[3.3] Unstoppable Gladiator 78% Max Block/Spells. Best Low Budget League Starter
" https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQCAADuBIcFLQaLCEkKJgz3E0wUIBUgF-EY2xm0Gj4g4yFgJJsm-CgqKaUqTSzpLYMvzDB3MgkyTjWSOuE7OzwtPydAoEE_QXREnkd-SshN404yUEdR5lO7VuhZ_l85Xz9f2mLsZFJlTWebbEZuqnJscql07XTxdit2rHdTeTl673zZfuKAioNfg8yE2YTvhrOK8ItPjM-PmZL3lIeXeZstnsWmV6aNqZWsr64-sKuy3LXytoq3Pr02vqfAv8GCwaPEgsT2xq7Pfti92sHdDd-y4JXiYeRR6hjvDvJF9kj3MvdN-AL46_4K_o8= thx i think i achieved it :) i am going to change belt enchant when tora reaches lvl 7 and change fire golem with blood rage when i have enough cromatic to change the socket. i want to add something.i just killed wasteland boss with vulnerability&elemental weakness curse on me without running from his charge&smash&aoe.just head to head.i think this is the proff of this builds survivability.thx again mas_mariano Editado por útlima vez por espanyol44#4354 en 26 abr. 2016 7:21:34
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" Before 2.2, I made a Max Block Attack/Spell character with the combination of Rainbowstride + Stone of Lazhwar + Rumi's. Reckless Defence is from 2.2 so I didn't count with it. I found myself pretty tight with all the gear/flask/jewels required to achieve max block spells, but it works. I remember how many SoL & Lioneye's Remorse I corrupted to get the additional Max Block needed (btw, great way for making currency). So, I'm not saying is not possible to achieve, just saying that is a lot more easier to do it with Gladiator Class and because you don't need SoL, being able to use The Anvil gives you +3% to Max Block, plus solving all life/mana gain issues (plus block chance and great armour). Reckless defence has some drawbacks too, with the additional chance to receive Crit Strikes. Not going to say that this build is better than any other, just saying that using Berserker Class is a very different build than this one. |
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" Well, I will try to answer everything, hope not to forget anything. Survivability in both builds (the original one and the RT alternative) should be the same. I played both long enough, and all the video section are made with the first original version of the build. But, besides that, now I strongly recommend the RT version, because is an overall improvement. Life/Mana Gain: using Static Strike (SS) and having the +3 mana gain from Varunastra and the life/mana gain from Anvil is good enough, but if you still have problems with it, you can go for mana regen as NambrVan stated, or in my opinion, go for a jewel with +2 mana gain on hit affix (I used it on the Doryani's Catalyst alternative build) and is surely enough for solving any mana problem. Testing other skills with larger AoE (Reave mostly) I found myself with mana issues, and that was because mobs don't get close enough to hit so I can't block. Just give it a try to the jewel affix without Mana Leech and see how it works for you. About Life Leech versus LGoH, in my opinion Q20 Reckoning (for the AoE) + LGoH is way better. CWDT Combo: The problem with Enfeeble is that the level of Enfeeble is higher than the supported level from CWDT. So, while using Curse on Hit, what happens? CWDT triggers Tempest Shield and then Tempest Shield with his Arc Lightning attack triggers Curse on Hit with Enfeeble. Enfeeble works with CWDT, but at the supported level (I used both configurations in a previous block build). Golem: not a big issue with RT version (Ice Golem is mandatory in my opinion for the original version, really helps crits). You can use it in CWDT if you remove Curse on Hit as stated before, so you don't need to cast it, as NambrVan says. Passive Tree: as you commented before, the only differences I see is that you don't change it when I corrected and go for Amplify. Take into account that going that way, you will get 20% increased AoE damage and a 10% AoE Radius increase not loosing anything, maybe not mandatory, but I think is a really good improvement. Gear Suggestions: try to rush a 30% Movement Speed boots (for me not having that is pretty annoying) and look for +10/15 Attack Speed Gloves, great APS improvement. For jewels, try the +2 Mana Gain on Hit affix as stated before. Skill Gems: Blood Rage is your first priority, is a great boost. And if you can, add Riposte too, but not as important as Blood Rage. " Much appreciated! Happy the builds works for you! |
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" glad to hear, that you like my suggestions ;) here is a great link to see every day if the lab is easy or not: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/4gg7xz/daily_labyrinth_april_26_2016/ I think Decree of Light would be very nice on gloves. But cause of our block I think this will not trigger every 5 seconds. So I think Decree of Blades or Decree of Force could be the best choise. What you think? Editado por útlima vez por crush4#1879 en 26 abr. 2016 11:07:05
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changing gloves and boots will be my first priority but resist cap is a huge problem.playing without 30 movement speed is realy annoying you are right.i need to change comple gear to fix this coz of elemental res cap.i used mana gain jewel before but still had mana issue on no/low mana regen maps.as i said before i new to this game registered on 26.03.2016 and started to play on 05.04.2016 just 21 days passed so i am poor :) but i gonna change asap then i will write the improvements.thx again.
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Fun build. Working my way through the 80s in HC and it feels very smooth.
Recommend linking Whirling Blades to Blood Magic instead of Fortify. Helps a lot with mana/movement. Having leap slam on swap for terrain obstacles is nice as well. I dropped Skull Cracking and Berserking for Barbarism and 2 Jewel Slots. I don't think stuns work well with this build. A lot of our damage is fast, small attacks that likely fall under the 10% stun consideration threshold. Stunning isn't as effective on (likely) blinded enemies. Varunastra makes finding rare attack speed/physical damage gems much easier for ~5-10c. All in all, we lose 2% attack speed, 10% physical damage and gain 10% life, 17 ele res, and 2 open jewel affixes. I took the Frenzy charge from Merc Bandits. The Mara Endurance Charge looks juicy as well, not sure what I'd trade off for it though. Have you tested/considered Gratuitous Violence? |
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" - I switch between Blood Magic and Fortify. I use Blood Magic for the whole map and then switch to fortify for the boss. - I think your suggestions are very well, I'll try these improvements. - I'm using Gratuitous Violence at the moment cause it's a constant 30% more dmg. Also the area damage is huge. With Violent Retaliation I had problems getting charges |
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Incredible how different people define unstoppable. You whirl into white skele pack and get hit for a third of ur max life does not count as unstoppable in my book. Also, ur 200kdps does not show at all. My gladiator has 71%+12% phys, 78%/78% block, 6k life, fortify and enfeeble CoDT) and does for reference clear gorge (with retarded mods) about 3 times faster without looking scared every time he is about to whirl into a pack...
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" I changed my original answer, simply can't find any good use to gloves enchantments with this build. The cooldown is way too much. Maybe Decree of Reflection could have some use as a diversion, is the only thing I can think of right now. Editado por útlima vez por mas_mariano#3542 en 26 abr. 2016 17:06:15
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" Maybe a easy change that could be great is start using a Q20/L20 Blood Rage. With 3 charges you got 32% Attack Speed & 12% more Damage. |
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