Would you change anything if I were to use Reach of the Council instead of Chin Sol?
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" I don't know. Reach will be very good regardless of what you do with it. The clear speed will be better, as the real only benefit in chin sol is the 500+ dps on close range. With Reach of the council I imagine the damage will be better overall, but not as good single target. |
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Any updates so far for Atlas?
Edit: Surprised with the no Ascendant changes in the patch notes so far. I wonder if there is another Ascendancy that would be better in 2.4? Editado por útlima vez por ender9#4588 en 31 ago. 2016 23:20:07
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" Ha, I'll have to let you know - I'm trying a slightly different take on this concept with the ranger deadeye, focusing on crit with king of the hill and stacking bleed and poison effects. I'll still use chin sol, empire's grasp, and skirmish, and rain of splinters since they're so cheap, but I'll probably do something like puncture + gmp + curse on hit + projectile weakness to get a bleed effect on everyone (even if there's no damage it should combine with the passives and ascendency synergies to make my crit chance and pierce chance keep up knockback, bleed, and poison going). My goal is to basically get free lmp, knockback, pierce, bleed, and poison as "supports", so the totem will work well with a simple 4 link (TS + RaT + Physical Dmg + Slower projectiles) but scale up even better with additional point blank / crit / attack speed (I'll probably test rapid decay and void manip as well). Will let you know how it goes... my worry is I won't have enough skill points after the expensive skillgrimage from the ranger start to ancestral bond to actually scale the initial bow damage or crit chance to make it all work, especially with chin sol's relatively weak 6.5% crit. I'll also probably experiment with an infractem instead since that gives me perma pierce and a higher crit... it's possible that'll be better than the stacked point blank bonuses. I'll also want to test with a double curse since vulnerability will also double dip with the initial hits and DoT effects. Editado por útlima vez por Tamale#0873 en 7 sept. 2016 19:21:02
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So for a deadeye with this build, the ascendency choices do affect arrows spit out by your totems like precision and richochet? This seems like it'd be a lot more fun than the reverse shockwave totem build, and pretty cheap too.
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" Yah they should work fine but honestly rain of splinters is better because it's +2 arrows - precision is just +1 and the chain one is behind far shot which is basically the opposite of what we're going for with the reverse knockback. I like the pierce one though because it's another mechanic that works at close range just like all the others we're stacking. |
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Also, here's the tree I'm going for... comments/suggestions welcome. It's kinda crazy to me how similar the concept is to the OP but how different my tree is.
http://poeplanner.com/AAMAATxBQU1DQWc4QWNxX3JtNDBJTHU5NjAzNEFYaG1PN1lOOWRmNjZ1LVBFb3FmVV9zajJveFVnM1ExYnJ5RjJoczdCTXhSMXBNSjMxMWI2ZnlzNTFHX3lvSl9ZWU5jdFNROE5qWWQyNDU5S2ZSamJMaU9UbWJ1ZUxZTVp0TDZuWlUyOU5uWEw2bUxhamF2U0pUOHM2UUR1S2swX0owcklicXExOGpXUzJMMy1DcmMtUVlmNTZJUE1QQzNHcmd0aHIyeG84dkFmb2dBRXN4RE1LN2FNUnZpVHdHWkZSekxSNi02bkNOZ2tOc1dEODBTaHJoSjhnNmVVWGwzUl9ZOUdIUlQ2MGhadjQycG1ubGpsS2hOYUs2UHltNkVZYWpsU1dBY2txamJwOGtVNjRhWlhNWjVwVGxQUDJyR3R3Zz09AAhBQUFBQVFBQQAA I'm right here at 55: http://poeplanner.com/AAMAANxBQU1DQWc4QVRxX3JtNDBJTHU5NjAzNEFYaG1PN1lOOWRmNjZ1LVBFb3FmVV9zajJveFVnM1ExYnJ5RjJoczdCTXhSMXBNSjMxMWI2ZnlzNTFHX3lvSjhZMnk0ams1bTduaTJER2JTLXAyVk52VFoxeS1waTJvMnIwaVVfTE9rQTdpcE5QeWRLeUc2cXRmSTFrdGk5X2dxM1BrR0gtZWpyN3FjSS10SVdiLU5xWnA1WTVTb1RXaXVqOGlTcU51bUN4eWo2SE55NGt4cHNuYTVwVGxQUDJyR3R3Zz09AAhBQUFBQVFBQQAA Just got my infractem, empire's and rain of spliters and things are going great. I got GGRR on my empire's so I put my RaT in there for now for the free knockback - RaT+TS+physical projec+Added Fire. Will keep trying for GGGR so I can do point blank or faster attacks instead of the added fire. I'm also running a deerstalker setup for the free 5L to help even more with single target - puncture, trap and mine dmg, point blank, physical proj dmg. The bleed and poison combo is already kicking in and it's very effective.. most of the time I don't even need my third totem so I might consider dropping the ancestral bond requirement entirely (which would really open up some options on the tree), or the skirmish choice (which would open up some great DPS boosting quivers).. Can't wait until I can dual curse... vulnerability should be a huge boost. |
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