[3.3] Unstoppable Gladiator 78% Max Block/Spells. Best Low Budget League Starter
" Thanks for the input! Yeah, it's why I was using Purity of Lightning in that mock-up to negate the huge lightning res penalty and make LC mitigation better. It's probably too much cost for the mitigation it provides and how much damage/utility you lose doing that. I'm leaning towards either a Rare AR/ES piece or more likely Atziri's Splendour as it gives good Life, Resists, and importantly the necessary ES to make Aegis Aurora work (the 750AR/210EV/250-270ES HP variant). Thoughts on this? Here is what the "optimal" path looks like. Subtract some off in a few areas (damage/HP) as necessary when leveling to prioritize what is currently weak (I prefer to do it this way than only doing 110 skill points...but maybe that's wrong). Tree: http://poeplanner.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 Editado por útlima vez por Rays727#2258 en 24 nov. 2016 3:09:21
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Your tree looks ok, but i have few doubts:
1. Why no Iron Reflexes? 2. Two points into Frenzy seems useless. 3. Not sure about but i would rather drop that area nodes close in Templar area and took 18% attack speed from Berserking. About body armor good rolled atziri could do the trick. I think i missed it, what aura combination you think about? |
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" 1. Formless Inferno should give me adequate armor values 2. Frenzy with Outmatch and Outlast gives a lot of damage in 90% of the map (yes, I understand it's pretty useless on most bosses with the current set-up, but it's still probably over-all faster than Violent Retribution) 3. The increased area nodes are good for increasing the damage on Blade Flurry as well as increasing the range of my curse (Vulnerability or Enfeeble depending on need). More IAS is always good, but I feel like Berserking is probably not as good....I could be wrong though; is increased area damage rolled into the general increase damage %? If so, then it's pretty weak since I pretty much all ready have +500% general damage increase. Right now I'm going for Herald of Ash, Arctic Armor, and Purity of Fire. |
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1. In some situation it still might be worth to take Iron Reflexes, depending on evasion rating from gear etc.
2. There can be different approaches to Blade Flurry. Some says attack speed is king because it lets you build 6 stacks faster and release them faster. 3. Cant really answer that question, not enough experience. |
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" How do you deal with resistances with the BoR version of the build? I was thinking in the new helmet, 2.5 Breach patch, Voll's Vision, with Splendour and Aegis Aurora. Its a not bad ES to trigger with Aegis + a lot of resistances + good amount of life (the helmet is +12% maximum and Splendour gives +100). Btw, i saw your comment about the BoR version dealing with Guardians, but how do you killed Shapper with this build? |
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hows voldheart works in this bd ?
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" Standalone without tweaks to the tree... not that good. With some adjustments it works well, but isn't that strong at all. If you use Blade Flurry, then it will work a lot better. But the Poison/bleed scaling itself is... not that great tho. Thats what I felt about using voidheart/poison █▀▀▌ █▌█▀▀▀ █▀▀▌█▄░▌
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" It seems like it's the biggest increase in damage you can get (Bleeds/Poison) if you're going RT though. I feel like it's RT way of getting some additional scaleable damage since you can't have crit. Speaking of...what's your view on the 3 point Bloodletting if you're going for Bleeding/Poison (Blade Flurry Voidheart)? Absolutely necessary? Also, what do you think of my updated tree: http://poeplanner.com/AAMAAVBBQU1FQWc4QWVya2RGZXlaSzcyQnlwQ0UyVWQtdlRabFRiNm5MOHpCZ21Mc2hPODI2SVpnT2xLOG54aVJfRXNPUEJSeC1PdnozV2hsNmhoMnJNOS1HNnJCQjlkLVl4ZXRqZjZQVGVPbVZ6cmg4a1hZdlY4X0ZDRHZEbEJINUZFYVBuN2llVG5hd1M1VDAyOTA3UVV0ZXU5QW9NQ19CSWVQbVRKT0c1ZXNyOWw4Z2dmWllZVlNtMnFMVC1uVkVQRHlXb0U2OXpKODJTZ3FsM2xHYVhLcHhQWTlEd1k1LTZyekJsRmdmTHM2MkNjdmtGVWFPS0lBQkxQd0g4Qm1HbFdJN2FuNjRlODhCZTk4RFBlYkxXanlUVWJGaXE5czhpOWhJY2F1UEMyRHpJTmZ0ejctQ2pHZWh5a0xZUWFMSU9OZjJnb212bmhzMkpMMy1BST0AFEFBQUNBQWZRQVFIMEFRTUxCZzhBAAA= |
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" Imo best choice for chest piece is, as stated on post, a rare high Life & Armour/ES. I don't see any real improvement using those expensive 6L unique chests and budget will be greatly increased. I don't recommend Belly at all, bad armour and no ES. I understand that you're trying to fit new Formless Inferno on this build, but I still prefer trying to get the best ES from helmet + chest I can get not loosing Armour. Imo, that makes the real difference related to survivability. Because you block so much, if your ES pool is high enough, Aegis increase your tankiness capabilities incredibly. If you're going to try Blade Flurry (I just started testing), then my initial suggestion is that you focus on Varunastra version of the build. I don't think that going with a rare sword could get enough damage from this part of the tree. But right now I'm not sure about this, I need more time for further testing. |
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" Cap resistances with BoR version is not that hard, on post you will see my actual tree & gear and how I manage to cap resistances with not so good gear. I'm not sure about Voll's Vision. Helmet is OK, but you need some extra block from corrupted Anvil, if not, then you will need jewels with +1% block chance. So, maybe is not that good tradeoff. |
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